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GO Read用法及代码示例



func Read(m []Sample)


所需的指标应该以适当的名称出现在切片中。鼓励此 API 的用户在调用之间重复使用相同的切片以提高效率,但不是必须这样做。

请注意,重用有一些注意事项。值得注意的是,当具有该值的读取未完成时,不应读取或操作该值;这是一场数据竞赛。此属性包括指针类型的值(例如,Float64Histogram),其底层存储将在可能的情况下由 Read 重用。要在并发设置中安全地使用这些值,所有数据都必须是deep-copied。

并发执行多个 Read 调用是安全的,但它们的参数不能共享底层内存。如有疑问,请从头开始创建一个新的 []Sample,这始终是安全的,尽管可能效率低下。

名称未出现在 All 中的示例值将其 Value 填充为 KindBad 以指示名称未知。


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Get descriptions for all supported metrics.
	descs := metrics.All()

	// Create a sample for each metric.
	samples := make([]metrics.Sample, len(descs))
	for i := range samples {
		samples[i].Name = descs[i].Name

	// Sample the metrics. Re-use the samples slice if you can!

	// Iterate over all results.
	for _, sample := range samples {
		// Pull out the name and value.
		name, value := sample.Name, sample.Value

		// Handle each sample.
		switch value.Kind() {
		case metrics.KindUint64:
			fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", name, value.Uint64())
		case metrics.KindFloat64:
			fmt.Printf("%s: %f\n", name, value.Float64())
		case metrics.KindFloat64Histogram:
			// The histogram may be quite large, so let's just pull out
			// a crude estimate for the median for the sake of this example.
			fmt.Printf("%s: %f\n", name, medianBucket(value.Float64Histogram()))
		case metrics.KindBad:
			// This should never happen because all metrics are supported
			// by construction.
			panic("bug in runtime/metrics package!")
			// This may happen as new metrics get added.
			// The safest thing to do here is to simply log it somewhere
			// as something to look into, but ignore it for now.
			// In the worst case, you might temporarily miss out on a new metric.
			fmt.Printf("%s: unexpected metric Kind: %v\n", name, value.Kind())

func medianBucket(h *metrics.Float64Histogram) float64 {
	total := uint64(0)
	for _, count := range h.Counts {
		total += count
	thresh := total / 2
	total = 0
	for i, count := range h.Counts {
		total += count
		if total >= thresh {
			return h.Buckets[i]
	panic("should not happen")


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Name of the metric we want to read.
	const myMetric = "/memory/classes/heap/free:bytes"

	// Create a sample for the metric.
	sample := make([]metrics.Sample, 1)
	sample[0].Name = myMetric

	// Sample the metric.

	// Check if the metric is actually supported.
	// If it's not, the resulting value will always have
	// kind KindBad.
	if sample[0].Value.Kind() == metrics.KindBad {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("metric %q no longer supported", myMetric))

	// Handle the result.
	// It's OK to assume a particular Kind for a metric;
	// they're guaranteed not to change.
	freeBytes := sample[0].Value.Uint64()

	fmt.Printf("free but not released memory: %d\n", freeBytes)


注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自golang.google.cn大神的英文原创作品 Read。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。