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VB.NET Char.IsLowSurrogate方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Char.IsLowSurrogate方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET Char.IsLowSurrogate方法的具体用法?VB.NET Char.IsLowSurrogate怎么用?VB.NET Char.IsLowSurrogate使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Char的用法示例。


示例1: Sample

' This example demonstrates the Char.IsLowSurrogate() method
'                                    IsHighSurrogate() method
'                                    IsSurrogatePair() method
Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim cHigh As Char = ChrW(&HD800)
      Dim cLow  As Char = ChrW(&HDC00)
      Dim s1 = New [String](New Char() {"a"c, ChrW(&HD800), ChrW(&HDC00), "z"c})
      Dim divider As String = [String].Concat(Environment.NewLine, _
                                              New [String]("-"c, 70), _
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: {0:X4}", AscW(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  {0:X4}", AscW(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'")
      Console.WriteLine("Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1: ")
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To s1.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine("s1({0}) = {1:X4} ", i, AscW(s1.Chars(i)))
      Next i
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?")
      Console.WriteLine("A1) cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("A2) cHigh? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("A3) s1(0)? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("A4) s1(1)? - {0}", [Char].IsHighSurrogate(s1, 1))
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?")
      Console.WriteLine("B1) cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("B2) cHigh? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(cHigh))
      Console.WriteLine("B3) s1(0)? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("B4) s1(2)? - {0}", [Char].IsLowSurrogate(s1, 2))
      Console.WriteLine("Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?")
      Console.WriteLine("C1) cHigh and cLow?  - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(cHigh, cLow))
      Console.WriteLine("C2) s1(0) and s1(1)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 0))
      Console.WriteLine("C3) s1(1) and s1(2)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 1))
      Console.WriteLine("C4) s1(2) and s1(3)? - {0}", [Char].IsSurrogatePair(s1, 2))
   End Sub
End Class


Hexadecimal code point of the character, cHigh: D800
Hexadecimal code point of the character, cLow:  DC00

Characters in string, s1: 'a', high surrogate, low surrogate, 'z'
Hexadecimal code points of the characters in string, s1:
s1(0) = 0061
s1(1) = D800
s1(2) = DC00
s1(3) = 007A


Is each of the following characters a high surrogate?
A1) cLow?  - False
A2) cHigh? - True
A3) s1(0)? - False
A4) s1(1)? - True


Is each of the following characters a low surrogate?
B1) cLow?  - True
B2) cHigh? - False
B3) s1(0)? - False
B4) s1(2)? - True


Is each of the following pairs of characters a surrogate pair?
C1) cHigh and cLow?  - True
C2) s1(0) and s1(1)? - False
C3) s1(1) and s1(2)? - True
C4) s1(2) and s1(3)? - False

