本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Reflection.TypeAttributes枚举的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET TypeAttributes枚举的具体用法?VB.NET TypeAttributes怎么用?VB.NET TypeAttributes使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的枚举代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Main
' 导入命名空间
Imports System.Reflection
Friend Structure S
Public X As Integer
End Structure
Public MustInherit Class Example
Protected NotInheritable Class NestedClass
End Class
Public Interface INested
End Interface
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Create an array of types.
Dim types() As Type = { GetType(Example), GetType(NestedClass),
GetType(INested), GetType(S) }
For Each t In types
Console.WriteLine("Attributes for type {0}:", t.Name)
Dim attr As TypeAttributes = t.Attributes
' Use the visibility mask to test for visibility attributes.
Dim visibility As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask
Select Case visibility
Case TypeAttributes.NotPublic:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is not Public")
Case TypeAttributes.Public:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is Public")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested and Public")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested and Private")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested, and inheritable only within the assembly" & _
vbLf & " (cannot be declared in Visual Basic)")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested and Friend")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested and Protected")
Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is nested and Protected Friend")
End Select
' Use the layout mask to test for layout attributes.
Dim layout As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.LayoutMask
Select Case layout
Case TypeAttributes.AutoLayout:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is AutoLayout")
Case TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is SequentialLayout")
Case TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is ExplicitLayout")
End Select
' Use the class semantics mask to test for class semantics attributes.
Dim classSemantics As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask
Select Case classSemantics
Case TypeAttributes.Class:
If t.IsValueType Then
Console.WriteLine(" ...is a value type")
Console.WriteLine(" ...is a class")
End If
Case TypeAttributes.Interface:
Console.WriteLine(" ...is an interface")
End Select
If 0 <> (attr And TypeAttributes.Abstract) Then _
Console.WriteLine(" ...is MustInherit")
If 0 <> (attr And TypeAttributes.Sealed) Then _
Console.WriteLine(" ...is NotInheritable")
End Sub
End Class
Attributes for type Example: ...is Public ...is AutoLayout ...is a class ...is MustInherit Attributes for type NestedClass: ...is nested and Protected ...is AutoLayout ...is a class ...is NotInheritable Attributes for type INested: ...is nested and Public ...is AutoLayout ...is an interface ...is MustInherit Attributes for type S: ...is not Public ...is SequentialLayout ...is a value type ...is NotInheritable