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Node.js vm.Module用法及代码示例


Stability: 1 - 实验性

此函数仅在启用--experimental-vm-modules 命令标志时可用。

vm.Module 类为在 VM 上下文中使用 ECMAScript 模块提供了一个低级接口。它是 vm.Script 类的对应物,与 ECMAScript 规范中定义的 Module Record 非常相似。

然而,与 vm.Script 不同的是,每个 vm.Module 对象从创建时就绑定到上下文。 vm.Module 对象上的操作本质上是异步的,与 vm.Script 对象的同步性质相反。使用'async' 函数可以帮助操作vm.Module 对象。

使用vm.Module 对象需要三个不同的步骤:创建/解析、链接和评估。这三个步骤在以下示例中进行了说明。

此实现位于比 ECMAScript Module loader 更低的级别。尽管计划提供支持,但目前还无法与 Loader 交互。

import vm from 'node:vm';

const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({
  secret: 42,
  print: console.log,

// Step 1
// Create a Module by constructing a new `vm.SourceTextModule` object. This
// parses the provided source text, throwing a `SyntaxError` if anything goes
// wrong. By default, a Module is created in the top context. But here, we
// specify `contextifiedObject` as the context this Module belongs to.
// Here, we attempt to obtain the default export from the module "foo", and
// put it into local binding "secret".

const bar = new vm.SourceTextModule(`
  import s from 'foo';
`, { context: contextifiedObject });

// Step 2
// "Link" the imported dependencies of this Module to it.
// The provided linking callback (the "linker") accepts two arguments: the
// parent module (`bar` in this case) and the string that is the specifier of
// the imported module. The callback is expected to return a Module that
// corresponds to the provided specifier, with certain requirements documented
// in `module.link()`.
// If linking has not started for the returned Module, the same linker
// callback will be called on the returned Module.
// Even top-level Modules without dependencies must be explicitly linked. The
// callback provided would never be called, however.
// The link() method returns a Promise that will be resolved when all the
// Promises returned by the linker resolve.
// Note: This is a contrived example in that the linker function creates a new
// "foo" module every time it is called. In a full-fledged module system, a
// cache would probably be used to avoid duplicated modules.

async function linker(specifier, referencingModule) {
  if (specifier === 'foo') {
    return new vm.SourceTextModule(`
      // The "secret" variable refers to the global variable we added to
      // "contextifiedObject" when creating the context.
      export default secret;
    `, { context: referencingModule.context });

    // Using `contextifiedObject` instead of `referencingModule.context`
    // here would work as well.
  throw new Error(`Unable to resolve dependency: ${specifier}`);
await bar.link(linker);

// Step 3
// Evaluate the Module. The evaluate() method returns a promise which will
// resolve after the module has finished evaluating.

// Prints 42.
await bar.evaluate();const vm = require('node:vm');

const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({
  secret: 42,
  print: console.log,

(async () => {
  // Step 1
  // Create a Module by constructing a new `vm.SourceTextModule` object. This
  // parses the provided source text, throwing a `SyntaxError` if anything goes
  // wrong. By default, a Module is created in the top context. But here, we
  // specify `contextifiedObject` as the context this Module belongs to.
  // Here, we attempt to obtain the default export from the module "foo", and
  // put it into local binding "secret".

  const bar = new vm.SourceTextModule(`
    import s from 'foo';
  `, { context: contextifiedObject });

  // Step 2
  // "Link" the imported dependencies of this Module to it.
  // The provided linking callback (the "linker") accepts two arguments: the
  // parent module (`bar` in this case) and the string that is the specifier of
  // the imported module. The callback is expected to return a Module that
  // corresponds to the provided specifier, with certain requirements documented
  // in `module.link()`.
  // If linking has not started for the returned Module, the same linker
  // callback will be called on the returned Module.
  // Even top-level Modules without dependencies must be explicitly linked. The
  // callback provided would never be called, however.
  // The link() method returns a Promise that will be resolved when all the
  // Promises returned by the linker resolve.
  // Note: This is a contrived example in that the linker function creates a new
  // "foo" module every time it is called. In a full-fledged module system, a
  // cache would probably be used to avoid duplicated modules.

  async function linker(specifier, referencingModule) {
    if (specifier === 'foo') {
      return new vm.SourceTextModule(`
        // The "secret" variable refers to the global variable we added to
        // "contextifiedObject" when creating the context.
        export default secret;
      `, { context: referencingModule.context });

      // Using `contextifiedObject` instead of `referencingModule.context`
      // here would work as well.
    throw new Error(`Unable to resolve dependency: ${specifier}`);
  await bar.link(linker);

  // Step 3
  // Evaluate the Module. The evaluate() method returns a promise which will
  // resolve after the module has finished evaluating.

  // Prints 42.
  await bar.evaluate();


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自nodejs.org大神的英文原创作品 vm.Module。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。