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TypeScript ToolRunner.exec方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vsts-task-lib/toolrunner.ToolRunner.exec方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript ToolRunner.exec方法的具体用法?TypeScript ToolRunner.exec怎么用?TypeScript ToolRunner.exec使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vsts-task-lib/toolrunner.ToolRunner的用法示例。


示例1: findSigningIdentity

export async function findSigningIdentity(keychainPath: string) {
    var signIdentity : string;
    var findIdentityCmd : ToolRunner = tl.createToolRunner(tl.which('security', true));
    findIdentityCmd.arg(['find-identity', '-v', '-p', 'codesigning']);
    findIdentityCmd.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            var matches = data.toString().trim().match(/"(.+)"/g);
            tl.debug('signing identity data = ' + matches);
            if(matches && matches[0]) {
                signIdentity = matches[0].replace(/"/gm, '');
                tl.debug('signing identity data trimmed = ' + signIdentity);

    await findIdentityCmd.exec();
    if(signIdentity) {
        tl.debug('findSigningIdentity = ' + signIdentity);
        return signIdentity;
    } else {
        throw tl.loc('SignIdNotFound');

示例2: getiOSProvisioningProfileType

export async function getiOSProvisioningProfileType(provProfilePath: string) {
    let provProfileType: string;
    try {
        //find the provisioning profile details
        let provProfileDetails: string;
        let getProvProfileDetailsCmd: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
        getProvProfileDetailsCmd.arg(['cms', '-D', '-i', provProfilePath]);
        getProvProfileDetailsCmd.on('stdout', function (data) {
            if (data) {
                if (provProfileDetails) {
                    provProfileDetails = provProfileDetails.concat(data.toString().trim().replace(/[,\n\r\f\v]/gm, ''));
                } else {
                    provProfileDetails = data.toString().trim().replace(/[,\n\r\f\v]/gm, '');
        await getProvProfileDetailsCmd.exec();

        let tmpPlist: string;
        if (provProfileDetails) {
            //write the provisioning profile to a plist
            tmpPlist = '_xcodetasktmp.plist';
            tl.writeFile(tmpPlist, provProfileDetails);
        } else {
            throw tl.loc('ProvProfileDetailsNotFound', provProfilePath);

        //get ProvisionsAllDevices - this will exist for enterprise profiles
        let provisionsAllDevices: string = await printFromPlist('ProvisionsAllDevices', tmpPlist);
        tl.debug('provisionsAllDevices = ' + provisionsAllDevices);
        if (provisionsAllDevices && provisionsAllDevices.trim().toLowerCase() === 'true') {
            //ProvisionsAllDevices = true in enterprise profiles
            provProfileType = 'enterprise';
        } else {
            let getTaskAllow: string = await printFromPlist('Entitlements:get-task-allow', tmpPlist);
            tl.debug('getTaskAllow = ' + getTaskAllow);
            if (getTaskAllow && getTaskAllow.trim().toLowerCase() === 'true') {
                //get-task-allow = true means it is a development profile
                provProfileType = 'development';
            } else {
                let provisionedDevices: string = await printFromPlist('ProvisionedDevices', tmpPlist);
                if (!provisionedDevices) {
                    // no provisioned devices for non-development profile means it is an app-store profile
                    provProfileType = 'app-store';
                } else {
                    // non-development profile with provisioned devices - use ad-hoc
                    provProfileType = 'ad-hoc';

        //delete the temporary plist file
        let deletePlistCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('rm', true));
        deletePlistCommand.arg(['-f', tmpPlist]);
        await deletePlistCommand.exec();
    } catch (err) {

    return provProfileType;

示例3: installProvisioningProfile

export async function installProvisioningProfile(provProfilePath: string) : Promise<{ provProfileUUID: string, provProfileName: string }> {
    //find the provisioning profile UUID
    let provProfileDetails: string;
    let getProvProfileDetailsCmd: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
    getProvProfileDetailsCmd.arg(['cms', '-D', '-i', provProfilePath]);
    getProvProfileDetailsCmd.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            if (provProfileDetails) {
                provProfileDetails = provProfileDetails.concat(data.toString().trim().replace(/[,\n\r\f\v]/gm, ''));
            } else {
                provProfileDetails = data.toString().trim().replace(/[,\n\r\f\v]/gm, '');
    await getProvProfileDetailsCmd.exec();

    let tmpPlist: string;
    if (provProfileDetails) {
        //write the provisioning profile to a plist
        tmpPlist = '_xcodetasktmp.plist';
        tl.writeFile(tmpPlist, provProfileDetails);
    } else {
        throw tl.loc('ProvProfileDetailsNotFound', provProfilePath);

    //use PlistBuddy to figure out the UUID
    let provProfileUUID: string;
    let plist = tl.which('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', true);
    let plistTool: ToolRunner = tl.tool(plist);
    plistTool.arg(['-c', 'Print UUID', tmpPlist]);
    plistTool.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            provProfileUUID = data.toString();
    await plistTool.exec();

    //use PlistBuddy to figure out the Name
    let provProfileName: string;
    plistTool = tl.tool(plist);
    plistTool.arg(['-c', 'Print Name', tmpPlist]);
    plistTool.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            provProfileName = data.toString();
    await plistTool.exec();

    //delete the temporary plist file
    let deletePlistCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('rm', true));
    deletePlistCommand.arg(['-f', tmpPlist]);
    await deletePlistCommand.exec();

    if (provProfileUUID) {
        //copy the provisioning profile file to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
        tl.mkdirP(userProvisioningProfilesPath); // Path may not exist if Xcode has not been run yet.
        let pathToProvProfile: string = getProvisioningProfilePath(provProfileUUID);
        let copyProvProfileCmd: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('cp', true));
        copyProvProfileCmd.arg(['-f', provProfilePath, pathToProvProfile]);
        await copyProvProfileCmd.exec();

        if (!provProfileName) {

        return { provProfileUUID, provProfileName };
    } else {
        throw tl.loc('ProvProfileUUIDNotFound', provProfilePath);

示例4: installCertInTemporaryKeychain

export async function installCertInTemporaryKeychain(keychainPath: string, keychainPwd: string, p12CertPath: string, p12Pwd: string, useKeychainIfExists: boolean): Promise<void> {
    let setupKeychain: boolean = true;

    if (useKeychainIfExists && tl.exist(keychainPath)) {
        setupKeychain = false;

    if (setupKeychain) {
        //delete keychain if exists
        await deleteKeychain(keychainPath);

        //create keychain
        let createKeychainCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
        createKeychainCommand.arg(['create-keychain', '-p', keychainPwd, keychainPath]);
        await createKeychainCommand.exec();

        //update keychain settings
        let keychainSettingsCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
        keychainSettingsCommand.arg(['set-keychain-settings', '-lut', '7200', keychainPath]);
        await keychainSettingsCommand.exec();

    //unlock keychain
    await unlockKeychain(keychainPath, keychainPwd);

    //import p12 cert into the keychain
    let importP12Command: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
    if (!p12Pwd) {
        // if password is null or not defined, set it to empty
        p12Pwd = '';
    importP12Command.arg(['import', p12CertPath, '-P', p12Pwd, '-A', '-t', 'cert', '-f', 'pkcs12', '-k', keychainPath]);
    await importP12Command.exec();

    //If we imported into a pre-existing keychain (e.g. login.keychain), set the partition_id ACL for the private key we just imported
    //so codesign won't prompt to use the key for signing. This isn't necessary for temporary keychains, at least on High Sierra.
    //See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39868578/security-codesign-in-sierra-keychain-ignores-access-control-settings-and-ui-p
    if (!setupKeychain) {
        const privateKeyName: string = await getP12PrivateKeyName(p12CertPath, p12Pwd);
        await setKeyPartitionList(keychainPath, keychainPwd, privateKeyName);

    //list the keychains to get current keychains in search path
    let listAllOutput: string;
    let listAllCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
    listAllCommand.arg(['list-keychain', '-d', 'user']);
    listAllCommand.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            if (listAllOutput) {
                listAllOutput = listAllOutput.concat(data.toString().trim());
            } else {
                listAllOutput = data.toString().trim();

    await listAllCommand.exec();

    let allKeychainsArr: string[] = [];
    tl.debug('listAllOutput = ' + listAllOutput);

    //parse out all the existing keychains in search path
    if (listAllOutput) {
        allKeychainsArr = listAllOutput.split(/[\n\r\f\v]/gm);

    //add the keychain to list path along with existing keychains if it is not in the path
    if (listAllOutput && listAllOutput.indexOf(keychainPath) < 0) {
        let listAddCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
        listAddCommand.arg(['list-keychain', '-d', 'user', '-s', keychainPath]);
        for (var i: number = 0; i < allKeychainsArr.length; i++) {
            listAddCommand.arg(allKeychainsArr[i].trim().replace(/"/gm, ''));

        await listAddCommand.exec();

    let listVerifyOutput: string;
    let listVerifyCommand: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tl.which('security', true));
    listVerifyCommand.arg(['list-keychain', '-d', 'user']);
    listVerifyCommand.on('stdout', function (data) {
        if (data) {
            if (listVerifyOutput) {
                listVerifyOutput = listVerifyOutput.concat(data.toString().trim());
            } else {
                listVerifyOutput = data.toString().trim();

    await listVerifyCommand.exec();

    if (!listVerifyOutput || listVerifyOutput.indexOf(keychainPath) < 0) {
        throw tl.loc('TempKeychainSetupFailed');

示例5: run

async function run() {
    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join( __dirname, 'task.json'));

        // Tooling
        tl.setEnvVar('DEVELOPER_DIR', tl.getInput('xcodeDeveloperDir', false));

        var useXctool : boolean = tl.getBoolInput('useXctool', false);
        var tool : string = useXctool ? tl.which('xctool', true) : tl.which('xcodebuild', true);
        tl.debug('Tool selected: '+ tool);

        // Paths
        var workingDir : string = tl.getPathInput('cwd');

        var outPath : string = tl.resolve(workingDir, tl.getInput('outputPattern', true)); //use posix implementation to resolve paths to prevent unit test failures on Windows

        // Xcode args
        var ws : string = tl.getPathInput('xcWorkspacePath', false, false);
        if(tl.filePathSupplied('xcWorkspacePath')) {
            var workspaceMatches = tl.glob(ws);
            tl.debug("Found " + workspaceMatches.length + ' workspaces matching.');

            if (workspaceMatches.length > 0) {
                ws = workspaceMatches[0];
                if (workspaceMatches.length > 1) {
                    tl.warning(tl.loc('MultipleWorkspacesFound', ws));
            else {
                throw tl.loc('WorkspaceDoesNotExist');

        var sdk : string = tl.getInput('sdk', false);
        var configuration : string  = tl.getInput('configuration', false);
        var scheme : string = tl.getInput('scheme', false);
        var useXcpretty : boolean = tl.getBoolInput('useXcpretty', false);
        var xctoolReporter : string = tl.getInput('xctoolReporter', false);
        var actions : string [] = tl.getDelimitedInput('actions', ' ', true);
        var packageApp : boolean = tl.getBoolInput('packageApp', true);
        var args : string = tl.getInput('args', false);

        // Exec Tools

        // --- Xcode Version ---
        var xcv : ToolRunner = tl.tool(tool);
        await xcv.exec();

        // --- Xcode build arguments ---
        var xcb: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tool);
        xcb.argIf(sdk, ['-sdk', sdk]);
        xcb.argIf(configuration, ['-configuration', configuration]);
        if(ws && tl.filePathSupplied('xcWorkspacePath')) {
        xcb.argIf(scheme, ['-scheme', scheme]);
        xcb.argIf(useXctool && xctoolReporter, ['-reporter', 'plain', '-reporter', xctoolReporter]);
        xcb.arg('DSTROOT=' + path.join(outPath, 'build.dst'));
        xcb.arg('OBJROOT=' + path.join(outPath, 'build.obj'));
        xcb.arg('SYMROOT=' + path.join(outPath, 'build.sym'));
        xcb.arg('SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=' + path.join(outPath, 'build.pch'));
        if (args) {

        // iOS signing and provisioning
        var signMethod : string = tl.getInput('signMethod', false);
        var keychainToDelete : string;
        var profileToDelete : string;

        if(signMethod === 'file') {
            var p12 : string = tl.getPathInput('p12', false, false);
            var p12pwd : string = tl.getInput('p12pwd', false);
            var provProfilePath : string = tl.getPathInput('provProfile', false);
            var removeProfile : boolean = tl.getBoolInput('removeProfile', false);

            if(tl.filePathSupplied('p12') && tl.exist(p12)) {
                p12 = tl.resolve(workingDir, p12);
                var keychain : string = path.join(workingDir, '_xcodetasktmp.keychain');
                var keychainPwd : string = '_xcodetask_TmpKeychain_Pwd#1';

                //create a temporary keychain and install the p12 into that keychain
                await sign.installCertInTemporaryKeychain(keychain, keychainPwd, p12, p12pwd);
                xcb.arg('OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS=--keychain=' + keychain);
                keychainToDelete = keychain;

示例6: run

async function run() {
    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join(__dirname, 'task.json'));

        //read inputs
        let solution: string = tl.getPathInput('solution', true, false);
        let platform: string = tl.getInput('platform');
        let configuration: string = tl.getInput('configuration');
        let msbuildArguments: string = tl.getInput('msbuildArguments');
        let clean: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('clean');

        let logsolutionEvents: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('logsolutionEvents');
        if (logsolutionEvents) {

        let createLogFile: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('createLogFile');
        if (createLogFile) {

        let msbuildLocationMethod: string = tl.getInput('msbuildLocationMethod');
        if (!msbuildLocationMethod) {
            msbuildLocationMethod = 'version';

        let msbuildTool: string;
        if (msbuildLocationMethod === 'version') {
            let msbuildVersion: string = tl.getInput('msbuildVersion');
            msbuildTool = await msbuildHelpers.getMSBuildPath(msbuildVersion);
        if (msbuildLocationMethod === 'location') {
            msbuildTool = tl.getInput('msbuildLocation');

        let filesList: string[] = tl.findMatch(null, solution, { followSymbolicLinks: false, followSpecifiedSymbolicLink: false }, { matchBase: true });
        for (let file of filesList) {
            if (clean) {
                let cleanTool: ToolRunner = tl.tool(msbuildTool);
                cleanTool.argIf(clean, '/t:Clean');
                cleanTool.argIf(platform, '/p:Platform=' + platform);
                cleanTool.argIf(configuration, '/p:Configuration=' + configuration);
                if (msbuildArguments) {
                await cleanTool.exec();

            let buildTool: ToolRunner = tl.tool(msbuildTool);
            buildTool.argIf(platform, '/p:Platform=' + platform);
            buildTool.argIf(configuration, '/p:Configuration=' + configuration);
            if (msbuildArguments) {
            await buildTool.exec();
    } catch (err) {
        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, err);

示例7: run

async function run() {

    let codesignKeychain: string;
    let profileToDelete: string;

    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join(__dirname, 'task.json'));

        // Get build inputs
        let solutionPath: string = tl.getPathInput('solution', true, true);
        let configuration: string = tl.getInput('configuration', true);
        let clean: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('clean');
        let args: string = tl.getInput('args');
        let packageApp: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('packageApp');
        let buildForSimulator: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('forSimulator');
        let device: string = (buildForSimulator) ? 'iPhoneSimulator' : 'iPhone';
        tl.debug('device: ' + device);
        let cwd: string = tl.getInput('cwd');
        let runNugetRestore: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('runNugetRestore');

        // find the build tool path based on the build tool and location inputs
        let buildTool: string = tl.getInput('buildTool');
        let buildToolLocation: string = tl.getInput('mdtoolLocation', false);
        let buildToolPath: string;
        if (buildToolLocation) {
            // location is specified
            buildToolPath = buildToolLocation;
            if (buildTool === 'xbuild' && !buildToolLocation.toLowerCase().endsWith('xbuild')) {
                buildToolPath = path.join(buildToolLocation, 'xbuild');
            if (buildTool === 'msbuild' && !buildToolLocation.toLowerCase().endsWith('msbuild')) {
                buildToolPath = path.join(buildToolLocation, 'msbuild');
        } else {
            // no build tool path is supplied, check PATH
            if (buildTool === 'msbuild') {
                // check for msbuild 15 or higher, if not fall back to xbuild
                buildToolPath = await msbuildhelpers.getMSBuildPath('15.0');
            } else {
                buildToolPath = tl.which('xbuild', true);
        tl.checkPath(buildToolPath, 'build tool');
        tl.debug('Build tool path = ' + buildToolPath);

        if (clean) {
            let cleanBuildRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(buildToolPath);
            cleanBuildRunner.argIf(configuration, '/p:Configuration=' + configuration);
            cleanBuildRunner.argIf(device, '/p:Platform=' + device);
            await cleanBuildRunner.exec();

        if (runNugetRestore) {
            // Find location of nuget
            let nugetPath: string = tl.which('nuget', true);

            // Restore NuGet packages of the solution
            let nugetRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(nugetPath);
            nugetRunner.arg(['restore', solutionPath]);
            await nugetRunner.exec();

        //Process working directory
        let workingDir: string = cwd || tl.getVariable('System.DefaultWorkingDirectory');

        let signMethod: string = tl.getInput('signMethod', false);
        let provProfileUUID: string = null;
        let signIdentity: string = null;

        if (signMethod === 'file') {
            let p12: string = tl.getPathInput('p12', false, false);
            let p12pwd: string = tl.getInput('p12pwd', false);
            let provProfilePath: string = tl.getPathInput('provProfile', false);
            let removeProfile: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('removeProfile', false);

            if (tl.filePathSupplied('p12') && tl.exist(p12)) {
                p12 = tl.resolve(cwd, p12);
                tl.debug('cwd = ' + cwd);
                let keychain: string = tl.resolve(cwd, '_xamariniostasktmp.keychain');
                let keychainPwd: string = '_xamariniostask_TmpKeychain_Pwd#1';

                //create a temporary keychain and install the p12 into that keychain
                tl.debug('installing cert in temp keychain');
                await sign.installCertInTemporaryKeychain(keychain, keychainPwd, p12, p12pwd, false);
                codesignKeychain = keychain;

                //find signing identity
                signIdentity = await sign.findSigningIdentity(keychain);

            //determine the provisioning profile UUID
            if (tl.filePathSupplied('provProfile') && tl.exist(provProfilePath)) {
                provProfileUUID = await sign.getProvisioningProfileUUID(provProfilePath);

                if (removeProfile && provProfileUUID) {
                    profileToDelete = provProfileUUID;

示例8: run

async function run() {
    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join(__dirname, 'task.json'));

        // Check platform is macOS since demands are not evaluated on Hosted pools
        if (os.platform() !== 'darwin') {
            throw new Error(tl.loc('BuildRequiresMac'));
        // Get build inputs
        const solutionInput: string = tl.getPathInput('solution', true, false);
        const configuration: string = tl.getInput('configuration', true);
        const clean: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('clean');
        const args: string = tl.getInput('args');
        const packageApp: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('packageApp');
        const buildForSimulator: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('forSimulator');
        const device: string = (buildForSimulator) ? 'iPhoneSimulator' : 'iPhone';
        tl.debug('device: ' + device);
        const cwd: string = tl.getPathInput('cwd', false, true);
        const runNugetRestore: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('runNugetRestore');

        // find the build tool path based on the build tool and location inputs
        const buildToolLocation: string = tl.getInput('buildToolLocation', false);
        let buildToolPath: string;
        if (buildToolLocation) {
            buildToolPath = buildToolLocation;
        } else {
            // no build tool path is supplied, check PATH
            // check for msbuild 15 or higher, if not fall back to xbuild
            buildToolPath = await msbuildhelpers.getMSBuildPath('latest');
        tl.checkPath(buildToolPath, 'build tool');
        tl.debug('Build tool path = ' + buildToolPath);

        const solutionPath = expandSolutionWildcardPatterns(solutionInput);

        if (clean) {
            const cleanBuildRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(buildToolPath);
            cleanBuildRunner.argIf(configuration, '/p:Configuration=' + configuration);
            cleanBuildRunner.argIf(device, '/p:Platform=' + device);
            if (args) {
            await cleanBuildRunner.exec();

        if (runNugetRestore) {
            // Find location of nuget
            const nugetPath: string = tl.which('nuget', true);

            // Restore NuGet packages of the solution
            const nugetRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(nugetPath);
            nugetRunner.arg(['restore', solutionPath]);
            await nugetRunner.exec();

        //Process working directory
        const workingDir: string = cwd || tl.getVariable('System.DefaultWorkingDirectory');

        const provProfileUUID: string = tl.getInput('provProfileUuid');
        const signIdentity: string = tl.getInput('iosSigningIdentity');

        // Prepare build command line
        const buildRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(buildToolPath);
        buildRunner.argIf(configuration, '/p:Configuration=' + configuration);
        buildRunner.argIf(device, '/p:Platform=' + device);
        buildRunner.argIf(packageApp, '/p:BuildIpa=true');
        if (args) {
        if (signIdentity && signIdentity.indexOf(',') > 0) {
            // Escape the input to workaround msbuild bug https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/471
            tl.debug('Escaping , in arg /p:Codesignkey to workaround msbuild bug.');
            const signIdentityEscaped = signIdentity.replace(/[,]/g, '%2C');
            buildRunner.arg('/p:Codesignkey=' + signIdentityEscaped);
        } else {
            tl.debug('Passing in arg /p:Codesignkey as is without escpaing any characters.')
            buildRunner.argIf(signIdentity, '/p:Codesignkey=' + signIdentity);
        buildRunner.argIf(provProfileUUID, '/p:CodesignProvision=' + provProfileUUID);

        // Execute build
        await buildRunner.exec();

        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Succeeded, tl.loc('XamariniOSSucceeded'));

    } catch (err) {
        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, tl.loc('XamariniOSFailed', err));

示例9: run

async function run() {
    try {
        tl.setResourcePath(path.join(__dirname, 'task.json'));

        // Tooling
        var devDir = tl.getInput('xcodeDeveloperDir', false);
        if (devDir) {
            tl.setVariable('DEVELOPER_DIR', devDir);

        var useXctool: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('useXctool', false);
        var tool: string = useXctool ? tl.which('xctool', true) : tl.which('xcodebuild', true);
        tl.debug('Tool selected: ' + tool);

        // Paths
        var workingDir: string = tl.getPathInput('cwd');

        var outPath: string = tl.resolve(workingDir, tl.getInput('outputPattern', true)); //use posix implementation to resolve paths to prevent unit test failures on Windows

        // Xcode args
        var ws: string = tl.getPathInput('xcWorkspacePath', false, false);
        if (tl.filePathSupplied('xcWorkspacePath')) {
            var workspaceMatches = tl.findMatch(workingDir, ws, { followSymbolicLinks: false, followSpecifiedSymbolicLink: false });
            tl.debug("Found " + workspaceMatches.length + ' workspaces matching.');

            if (workspaceMatches.length > 0) {
                ws = workspaceMatches[0];
                if (workspaceMatches.length > 1) {
                    tl.warning(tl.loc('MultipleWorkspacesFound', ws));
            else {
                throw tl.loc('WorkspaceDoesNotExist', ws);

        var isProject = false;
        if (ws && ws.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith('.xcodeproj')) {
            isProject = true;

        var sdk: string = tl.getInput('sdk', false);
        var configuration: string = tl.getInput('configuration', false);
        var scheme: string = tl.getInput('scheme', false);
        var useXcpretty: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('useXcpretty', false);
        var xctoolReporter: string = tl.getInput('xctoolReporter', false);
        var actions: string[] = tl.getDelimitedInput('actions', ' ', true);
        var packageApp: boolean = tl.getBoolInput('packageApp', true);
        var args: string = tl.getInput('args', false);

        // Exec Tools

        // --- Xcode Version ---
        var xcv: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tool);
        var xcodeVersion: number = 0;
        xcv.on('stdout', (data) => {
            var match = data.toString().trim().match(/Xcode (.+)/g);
            tl.debug('match = ' + match);
            if (match) {
                var version: number = parseInt(match.toString().replace('Xcode', '').trim());
                tl.debug('version = ' + version);
                if (!isNaN(version)) {
                    xcodeVersion = version;

        await xcv.exec();
        tl.debug('xcodeVersion = ' + xcodeVersion);

        // --- Xcode build arguments ---
        var xcb: ToolRunner = tl.tool(tool);
        xcb.argIf(sdk, ['-sdk', sdk]);
        xcb.argIf(configuration, ['-configuration', configuration]);
        if (ws && tl.filePathSupplied('xcWorkspacePath')) {
            xcb.argIf(isProject, '-project');
            xcb.argIf(!isProject, '-workspace');
        xcb.argIf(scheme, ['-scheme', scheme]);
        xcb.argIf(useXctool && xctoolReporter, ['-reporter', 'plain', '-reporter', xctoolReporter]);
        if (actions.toString().indexOf('archive') < 0) {
            // redirect build output if archive action is not passed
            // xcodebuild archive produces an invalid archive if output is redirected
            xcb.arg('DSTROOT=' + tl.resolve(outPath, 'build.dst'));
            xcb.arg('OBJROOT=' + tl.resolve(outPath, 'build.obj'));
            xcb.arg('SYMROOT=' + tl.resolve(outPath, 'build.sym'));
            xcb.arg('SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=' + tl.resolve(outPath, 'build.pch'));

示例10: execute

(async function execute(): Promise<void> {
    try {
        const azCopy: string[] = azCopyknownLocations.filter((x) => fs.existsSync(x));
        if (azCopy.length) {

            tl.debug("AzCopy utility found at path : " + azCopy[0]);

            const toolRunner: ToolRunner = tl.tool(azCopy[0]);

            if (sourceKind === "Storage") {
                tl.debug("retrieving source account details");
                const sourceCredentials: any = await getConnectedServiceCredentials(sourceConnectedServiceName);
                const sourceStorageAccount: IStorageAccount = await getStorageAccount(sourceCredentials, sourceAccount);
                tl.debug(sourceStorageAccount.blobEndpoint + sourceObject);
                toolRunner.arg("/Source:" + sourceStorageAccount.blobEndpoint + sourceObject);
                toolRunner.arg("/SourceKey:" + sourceStorageAccount.key);
            } else {
                toolRunner.arg("/Source:" + sourcePath);

            if (destinationKind === "Storage") {
                const destCredentials: any = await getConnectedServiceCredentials(destinationConnectedServiceName);
                const destStorageAccount: IStorageAccount = await getStorageAccount(
                tl.debug(destStorageAccount.blobEndpoint + destinationObject);
                toolRunner.arg("/Dest:" + destStorageAccount.blobEndpoint + destinationObject);
                toolRunner.arg("/DestKey:" + destStorageAccount.key);
            } else {
                toolRunner.arg("/Dest:" + destinationPath);

            if (recursive) {

            if (pattern) {
                toolRunner.arg("/Pattern:" + pattern);

            if (excludeNewer) {

            if (excludeOlder) {

            if (additionalArguments) {


            const result: number = await toolRunner.exec();
            if (result) {
                tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, "An error occured during azcopy");
            } else {
                tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Succeeded, "Files copied successfully");
        } else {
                "AzCopy utility was not found, please refer to documentation for installation instructions.");
    } catch (err) {
        tl.setResult(tl.TaskResult.Failed, err);
