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Java Character getType(char ch)用法及代码示例

Character 类的 getType(char ch) 方法返回一个值,该值指示字符的一般类别。此方法不用于补充字符。我们可以使用 getType(int codePoint) 方法来支持包括增补在内的所有 Unicode 字符。


public static int getType(char ch)




此方法返回一个 int 类型的值,表示字符的一般类别。


public class JavaCharactergetTypeExample1 {
	 public static void main(String args[])
	  System.out.println("The integer value for the character 2 is given as:");  	 
	  System.out.println( Character.getType('2'));
	  System.out.println("The integer value for the character { is given as:");  	
	  System.out.println( Character.getType('{'));  	  
	  System.out.println("The integer value for the character * is given as:");  	
	  System.out.println( Character.getType('*')); 
 	  System.out.println("The integer value for the character @ is given as:");  	
	  System.out.println( Character.getType('@'));     
	  System.out.println("The integer value for the character $ is given as:");  	
	  System.out.println( Character.getType('$'));  


The integer value for the character 2 is given as:
The integer value for the character { is given as:
The integer value for the character * is given as:
The integer value for the character @ is given as:
The integer value for the character $ is given as:


import java.util.Scanner;
  public class JavaCharactergetTypeExample2 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	  // Ask the user for the input;
 System.out.print("Enter the first input of your choice:");
       // Use Scanner to get the input.
	Scanner obj1 = new Scanner(System.in);
	char[] value1 = obj1.nextLine().toCharArray();
	// Get a value which indicates the general category of the character.
	for (char ch1:value1) {
	int result1 = Character.getType(ch1);			
System.out.println("The general category for the character " + ch1 + " is given as:" + result1);	
System.out.print("Enter the second input of your choice:");
	Scanner obj2 = new Scanner(System.in);
	char[] value2 = obj2.nextLine().toCharArray();
	for (char ch2:value2) {
       int result2 = Character.getType(ch2);			
System.out.println("The general category for the character " + ch2 + " is given as:" + result2);		


Enter the first input of your choice:{
The general category for the character { is given as:21
Enter the second input of your choice:&
The general category for the character & is given as:24


public class JavaCharactergetTypeExample3 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Create two character primitives:ch1 and ch2
	      char ch1, ch2, ch3;
	  // Assign the values to ch1, ch2 and ch3.
	      ch1 = '1';
	      ch2 = '!';
	      ch3 = ')';
      // Create three int primitives:obj1, obj2
	      int obj1, obj2,obj3;

	   // Assign the getType values of ch1 and ch2 to i1 and i2 respectively.
	      obj1 = Character.getType(ch1);
	      obj2 = Character.getType(ch2);
	      obj3 = Character.getType(ch3);
	      String str1 = "The general category of character " + ch1 + " is:" + obj1;
	      String str2 = "The general category of character " + ch2 + " is:" + obj2;
	      String str3 = "The general category of character " + ch3 + " is:" + obj3;
	      System.out.println( str1 );
	      System.out.println( str2 );
	      System.out.println( str3 );


The general category of character 1 is:9
The general category of character ! is:24
The general category of character ) is:22

Java 字符 getType(int codePoint) 方法

Character 类的 getType(int codePoint) 方法一般返回表示字符一般类别的值。


public static int getType(int codePoint)


codePoint:需要测试的字符(Unicode codePoint)。


getType(int codePoint) 方法返回表示字符一般类别的整数类型值。

示例 4

public class JavaCharactergetType_Example1 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//Iinitialize two codepoint.
		int cp1 = 88;
		int cp2 = 110;
	    // Convert the codepoints into char.
		char ch1 = (char) cp1;
		char ch2 = (char) cp2;
		// Get the result.
		int result1 = Character.getType(cp1);
		int result2 = Character.getType(cp2);
		// Print the result
		System.err.println("The general category for the character " + ch1 + " is given as:" + result1);
		System.err.println("The general category for the character " + ch2 + " is given as:" + result2);


The general category for the character X is given as:1
The general category for the character n is given as:2

例 5

public class JavaCharactergetType_Example2 {
	public static void main(String[] args) {	 
         // Create two int primitives:cp1 and cp2
	     int cp1, cp2;
	 // Assign the values to cp1 and cp2 respectively.
	     cp1 = 34;
	     cp2 = 100;
       // create two int primitives i1 and i2
	     int i1, i2;
	// Assign THE getType values of cp1 and cp2 to i1 and i2 respectively.
	     i1 = Character.getType(cp1);
	     i2 = Character.getType(cp2);	      
String str1 = "The general category of the first character"+ " is given as:"+ i1;
String str2 = "The general category of the second character is given as:"+ i2;
	 // Print the values of i1 and i2.
		 System.err.println( str1 );
		 System.err.println( str2 );


The general category of the first character is given as:24
The general category of the second character is given as:2


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自 Java Character getType(char ch) Method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。