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Node.js Buffer buf.subarray([start[, end]])用法及代码示例

buf.subarray([start[, end]])



返回一个新的 Buffer,它引用与原始内存相同的内存,但被 startend 索引偏移和裁剪。

指定 end 大于 buf.length 将返回与 end 等于 buf.length 相同的结果。

此方法继承自 TypedArray.prototype.subarray()

修改新的Buffer slice 会修改原来Buffer 中的内存,因为两个对象分配的内存重叠。

import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';

// Create a `Buffer` with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, and modify one byte
// from the original `Buffer`.

const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);

for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
  // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
  buf1[i] = i + 97;

const buf2 = buf1.subarray(0, 3);

console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
// Prints: abc

buf1[0] = 33;

console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
// Prints: !bcconst { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');

// Create a `Buffer` with the ASCII alphabet, take a slice, and modify one byte
// from the original `Buffer`.

const buf1 = Buffer.allocUnsafe(26);

for (let i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
  // 97 is the decimal ASCII value for 'a'.
  buf1[i] = i + 97;

const buf2 = buf1.subarray(0, 3);

console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
// Prints: abc

buf1[0] = 33;

console.log(buf2.toString('ascii', 0, buf2.length));
// Prints: !bc

指定负索引会导致相对于buf 的结尾而不是开头生成切片。

import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';

const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');

console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -1).toString());
// Prints: buffe
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 5).)

console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -2).toString());
// Prints: buff
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 4).)

console.log(buf.subarray(-5, -2).toString());
// Prints: uff
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(1, 4).)const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');

const buf = Buffer.from('buffer');

console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -1).toString());
// Prints: buffe
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 5).)

console.log(buf.subarray(-6, -2).toString());
// Prints: buff
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(0, 4).)

console.log(buf.subarray(-5, -2).toString());
// Prints: uff
// (Equivalent to buf.subarray(1, 4).)


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自nodejs.org大神的英文原创作品 buf.subarray([start[, end]])。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。