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TypeScript PlayerCore.addSoundToQueue方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中web-audio-api-player.PlayerCore.addSoundToQueue方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript PlayerCore.addSoundToQueue方法的具体用法?TypeScript PlayerCore.addSoundToQueue怎么用?TypeScript PlayerCore.addSoundToQueue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在web-audio-api-player.PlayerCore的用法示例。


示例1: PlayerCore

$(function () {

    let options: ICoreOptions = {
        soundsBaseUrl: 'https://mp3l.jamendo.com/?trackid=',
        playingProgressIntervalTime: 500

    let player = new PlayerCore(options);
    let playerUI = new PlayerUI(player);

    let firstSoundAttributes: ISoundAttributes = {
        sources: '1314412&format=mp31',
        id: 1314412,
        playlistId: 0,
        onLoading: (loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {
            console.log('loading: ', loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);
        onPlaying: (playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {
            console.log('playing: ', playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);
        onStarted: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('started', playTimeOffset);
        onPaused: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('paused', playTimeOffset);
        onStopped: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('stopped', playTimeOffset);
        onResumed: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('resumed', playTimeOffset);
        onEnded: (willPlayNext) => {
            console.log('ended', willPlayNext);
            if (!willPlayNext) {

    // add the first song to queue
    let firstSound = player.addSoundToQueue(firstSoundAttributes);

    let secondSoundAttributes: ISoundAttributes = {
        sources: '1214935&format=ogg1',
        id: 1214935,
        playlistId: 0,
        onLoading: (loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {
            console.log('loading: ', loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);
        onPlaying: (playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {
            console.log('playing: ', playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);
        onStarted: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('started', playTimeOffset);
        onPaused: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('paused', playTimeOffset);
        onStopped: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('stopped', playTimeOffset);
        onResumed: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('resumed', playTimeOffset);
        onEnded: (willPlayNext) => {
            console.log('ended', willPlayNext);
            if (!willPlayNext) {

    // add another song
    let secondSound = player.addSoundToQueue(secondSoundAttributes);


    //let volume = 90;


    // play first song in the queue

    // play next song

    // TODO: use the sound to display the loading progress

    // TODO: add two sounds, then play the second one by passing it's id, queue should get rid of first song and immediatly play the second one

    // TODO: add a playlist of multiple songs at once, play some song (not the first one), again queue up until that song should get wiped, then play any previous song by id
    // but as queue won't know that song, we need to trigger some error
    // do this again but this time reset queue and repopulate it, then play the previous song
    // TODO: can we add some playlist support to avoid that the user manually needs to manage the queue? especially to avoid having to reset it when playing earlier song and then rebuild himself?

示例2: PlayerCore



        var VisualData = GetVisualBins(initialArray)
        var TransformedVisualData = transformToVisualBins(VisualData)


        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Clear the canvas
        ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; // Color of the bars

        for (var y = 0; y < SpectrumBarCount; y++) {

            let bar_x = y * barWidth;
            let bar_width = barWidth;
            let bar_height = TransformedVisualData[y];

            //  fillRect( x, y, width, height ) // Explanation of the parameters below
            //ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
            ctx.fillRect(bar_x, (canvas.height / 2) - bar_height, bar_width, bar_height);

            ctx.fillRect(bar_x, canvas.height / 2, bar_width, bar_height);



    // initialize player ui
    let playerUI = new PlayerUI(player);

    // add songs to player queue
    let firstSoundAttributes: ISoundAttributes = {
        sources: '1314412&format=mp31',
        id: 1314412,
        //sources: '1214935&format=ogg1',
        //id: 1214935,
        playlistId: 0,
        onLoading: (loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {

            console.log('loading: ', loadingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);


        onPlaying: (playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue) => {

            console.log('playing: ', playingProgress, maximumValue, currentValue);


        onStarted: (playTimeOffset) => {

            console.log('started', playTimeOffset);

            isPlaying = true;


        onPaused: (playTimeOffset) => {

            console.log('paused', playTimeOffset);

            isPlaying = false;

        onStopped: (playTimeOffset) => {

            console.log('stopped', playTimeOffset);

            isPlaying = false;

        onResumed: (playTimeOffset) => {
            console.log('resumed', playTimeOffset);

            isPlaying = true;


        onEnded: (willPlayNext) => {

            console.log('ended', willPlayNext);

            if (!willPlayNext) {

            isPlaying = false;


    // add the first song to queue
    let firstSound = player.addSoundToQueue(firstSoundAttributes);

