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p5.js rectMode()用法及代码示例

p5.j​​s 中的 rectMode() 函数用于更改赋予 rect() 函数的参数的解释方式。这会修改绘制矩形的位置。


  • CORNER:此模式将前两个参数解释为形状的左上角。第三个和第四个参数是它的宽度和高度。这是默认模式。
  • CORNERS:此模式将前两个参数解释为左上角,将其他两个参数解释为对角的位置。
  • CENTER:此模式将前两个参数解释为形状的中心点。第三个和第四个参数指定形状的宽度和高度。
  • RADIUS:此模式将前两个参数解释为形状的中心点。第三个和第四个参数指定形状宽度和高度的一半。


rectMode( mode )


  • mode:它是一个常量,它定义了要使用的模式。它可以具有 CORNER、CORNERS、CENTER 或 RADIUS 的值。

以下示例说明了 p5.js 中的 rectMode() 函数:


let currMode;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(500, 400);
  // Define all the rectModes()
  let rectModes = [CORNER, CORNERS, CENTER, RADIUS];
  let index = 0;
  currMode = rectModes[index];
  // Define a button to switch between the modes
  let closeBtn = createButton("Change rectMode");
  closeBtn.position(220, 40);
  closeBtn.mouseClicked(() => {
    if (index < rectModes.length - 1) index++;
    else index = 0;
    currMode = rectModes[index];
function draw() {
  text("Click on the button to"+
       " change the rectMode()", 20, 20);
  // Draw the first rectangle with default mode
  rect(100, 100, 100, 100);
  // Set the rectMode according to the defined mode
  // Draw the second rectangle according to the
  // selected rectMode() and different dimensions
  rect(100, 100, 50, 50);
  // Draw circles to demonstrate corners of
  // the first rectangle
  circle(100, 100, 10);
  circle(200, 100, 10);
  circle(100, 200, 10);
  circle(200, 200, 10);
  text("Current Mode:" + currMode, 20, 250);
  // Show details of parameter according to selected mode
  switch (currMode) {
    case CORNER:
      text("1st Parameter:upper-left"+
           " corner x coord", 20, 280);
      text("2nd Parameter:upper-left"+
           " corner y coord", 20, 300);
      text("3rd Parameter:width", 20, 320);
      text("4th Parameter:height", 20, 340);
    case CORNERS:
      text("1st Parameter:upper-left corner"+
           " x coord", 20, 280);
      text("2nd Parameter:upper-left corner"+
           " y coord", 20, 300);
      text("3rd Parameter:opposite corner x", 20, 320);
      text("4th Parameter:opposite corner y", 20, 340);
    case CENTER:
      text("1st Parameter:shape's center"+
           " point x coord", 20, 280);
      text("2nd Parameter:shape's center"+
           " point y coord", 20, 300);
      text("3rd Parameter:width", 20, 320);
      text("4th Parameter:height", 20, 340);
    case RADIUS:
      text("1st Parameter:shape's center"+
           " point x coord", 20, 280);
      text("2nd Parameter:shape's center"+
           " point y coord", 20, 300);
      text("3rd Parameter:half of shape's"+
           " width", 20, 320);
      text("4th Parameter:half of shape's"+
           " height", 20, 340);



在线编辑: https://editor.p5js.org/

环境设置: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/p5-js-soundfile-object-installation-and-methods/

参考: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/rectMode


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自sayantanm19大神的英文原创作品 p5.js | rectMode() Function。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。