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VB.NET EventLog类代码示例

本文整理汇总了VB.NET中System.Diagnostics.EventLog的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:VB.NET EventLog类的具体用法?VB.NET EventLog怎么用?VB.NET EventLog使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: MySample

Option Explicit
Option Strict

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading

Class MySample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        If Not EventLog.SourceExists("MySource") Then
            ' Create the source, if it does not already exist.
            ' An event log source should not be created and immediately used.
            ' There is a latency time to enable the source, it should be created
            ' prior to executing the application that uses the source.
            ' Execute this sample a second time to use the new source.
            EventLog.CreateEventSource("MySource", "MyNewLog")
            'The source is created.  Exit the application to allow it to be registered.
        End If
        ' Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
        Dim myLog As New EventLog()
        myLog.Source = "MySource"
        ' Write an informational entry to the event log.    
        myLog.WriteEntry("Writing to event log.")
    End Sub
End Class

示例2: New EventLog

' 导入命名空间
Imports System.Diagnostics

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim Log As New EventLog("Application")
        Log.Source = "FormEventLog"

    End Sub
End Module
