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TypeScript Stream.compose方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中xstream.Stream.compose方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Stream.compose方法的具体用法?TypeScript Stream.compose怎么用?TypeScript Stream.compose使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在xstream.Stream的用法示例。


示例1: pickCombine

  * Like `combine` in xstream, this operator combines multiple streams together,
  * but picks those streams from a collection of component instances.
  * Use the `selector` string to pick a stream from the sinks object of each
  * component instance, then pickCombine will combine all those picked streams.
  * @param {String} selector a name of a channel in a sinks object belonging to
  * each component in the collection of components.
  * @return {Function} an operator to be used with xstream's `compose` method.
 public pickCombine(selector: string): Stream<Array<any>> {
   return adapt(this._instances$.compose(pickCombine(selector)));

示例2: Board

export default function Board(sources: Sources, 
  stateUpdate$: Stream<BootstrapMessage>) {
  const {
    stream: noteEditStart$,
    handler: onNoteEditStart
  } = createEventHandler<string>()
  const container = sources.DOM.select('.js-container')
  const noteDelete$: Stream<string> = container.select('.js-delete-note')
    .map(e => (e.target as HTMLButtonElement).getAttribute('data-note'))
  const noteEditArea = container.select('.js-note-edit')
  const noteMouseDown$: Stream<{id: string}> = (container.select('.js-note')
    .events('mousedown') as Stream<MouseEvent>).map((e) => {
      return {
        id: (e.currentTarget as Element).getAttribute('data-note')
  const mouseMove$ = container
    .events('mousemove') as Stream<MouseEvent>
  const mouseUp$ = container
    .events('mouseup') as Stream<MouseEvent>
  const noteEditBlur$ = noteEditArea
    .events('blur') as Stream<Event>
  const noteSaveText$ = noteEditBlur$
    .map(e => ({
      noteId: (e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).getAttribute('data-note'),
      text: ((e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).value || '').trim()
    .filter(({ noteId }) => noteId !== null && noteId.length > 0)
  const finishEdit$ = Stream.merge(
    container.events('click'), noteEditBlur$
  const addNote$ = sources.DOM.select('.js-add-note')
    .events('click') as Stream<MouseEvent>
  const noteDrag$: Stream<NoteEvent> = noteMouseDown$.map(({ id }) => 
    mouseMove$.map(e => ({
      id: id,
      x: e.layerX - NOTE_WIDTH / 2,
      y: e.layerY - NOTE_HEIGHT / 2
    .compose(dropRepeats((a: any, b: any) => 
      a.x === b.x && a.y === b.y
  const noteDragMod$ = noteDrag$.map(({ id, x, y }) => (state: State) => {
    const update = R.compose<State, State, State>(
        R.lensPath(['notes', id, 'pos']),
        { x, y } as Position
      R.assoc('draggingNoteId', id)
    return update(state)
  const noteStopDraggingMod$: Stream<(state: State) => State> = mouseUp$.mapTo(
    R.set(R.lensProp('draggingNoteId'), null)
  const noteEditId$ = Stream.merge(noteEditStart$, finishEdit$.mapTo(null))
  const noteEditStartMod$ = noteEditId$.map(id => (state: State) => {
    if (state.editingNoteId === id) {
      return state
    return R.assoc('editingNoteId', id, state) as State
  const updateFromBootsrapMessage = (data: BootstrapMessage) => 
    R.pipe<State, State, State>(
      R.assoc('boards', data.boards),
      R.assoc('notes', data.notes)
  // perform optimistic update
  const noteSaveTextMod$ = noteSaveText$.map(({ noteId, text }) => 
    (state: State) => {
      const update = R.set(
        R.lensPath(['notes', noteId, 'label']),
      return update(state)
  const serverBootstrap$ = sources.websocket.get('bootstrap')
    .map((res: any) => res.data as BootstrapMessage).debug('bootstrap$')
  const serverBootstrapMod$ = 

示例3: pickMerge

  * Like `merge` in xstream, this operator blends multiple streams together, but
  * picks those streams from a collection of component instances.
  * Use the `selector` string to pick a stream from the sinks object of each
  * component instance, then pickMerge will merge all those picked streams.
  * @param {String} selector a name of a channel in a sinks object belonging to
  * each component in the collection of components.
  * @return {Function} an operator to be used with xstream's `compose` method.
 public pickMerge(selector: string): Stream<any> {
   return adapt(this._instances$.compose(pickMerge(selector)));
