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PHP Worker::collect()用法及代码示例

Worker::collect() 函数可以收集对已完成任务的引用。


public int Worker::collect([ Callable $collector ] )

Worker::collect() 函数可以允许工作人员收集由可选给定的Collector确定为垃圾的引用。

Worker::collect() 函数可以返回要收集的 worker 堆栈上剩余任务的数量。


   $worker = new Worker();
   echo "There are currently {$worker->collect()} tasks on the stack to be collected\n";

   for($i = 0; $i < 15; ++$i) {
      $worker->stack(new class extends Threaded {});
   echo "There are {$worker->collect()} tasks remaining on the stack to be collected\n";

   while($worker->collect()); // blocks until all tasks have finished executing
   echo "There are now {$worker->collect()} tasks on the stack to be collected\n";


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