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Java Character isDefined()用法及代码示例

Character 类的 isDefined(char ch) 方法一般判断该字符是否在 Unicode 中定义。

当且仅当满足以下两个条件中的任何一个(或为真)时,才在 Unicode 中定义字符:

  • 该字符必须在 UnicodeData 文件中有一个条目。
  • 字符必须有一个由 UnicodeData 文件定义的范围。


public static Boolean isDefined(char ch)



a.) 需要测试的字符。


如果给定(或指定)字符在 Unicode 中具有定义的含义,则 isDefined(char ch) 方法返回一个布尔值,即 true。否则,它返回 false。


public class JavaCharacterisDefinedExample1 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	      // Create char primitives obj1, obj2 and obj3
	      char obj1;
	      char obj2;
	      char obj3;
	      // Assign the values to obj1, obj2 and obj3.
	      obj1 = '@';
	      obj2 = '*';
	      obj3 = '&';
	      // Create the boolean primitives b1, b2,b3.
	      boolean b1;
	      boolean b2;
	      boolean b3;
	      b1 = Character.isDefined(obj1);
	      b2 = Character.isDefined(obj2);
	      b3 = Character.isDefined(obj3);
	      String str1 = "The meaning for the character " +obj1+ " is defined as: " +b1;
	      String str2 = "The meaning for the character " +obj2+ " is defined as: " +b2;
	      String str3 = "The meaning for the character " +obj3+ " is defined as:  " +b3;
	      // print b value
	      System.out.println( str1 );
	      System.out.println( str2 );
	      System.out.println( str3 );


The meaning for the character @ is defined as: true
The meaning for the character * is defined as: true
The meaning for the character & is defined as: true


import java.util.Scanner;
public class JavaCharacterisDefinedExample2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
     // Ask the user to enter the first character.
	System.out.print("Enter a character:  ");		
    // Use scanner to get the user input
	Scanner obj1 = new Scanner(System.in);
   // get a single character
	char value1 = obj1.nextLine().toCharArray()[0];
    // Check whether the user input is defined the Unicode or not.
	boolean check1 = Character.isDefined(value1);
   // Print the result
System.out.print("The user input \'"+value1+"\' is defined in the Unicode\n");
System.out.print("The user input \'"+value1+"\' is not defined in the Unicode\n");
   // Ask the user to enter the second character.
System.out.print("Enter the second character:  ");				
  // Use scanner to get the user input
    Scanner obj2 = new Scanner(System.in);
  // get a single character
    char value2 = obj2.nextLine().toCharArray()[0];			
  // Check whether the user input is defined the Unicode or not. 
    boolean check2 = Character.isDefined(value2);
  // Print the result
System.out.print("The user input \'"+value2+"\' is defined in the Unicode");
System.out.print("The user input \'"+value2+"\' is not defined in the Unicode");


Enter a character:  $
The user input '$' is defined in the Unicode
Enter the second character:  )
The user input ')' is defined in the Unicode


public class JavaCharacterisDefinedExample3 {
	public static void main(String args[])
	   char ch1 = '1';
	   char ch2 = '2';    
	   char ch3 = '3';    
	   char ch4 = '4';    
	   char ch5 = '5';   
	   boolean b1 = Character.isDefined(ch1);
	   boolean b2 = Character.isDefined(ch2);
	   boolean b3 = Character.isDefined(ch3);
	   boolean b4 = Character.isDefined(ch4);
	   boolean b5 = Character.isDefined(ch5);
System.out.println(ch1 + " is defined in the Unicode character set:" + b1);              
System.out.println(ch2 + " is defined in the Unicode character set:" + b2);  
System.out.println(ch3 + " is defined in the Unicode character set:" + b3);  
System.out.println(ch4 + " is defined in the Unicode character set:" + b4);   
System.out.println(ch5 + " is defined in the Unicode character set:" + b5); 


1 is defined in the Unicode character set:true
2 is defined in the Unicode character set:true
3 is defined in the Unicode character set:true
4 is defined in the Unicode character set:true
5 is defined in the Unicode character set:true


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自 Java Character isDefined() Method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。