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Python Django Feed用法及代码示例

本文介绍 django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed 的用法。


class views.Feed

此示例说明了 Feed 类的所有可能属性和方法:

from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed
from django.utils import feedgenerator

class ExampleFeed(Feed):

    # FEED TYPE -- Optional. This should be a class that subclasses
    # django.utils.feedgenerator.SyndicationFeed. This designates
    # which type of feed this should be: RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0, etc. If
    # you don't specify feed_type, your feed will be RSS 2.0. This
    # should be a class, not an instance of the class.

    feed_type = feedgenerator.Rss201rev2Feed

    # TEMPLATE NAMES -- Optional. These should be strings
    # representing names of Django templates that the system should
    # use in rendering the title and description of your feed items.
    # Both are optional. If a template is not specified, the
    # item_title() or item_description() methods are used instead.

    title_template = None
    description_template = None

    # LANGUAGE -- Optional. This should be a string specifying a language
    # code. Defaults to django.utils.translation.get_language().
    language = 'de'

    # TITLE -- One of the following three is required. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def title(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the
        feed's title as a normal Python string.

    def title(self):
        Returns the feed's title as a normal Python string.

    title = 'foo' # Hard-coded title.

    # LINK -- One of the following three is required. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def link(self, obj):
        # Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the URL
        # of the HTML version of the feed as a normal Python string.

    def link(self):
        Returns the URL of the HTML version of the feed as a normal Python

    link = '/blog/' # Hard-coded URL.

    # FEED_URL -- One of the following three is optional. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def feed_url(self, obj):
        # Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        # own URL as a normal Python string.

    def feed_url(self):
        Returns the feed's own URL as a normal Python string.

    feed_url = '/blog/rss/' # Hard-coded URL.

    # GUID -- One of the following three is optional. The framework looks
    # for them in this order. This property is only used for Atom feeds
    # (where it is the feed-level ID element). If not provided, the feed
    # link is used as the ID.

    def feed_guid(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the globally
        unique ID for the feed as a normal Python string.

    def feed_guid(self):
        Returns the feed's globally unique ID as a normal Python string.

    feed_guid = '/foo/bar/1234' # Hard-coded guid.

    # DESCRIPTION -- One of the following three is required. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def description(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        description as a normal Python string.

    def description(self):
        Returns the feed's description as a normal Python string.

    description = 'Foo bar baz.' # Hard-coded description.

    # AUTHOR NAME --One of the following three is optional. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def author_name(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        author's name as a normal Python string.

    def author_name(self):
        Returns the feed's author's name as a normal Python string.

    author_name = 'Sally Smith' # Hard-coded author name.

    # AUTHOR EMAIL --One of the following three is optional. The framework
    # looks for them in this order.

    def author_email(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        author's email as a normal Python string.

    def author_email(self):
        Returns the feed's author's email as a normal Python string.

    author_email = 'test@example.com' # Hard-coded author email.

    # AUTHOR LINK --One of the following three is optional. The framework
    # looks for them in this order. In each case, the URL should include
    # the "http://" and domain name.

    def author_link(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        author's URL as a normal Python string.

    def author_link(self):
        Returns the feed's author's URL as a normal Python string.

    author_link = 'https://www.example.com/' # Hard-coded author URL.

    # CATEGORIES -- One of the following three is optional. The framework
    # looks for them in this order. In each case, the method/attribute
    # should return an iterable object that returns strings.

    def categories(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        categories as iterable over strings.

    def categories(self):
        Returns the feed's categories as iterable over strings.

    categories = ("python", "django") # Hard-coded list of categories.

    # COPYRIGHT NOTICE -- One of the following three is optional. The
    # framework looks for them in this order.

    def feed_copyright(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        copyright notice as a normal Python string.

    def feed_copyright(self):
        Returns the feed's copyright notice as a normal Python string.

    feed_copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2007, Sally Smith' # Hard-coded copyright notice.

    # TTL -- One of the following three is optional. The framework looks
    # for them in this order. Ignored for Atom feeds.

    def ttl(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns the feed's
        TTL (Time To Live) as a normal Python string.

    def ttl(self):
        Returns the feed's TTL as a normal Python string.

    ttl = 600 # Hard-coded Time To Live.

    # ITEMS -- One of the following three is required. The framework looks
    # for them in this order.

    def items(self, obj):
        Takes the object returned by get_object() and returns a list of
        items to publish in this feed.

    def items(self):
        Returns a list of items to publish in this feed.

    items = ('Item 1', 'Item 2') # Hard-coded items.

    # GET_OBJECT -- This is required for feeds that publish different data
    # for different URL parameters. (See "A complex example" above.)

    def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Takes the current request and the arguments from the URL, and
        returns an object represented by this feed. Raises
        django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist on error.

    # ITEM TITLE AND DESCRIPTION -- If title_template or
    # description_template are not defined, these are used instead. Both are
    # optional, by default they will use the string representation of the
    # item.

    def item_title(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        title as a normal Python string.

    def item_title(self):
        Returns the title for every item in the feed.

    item_title = 'Breaking News: Nothing Happening' # Hard-coded title.

    def item_description(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        description as a normal Python string.

    def item_description(self):
        Returns the description for every item in the feed.

    item_description = 'A description of the item.' # Hard-coded description.

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        Returns a dictionary to use as extra context if either
        description_template or item_template are used.

        Default implementation preserves the old behavior
        of using {'obj': item, 'site': current_site} as the context.

    # ITEM LINK -- One of these three is required. The framework looks for
    # them in this order.

    # First, the framework tries the two methods below, in
    # order. Failing that, it falls back to the get_absolute_url()
    # method on each item returned by items().

    def item_link(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's URL.

    def item_link(self):
        Returns the URL for every item in the feed.

    # ITEM_GUID -- The following method is optional. If not provided, the
    # item's link is used by default.

    def item_guid(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as return by items(), and returns the item's ID.

    # ITEM_GUID_IS_PERMALINK -- The following method is optional. If
    # provided, it sets the 'isPermaLink' attribute of an item's
    # GUID element. This method is used only when 'item_guid' is
    # specified.

    def item_guid_is_permalink(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns a boolean.

    item_guid_is_permalink = False  # Hard coded value

    # ITEM AUTHOR NAME -- One of the following three is optional. The
    # framework looks for them in this order.

    def item_author_name(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        author's name as a normal Python string.

    def item_author_name(self):
        Returns the author name for every item in the feed.

    item_author_name = 'Sally Smith' # Hard-coded author name.

    # ITEM AUTHOR EMAIL --One of the following three is optional. The
    # framework looks for them in this order.
    # If you specify this, you must specify item_author_name.

    def item_author_email(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        author's email as a normal Python string.

    def item_author_email(self):
        Returns the author email for every item in the feed.

    item_author_email = 'test@example.com' # Hard-coded author email.

    # ITEM AUTHOR LINK -- One of the following three is optional. The
    # framework looks for them in this order. In each case, the URL should
    # include the "http://" and domain name.
    # If you specify this, you must specify item_author_name.

    def item_author_link(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        author's URL as a normal Python string.

    def item_author_link(self):
        Returns the author URL for every item in the feed.

    item_author_link = 'https://www.example.com/' # Hard-coded author URL.

    # ITEM ENCLOSURES -- One of the following three is optional. The
    # framework looks for them in this order. If one of them is defined,
    # ``item_enclosure_url``, ``item_enclosure_length``, and
    # ``item_enclosure_mime_type`` will have no effect.

    def item_enclosures(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns a list of
        ``django.utils.feedgenerator.Enclosure`` objects.

    def item_enclosures(self):
        Returns the ``django.utils.feedgenerator.Enclosure`` list for every
        item in the feed.

    item_enclosures = []  # Hard-coded enclosure list

    # ITEM ENCLOSURE URL -- One of these three is required if you're
    # publishing enclosures and you're not using ``item_enclosures``. The
    # framework looks for them in this order.

    def item_enclosure_url(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        enclosure URL.

    def item_enclosure_url(self):
        Returns the enclosure URL for every item in the feed.

    item_enclosure_url = "/foo/bar.mp3" # Hard-coded enclosure link.

    # ITEM ENCLOSURE LENGTH -- One of these three is required if you're
    # publishing enclosures and you're not using ``item_enclosures``. The
    # framework looks for them in this order. In each case, the returned
    # value should be either an integer, or a string representation of the
    # integer, in bytes.

    def item_enclosure_length(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        enclosure length.

    def item_enclosure_length(self):
        Returns the enclosure length for every item in the feed.

    item_enclosure_length = 32000 # Hard-coded enclosure length.

    # ITEM ENCLOSURE MIME TYPE -- One of these three is required if you're
    # publishing enclosures and you're not using ``item_enclosures``. The
    # framework looks for them in this order.

    def item_enclosure_mime_type(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        enclosure MIME type.

    def item_enclosure_mime_type(self):
        Returns the enclosure MIME type for every item in the feed.

    item_enclosure_mime_type = "audio/mpeg" # Hard-coded enclosure MIME type.

    # ITEM PUBDATE -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is a
    # hook that specifies how to get the pubdate for a given item.
    # In each case, the method/attribute should return a Python
    # datetime.datetime object.

    def item_pubdate(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's

    def item_pubdate(self):
        Returns the pubdate for every item in the feed.

    item_pubdate = datetime.datetime(2005, 5, 3) # Hard-coded pubdate.

    # ITEM UPDATED -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is a
    # hook that specifies how to get the updateddate for a given item.
    # In each case, the method/attribute should return a Python
    # datetime.datetime object.

    def item_updateddate(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's

    def item_updateddate(self):
        Returns the updateddate for every item in the feed.

    item_updateddate = datetime.datetime(2005, 5, 3) # Hard-coded updateddate.

    # ITEM CATEGORIES -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is
    # a hook that specifies how to get the list of categories for a given
    # item. In each case, the method/attribute should return an iterable
    # object that returns strings.

    def item_categories(self, item):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's

    def item_categories(self):
        Returns the categories for every item in the feed.

    item_categories = ("python", "django") # Hard-coded categories.

    # ITEM COPYRIGHT NOTICE (only applicable to Atom feeds) -- One of the
    # following three is optional. The framework looks for them in this
    # order.

    def item_copyright(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        copyright notice as a normal Python string.

    def item_copyright(self):
        Returns the copyright notice for every item in the feed.

    item_copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2007, Sally Smith' # Hard-coded copyright notice.

    # ITEM COMMENTS URL -- It's optional to use one of these three. This is
    # a hook that specifies how to get the URL of a page for comments for a
    # given item.

    def item_comments(self, obj):
        Takes an item, as returned by items(), and returns the item's
        comments URL as a normal Python string.

    def item_comments(self):
        Returns the comments URL for every item in the feed.

    item_comments = 'https://www.example.com/comments' # Hard-coded comments URL
在 Django 3.2 中更改:

通过item_comments 钩子添加了对每个提要项的评论 URL 的支持。


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自djangoproject.com大神的英文原创作品 django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。