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VB.NET Attribute.Match方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Attribute.Match方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET Attribute.Match方法的具体用法?VB.NET Attribute.Match怎么用?VB.NET Attribute.Match使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Attribute的用法示例。


示例1: New

' 导入命名空间
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
' A custom attribute to allow multiple authors per method.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)> _
Public Class AuthorsAttribute : Inherits Attribute 
   Protected _authors As List(Of String)

    Public Sub New(paramarray names As String()) 
      _authors = New List(Of string)(names)
    End Sub

   Public ReadOnly Property Authors As List(Of String) 
         Return _authors
      End Get   
   End Property

    ' Determine if the object is a match to this one.
    Public Overrides Function Match(obj As Object) As Boolean 
      ' Return false if obj is null or not an AuthorsAttribute.
      Dim authors2 As AuthorsAttribute = DirectCast(obj, AuthorsAttribute)
      If authors2 Is Nothing Then Return False
        ' Return true if obj and this instance are the same object reference.
      If Object.ReferenceEquals(Me, authors2) Then Return True

      ' Return false if obj and this instance have different numbers of authors
      If _authors.Count <> authors2._authors.Count Then Return False
      Dim matches As Boolean = False
      For Each author in _authors 
         For ctr As Integer = 0 To authors2._authors.Count - 1
            If author = authors2._authors(ctr) Then
               matches = True
               Exit For
            End If
            If ctr = authors2._authors.Count Then matches = False
      Return matches
   End Function

   Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
      Dim retval As String = ""
      For ctr As Integer = 0 To _authors.Count -1
         retval += $"{_authors(ctr)}{If(ctr < _authors.Count - 1, ", ", String.Empty)}"
      If retval.Trim().Length = 0 Then Return "<unknown>"

      Return retval
   End Function
End Class

' Add some authors to methods of a class.
Public Class TestClass 
    <Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton")>
    Public sub Method1()
    End sub

    Public Sub Method2()
    End Sub

    <Authors("Leo Tolstoy", "John Milton", "Nathaniel Hawthorne")>
    Public Sub Method3()
    End Sub

    <Authors("John Milton", "Leo Tolstoy")>
    Public Sub Method4()
    End Sub
End Class

Public Module Example 
    Public Sub Main() 
        ' Get the type for TestClass to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(TestClass)

        ' Iterate through each method of the class.
      Dim authors As AuthorsAttribute = Nothing
        For Each method In clsType.GetMethods() 
            ' Check each method for the Authors attribute.
            Dim authAttr As AuthorsAttribute = DirectCast(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(method, 
                                         GetType(AuthorsAttribute)), AuthorsAttribute)
            If authAttr IsNot Nothing Then 
            ' Display the authors.
                Console.WriteLine($"{clsType.Name}.{method.Name} was authored by {authAttr}.")

            ' Select Method1's authors as the basis for comparison.
            If method.Name = "Method1" Then
                   authors = authAttr
               Continue For
            End If
            ' Compare first authors with the authors of this method.
            If authors.Match(authAttr) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("TestClass.Method1 was also authored by the same team.")
            End If

            ' Perform an equality comparison of the two attributes.
            Console.WriteLine($"{authors} {If(authors.Equals(authAttr), "=", "<>")} {authAttr}")
            End If
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
//       TestClass.Method1 was authored by Leo Tolstoy, John Milton.
//       TestClass.Method2 was authored by Anonymous.
//       Leo Tolstoy, John Milton <> Anonymous
//       TestClass.Method3 was authored by Leo Tolstoy, John Milton, Nathaniel Hawthorne.
//       Leo Tolstoy, John Milton <> Leo Tolstoy, John Milton, Nathaniel Hawthorne
//       TestClass.Method4 was authored by John Milton, Leo Tolstoy.
//       TestClass.Method1 was also authored by the same team.
//       Leo Tolstoy, John Milton <> John Milton, Leo Tolstoy
