fs.chmod( path, mode, callback )
- path:它是一个字符串,Buffer或URL,表示必须更改其权限的文件的路径。
- mode:它是字符串或八进制整数常量,表示要授予的权限。逻辑OR运算符可用于分隔多个权限。
- callback:该方法执行时将调用该函数。
- err:如果方法失败,将抛出此错误。
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// fs.chmod() method
// Import the filesystem module
const fs = require('fs');
// Grant only read permission to user
console.log("Granting only read access to user");
fs.chmod("example.txt", 0o400, () => {
console.log("\nReading the file contents");
console.log(fs.readFileSync("example.txt", 'utf8'));
console.log("\nTrying to write to file");
try {
fs.writeFileSync('example.txt', "This file has now been edited.");
catch (e) {
console.log("Error Code:", e.code);
// Grant both read and write permission to user
console.log("\nGranting read and write access to user");
fs.chmod("example.txt", 0o600, () => {
console.log("Trying to write to file");
fs.writeFileSync('example.txt', "This file has now been edited.");
console.log("\nReading the file contents");
console.log(fs.readFileSync("example.txt", 'utf8'));
Granting only read access to user Reading the file contents This is an example text file. Trying to write to file Error Code:EACCES Granting read and write access to user Trying to write to file Reading the file contents This file has now been edited.
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// fs.chmod() method
// Import the filesystem module
const fs = require('fs');
// Grant only read permission to user
console.log("Granting only read access to user");
fs.chmod("example.txt", fs.constants.S_IRUSR, () => {
// Reading the file
console.log("File Contents:", fs.readFileSync("example.txt", 'utf8'));
// Trying to write to file
try {
console.log("\nTrying to write to file");
fs.writeFileSync('example.txt', "This file now has been edited.");
catch (e) {
console.log("Error Occurred, Error Code:", e.code);
// Granting both read and write permission
console.log("\nGranting both read and write permission to user");
fs.chmod("example.txt", fs.constants.S_IRUSR | fs.constants.S_IWUSR, () => {
// Check the file mode
console.log("Current File Mode:", fs.statSync("example.txt").mode);
console.log("Trying to write to file");
fs.writeFileSync('example.txt', "This file now has been edited.");
console.log("File Contents:", fs.readFileSync("example.txt", 'utf8'));
Granting only read access to user File Contents:This file now has been edited. Trying to write to file Error Occurred, Error Code:EACCES Granting both read and write permission to user Trying to write to file File Contents:This file now has been edited.
参考: https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_chmod_path_mode_callback
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注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自sayantanm19大神的英文原创作品 Node.js | fs.chmod() Method。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。