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Python ArcGIS areas_and_lengths用法及代码示例

本文简要介绍 python 语言中 arcgis.geometry.areas_and_lengths 的用法。


arcgis.geometry.areas_and_lengths(polygons, length_unit, area_unit, calculation_type, spatial_ref=4326, gis=None, future=False)


JSON 作为字典,或 GeometryJob 对象。如果 future = True ,则结果是 Future 对象。调用 result() 获取响应。

areas_and_lengths 函数计算输入数组中指定的每个 Polygon 的面积和周长。




要计算面积和长度的 Polygon 数组。


计算多边形周长的长度单位。如果 calculation_type 是平面的,则 length_unit 可以是任何 esriUnits 常量(字符串或整数)。如果 calculationType 不是平面的,则 length_unit 必须是线性 esriUnits 常数,例如 esriSRUnit_Meter`(i.e. `9001`|`LengthUnits.METER ) 或 esriSRUnit_SurveyMile`(i.e. `9035`|`LengthUnits.SURVEYMILE )。如果未指定 length_unit,则单位派生自 spatial_ref 。如果未指定spatial_ref,则单位为米。有关有效单位的列表,请参阅 esriSRUnitType ConstantsesriSRUnit2Type Constants


将计算多边形面积的面积单位。如果calculation_type 是平面的,那么area_unit 可以是任何esriAreaUnits 常量(字典或枚举)。如果 calculation_type 不是平面的,则 area_unit 必须是 esriAreaUnits 常量,例如 AreaUnits.SQUAREMETERS(即 {“areaUnit”: “esriSquareMeters”} )或 AreaUnits.SQUAREMILES(即 {“areaUnit”: “esriSquareMiles”} )。如果未指定 area_unit,则单位派生自 spatial_ref 。如果未指定spatial_ref,则单位为平方米。有关有效单位的列表,请参阅 esriAreaUnits Constants 。有效的 esriAreaUnits 常量列表包括 esriSquareInches | esriSquareFeet | esriSquareYards | esriAcres | esriSquareMiles | esriSquareMillimeters | esriSquareCentimeters | esriSquareDecimeters | esriSquareMeters | esriAres | esriHectares | esriSquareKilometers.



1. planar - Planar measurements use 2D Euclidean distance to calculate area and length. This should only be used if the area or length needs to be calculated in the given SpatialReference. Otherwise, use preserveShape.

2. geodesic - Use this type if you want to calculate an area or length using only the vertices of the Polygon and define the lines between the points as geodesic segments independent of the actual shape of the Polygon. A geodesic segment is the shortest path between two points on an ellipsoid.

3. preserveShape - This type calculates the area or length of the geometry on the surface of the Earth ellipsoid. The shape of the geometry in its coordinate system is preserved.


可选布尔值。如果为 True,则将返回 future 对象,并且进程不会等待任务完成。默认为False,表示等待结果。

>>> # Use case 1
>>> areas_and_lengths(polygons =[polygon1, polygon2,...],
                      length_unit = 9001,
                      area_unit = {"areaUnit": "esriSquareMeters"},
                      calculation_type = "planar")
>>> # Use case 2
>>> from arcgis.geometry import LengthUnits, AreaUnits
>>> areas_and_lengths(polygons =[polygon1, polygon2,...],
                      length_unit = LengthUnits.METER,
                      area_unit = AreaUnits.SQUAREMETERS,
                      calculation_type = "planar",
                      future = True)


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自arcgis.com大神的英文原创作品 arcgis.geometry.areas_and_lengths。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。