complx.Polar() Golang中的函数返回绝对值r和x的相位θ。相位θ将在[-Pi,Pi]的范围内。
func Polar(x complex128) (r, θ float64)
// Golang program to illustrate
// the complx.Polar() Function
package main
// importing fmt, math and math/cmplx
import (
// Calling Main
func main() {
// getting the r and theta value
r, theta:= cmplx.Polar(7i)
// calculate the value in Pi format.
p:= theta/math.Pi
// printing the values r and p.
fmt.Printf("rValue:%.1f, pValue:%.1f*Pi", r, p)
rValue:7.0, pValue:0.5*Pi
// Golang program to illustrate
// the complx.Polar() Function
package main
// importing fmt, math and math/cmplx
import (
// Calling Main
func main() {
// We can create a complex number like this also.
n:= complex(5, 6)
// getting the r and theta value of complex number 5 + 6i
r, theta:= cmplx.Polar(n)
// calculate the value in Pi format.
p:= theta/math.Pi
// printing the values r and p.
fmt.Printf("rValue:%.1f, pValue:%.1f*Pi", r, p)
rValue:7.8, pValue:0.3*Pi
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注:本文由纯净天空筛选整理自PranchalKatiyar大神的英文原创作品 complx.Polar() Function in Golang With Examples。非经特殊声明,原始代码版权归原作者所有,本译文未经允许或授权,请勿转载或复制。