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Java java.net.SecureCacheResponse用法及代码示例

Java 中的 SecureCacheResponse 类表示最初通过安全方式检索的缓存响应。


public abstract class SecureCacheResponse
extends CacheResponse




方法 说明
getCipherSuite() 此方法用于返回检索网络资源的原始连接上使用的密码套件。
getLocalCertificateChain() 此方法用于返回在检索网络资源的原始连接握手期间发送到服务器的证书链。
getLocalPrincipal() 此方法用于返回在检索网络资源的原始连接中握手期间发送到服务器的主体。
getPeerPrincipal() 此方法用于返回服务器的主体,该主体是在检索网络资源的原始连接期间作为定义会话的一部分而建立的。
getServerCertificateChain() 此方法用于从缓存返回服务器的证书链,该证书链是作为在检索网络资源的原始连接中定义会话的一部分而建立的。



// Java program to demonstrate SecureCacheResponse class 
// Implementation and its methods 
// Importing IOException and InputStream classes from 
// java.io package 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
// Importing java.net package for network linking 
import java.net.*; 
// Importing classes from java.security package to provide 
// security framework to classes and interfaces 
import java.security.Principal; 
import java.security.cert.Certificate; 
// Importing Map and List classes from java.util package 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Map; 
// Importing class when peer not authenticated 
import javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException; 
// Main class 
// JavaSecureCacheResponse 
public class GFG { 
    // Method 1 
    // Main driver method 
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception 
        // Creating an final object of Principal class 
        final Principal gfgPrincipal = new Principal() { 
            // Method 2 
            public String getName() 
                // As it is simply retrieving names 
                return null; 
        // Creating an object of this class 
        // (SecureCacheResponse) 
        final SecureCacheResponse secureCacheResponse 
            = new SecureCacheResponse() { 
                  // Method 3 
                  // To get the name of the cipher suite 
                  public String getCipherSuite() 
                      // Returning the name of the cipher 
                      // suite negotiated during this 
                      // handshake This message will be 
                      // displayed on console 
                      return "Connection established"; 
                  // Method 4 
                  // getLocalCertificateChain() method 
                  public List<Certificate> 
                      return null; 
                  // Method 5 
                  public List<Certificate> 
                      throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException 
                      // Returning peer certificate chain 
                      // associated with the ssl socket 
                      return null; 
                  // Method 6 
                  // getPeerPrincipal() method 
                  public Principal getPeerPrincipal() 
                      throws SSLPeerUnverifiedException 
                      return gfgPrincipal; 
                  // Method 7 
                  // getLocalPrincipal() method 
                  public Principal getLocalPrincipal() 
                      return gfgPrincipal; 
                  // Method 8 
                  public Map<String, List<String> > 
                  getHeaders() throws IOException 
                      return null; 
                  // Method 9 
                  public InputStream getBody() 
                      throws IOException 
                      return null; 
        // Print and display commands which are returning 
        // information 
        // 1. The cipher suite in use on the original 
        // connection 
            "getCipherSuite() method returns: "
            + secureCacheResponse.getCipherSuite()); 
        // 2. The server's principal which was recognized 
        // as a part of determining the session. 
            "getPeerPrincipal() method returns: "
            + secureCacheResponse.getPeerPrincipal()); 
        // 3. An immutable List of Certificate representing 
        // the certificate chain that was sent to the 
        // server. 
        // 4. null, as no certificate chain was sent 
            "getLocalCertificateChain() returns: "
            + secureCacheResponse 
        // 5. Principal that was sent to the server 
        // during the handshaking of the original connection 
            "getLocalPrincipal() method returns: "
            + secureCacheResponse.getLocalPrincipal()); 
getCipherSuite() method returns: Connection established
getPeerPrincipal() method returns: GFG$1@34a245ab
getLocalCertificateChain() returns: null
getLocalPrincipal() method returns: GFG$1@34a245ab


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