1) 使用float()方法
str1 = "9.02"
print("This is the initial string: " + str1)
# Converting to double
str2 = float(str1)
print("The conversion of string to double is", str2)
str2 = str2+1
print("The converted string to double is incremented by 1:", str2)
This is the initial string: 9.02 The conversion of string to double is 9.02 The converted string to double is incremented by 1: 10.02
2) 使用 decimal() 方法:由于我们只想要一个带有十进制数字的字符串,因此也可以使用此方法
from decimal import Decimal
str1 = "9.02"
print("This is the initial string: " + str1)
# Converting to double
str2 = Decimal(str1)
print("The conversion of string to double is", str2)
str2 = str2+1
print("The converted string to double is incremented by 1:", str2)
This is the initial string: 9.02 The conversion of string to double is 9.02 The converted string to double is incremented by 1: 10.02
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注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自shivanshsaxena1大神的英文原创作品 Convert String to Double in Python3。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。