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VB.NET Calendar.GetDaysInYear方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDaysInYear方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET Calendar.GetDaysInYear方法的具体用法?VB.NET Calendar.GetDaysInYear怎么用?VB.NET Calendar.GetDaysInYear使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Globalization.Calendar的用法示例。


示例1: Main

' 导入命名空间
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesCalendar   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates an instance of every Calendar type.
      Dim myCals(7) As Calendar
      myCals(0) = New GregorianCalendar()
      myCals(1) = New HebrewCalendar()
      myCals(2) = New HijriCalendar()
      myCals(3) = New JapaneseCalendar()
      myCals(4) = New JulianCalendar()
      myCals(5) = New KoreanCalendar()
      myCals(6) = New TaiwanCalendar()
      myCals(7) = New ThaiBuddhistCalendar()

      ' For each calendar, displays the current year, the number of months in that year,
      ' and the number of days in each month of that year.
      Dim i, j, iYear, iMonth, iDay As Integer
      Dim myDT As DateTime = DateTime.Today

      For i = 0 To myCals.Length - 1
         iYear = myCals(i).GetYear(myDT)
         Console.WriteLine("{0}, Year: {1}", myCals(i).GetType(), myCals(i).GetYear(myDT))
         Console.WriteLine("   MonthsInYear: {0}", myCals(i).GetMonthsInYear(iYear))
         Console.WriteLine("   DaysInYear: {0}", myCals(i).GetDaysInYear(iYear))
         Console.WriteLine("   Days in each month:")
         Console.Write("      ")
         For j = 1 To myCals(i).GetMonthsInYear(iYear)
            Console.Write(" {0,-5}", myCals(i).GetDaysInMonth(iYear, j))
         Next j
         iMonth = myCals(i).GetMonth(myDT)
         iDay = myCals(i).GetDayOfMonth(myDT)
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapDay:   {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay))
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapMonth: {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapMonth(iYear, iMonth))
         Console.WriteLine("   IsLeapYear:  {0}", myCals(i).IsLeapYear(iYear))
      Next i 

   End Sub

End Class

'This code produces the following output.  The results vary depending on the date.


'System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar, Year: 2002

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False


'System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar, Year: 5763

'   MonthsInYear: 13

'   DaysInYear: 385

'   Days in each month:

'       30    30    30    29    30    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  True


'System.Globalization.HijriCalendar, Year: 1423

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 355

'   Days in each month:

'       30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    29    30    30   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  True


'System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar, Year: 14

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False


'System.Globalization.JulianCalendar, Year: 2002

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False


'System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar, Year: 4335

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False


'System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar, Year: 91

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False


'System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar, Year: 2545

'   MonthsInYear: 12

'   DaysInYear: 365

'   Days in each month:

'       31    28    31    30    31    30    31    31    30    31    30    31   

'   IsLeapDay:   False

'   IsLeapMonth: False

'   IsLeapYear:  False
