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TypeScript Store.replaceState方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vuex.Store.replaceState方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Store.replaceState方法的具体用法?TypeScript Store.replaceState怎么用?TypeScript Store.replaceState使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vuex.Store的用法示例。


示例1: async

  return async (store: Store<State>) => {
    const water: Partial<State> = {};
    for (const paths of Object.values(saveOn)) {
      for (const path of castArray(paths)) {
        const storedValue = storage.getItem(prefixKey(path));
        if (storedValue) {
          const parsedValue = JSON.parse(storedValue);
          set(water, path, parsedValue);
    store.replaceState(merge({}, store.state, water));

    if (onLoad) await onLoad(store);

    store.subscribe(({ type }, state) => {
      if (hasOwn(saveOn, type)) {
        const paths = castArray(saveOn[type]);
        for (const [path, value] of zip(paths, at(state, paths))) {
          if (path === undefined) continue;
          const stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value);
          try {
            storage.setItem(prefixKey(path), stringifiedValue);
          } catch {
            // this can sometimes throw based on the spec


const setDefaultState = (context: IServerContext, store: Store<IState>) => {
  let state: IState = store.state;
  state = PersistCookieStorage.getMergedStateFromServerContext<IState>(context, state);
  state.app.config = context.appConfig;

  if (state.app && state.app.locale) {
    context.acceptLanguage = state.app.locale;
    context.htmlLang = state.app.locale.substr(0, 2);
  } else {
    state.app.locale = context.acceptLanguage;

  if (context.redirect === true) {
    state.app.redirectTo = context.url;


示例3: return

  return (vuexStore: Store<IState>) => {
    const hydratedState: IState = {} as IState;

    storages.forEach((storage: IVuexPersistStorage): void => {
      if (canWriteStorage(storage)) {
        processStorage(storage, hydratedState, vuexStore);

    const mergedState: IState = merge(vuexStore.state, hydratedState, {
      clone:      false,
      arrayMerge: (store, saved) => {
        return saved;


示例4: createStore

namespace TestPlugin {
  const a = (store: Vuex.Store<any>) => {};

  const b = (store: Vuex.Store<ISimpleState>) => {};

  new Vuex.Store<ISimpleState>({
    state: { count: 1 },
    plugins: [a, b]

namespace TestReplaceState {
  const store = createStore();

  store.replaceState({ count: 10 });

namespace TestWatch {
  const store = createStore();

  store.watch(state => state.count, value => {
    const a: number = value;
  }, {
    deep: true,
    immidiate: true

namespace TestHotUpdate {
  const store = createStore();
