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VB.NET UIElement3D.InvalidateModel方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Windows.UIElement3D.InvalidateModel方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET UIElement3D.InvalidateModel方法的具体用法?VB.NET UIElement3D.InvalidateModel怎么用?VB.NET UIElement3D.InvalidateModel使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Windows.UIElement3D的用法示例。


示例1: Sphere

Public Class Sphere
    Inherits UIElement3D
    ' OnUpdateModel is called in response to InvalidateModel and provides
    ' a place to set the Visual3DModel property.
    ' Setting Visual3DModel does not provide parenting information, which
    ' is needed for data binding, styling, and other features. Similarly, creating render data
    ' in 2-D does not provide the connections either.
    ' To get around this, we create a Model dependency property which
    ' sets this value.  The Model DP then causes the correct connections to occur
    ' and the above features to work correctly.
    ' In this update model we retessellate the sphere based on the current
    ' dependency property values, and then set it as the model.  The brush
    ' color is blue by default, but the code can easily be updated to let
    ' this be set by the user.

    Protected Overrides Sub OnUpdateModel()
        Dim model As New GeometryModel3D()

        model.Geometry = Tessellate(ThetaDiv, PhiDiv, Radius)
        model.Material = New DiffuseMaterial(System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Blue)

        Me.Model = model
    End Sub

    ' The Model property for the sphere
    Private Shared ReadOnly ModelProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Model", GetType(Model3D), GetType(Sphere), New PropertyMetadata(AddressOf ModelPropertyChanged))

    Private Shared Sub ModelPropertyChanged(ByVal d As DependencyObject, ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        Dim s As Sphere = CType(d, Sphere)
        s.Visual3DModel = s.Model
    End Sub

    Private Property Model() As Model3D
            Return CType(GetValue(ModelProperty), Model3D)
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Model3D)
            SetValue(ModelProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' The number of divisions to make in the theta direction on the sphere
    Public Shared ReadOnly ThetaDivProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ThetaDiv", GetType(Integer), GetType(Sphere), New PropertyMetadata(15, AddressOf ThetaDivPropertyChanged))

    Private Shared Sub ThetaDivPropertyChanged(ByVal d As DependencyObject, ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        Dim s As Sphere = CType(d, Sphere)
    End Sub

    Public Property ThetaDiv() As Integer
            Return CInt(GetValue(ThetaDivProperty))
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            SetValue(ThetaDivProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' The number of divisions to make in the phi direction on the sphere
    Public Shared ReadOnly PhiDivProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("PhiDiv", GetType(Integer), GetType(Sphere), New PropertyMetadata(15, AddressOf PhiDivPropertyChanged))

    Private Shared Sub PhiDivPropertyChanged(ByVal d As DependencyObject, ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        Dim s As Sphere = CType(d, Sphere)
    End Sub

    Public Property PhiDiv() As Integer
            Return CInt(GetValue(PhiDivProperty))
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            SetValue(PhiDivProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' The radius of the sphere
    Public Shared ReadOnly RadiusProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Radius", GetType(Double), GetType(Sphere), New PropertyMetadata(1.0, AddressOf RadiusPropertyChanged))

    Private Shared Sub RadiusPropertyChanged(ByVal d As DependencyObject, ByVal e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
        Dim s As Sphere = CType(d, Sphere)
    End Sub

    Public Property Radius() As Double
            Return CDbl(GetValue(RadiusProperty))
        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Double)
            SetValue(RadiusProperty, value)
        End Set
    End Property

    ' Private helper methods
    Private Shared Function GetPosition(ByVal theta As Double, ByVal phi As Double, ByVal radius As Double) As Point3D
        Dim x As Double = radius * Math.Sin(theta) * Math.Sin(phi)
        Dim y As Double = radius * Math.Cos(phi)
        Dim z As Double = radius * Math.Cos(theta) * Math.Sin(phi)

        Return New Point3D(x, y, z)
    End Function

    Private Shared Function GetNormal(ByVal theta As Double, ByVal phi As Double) As Vector3D
        Return CType(GetPosition(theta, phi, 1.0), Vector3D)
    End Function

    Private Shared Function DegToRad(ByVal degrees As Double) As Double
        Return (degrees / 180.0) * Math.PI
    End Function

    Private Shared Function GetTextureCoordinate(ByVal theta As Double, ByVal phi As Double) As System.Windows.Point
        Dim p As New System.Windows.Point(theta / (2 * Math.PI), phi / (Math.PI))

        Return p
    End Function

    ' Tesselates the sphere and returns a MeshGeometry3D representing the 
    ' tessellation based on the given parameters
    Friend Shared Function Tessellate(ByVal tDiv As Integer, ByVal pDiv As Integer, ByVal radius As Double) As MeshGeometry3D
        Dim dt As Double = DegToRad(360.0) / tDiv
        Dim dp As Double = DegToRad(180.0) / pDiv

        Dim mesh As New MeshGeometry3D()

        For pi As Integer = 0 To pDiv
            Dim phi As Double = pi * dp

            For ti As Integer = 0 To tDiv
                ' we want to start the mesh on the x axis
                Dim theta As Double = ti * dt

                mesh.Positions.Add(GetPosition(theta, phi, radius))
                mesh.Normals.Add(GetNormal(theta, phi))
                mesh.TextureCoordinates.Add(GetTextureCoordinate(theta, phi))
            Next ti
        Next pi

        For pi As Integer = 0 To pDiv - 1
            For ti As Integer = 0 To tDiv - 1
                Dim x0 As Integer = ti
                Dim x1 As Integer = (ti + 1)
                Dim y0 As Integer = pi * (tDiv + 1)
                Dim y1 As Integer = (pi + 1) * (tDiv + 1)

                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x0 + y0)
                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x0 + y1)
                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x1 + y0)

                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x1 + y0)
                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x0 + y1)
                mesh.TriangleIndices.Add(x1 + y1)
            Next ti
        Next pi

        Return mesh
    End Function
End Class
