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TypeScript vsotask.warning函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vso-task-lib/vsotask.warning函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript warning函数的具体用法?TypeScript warning怎么用?TypeScript warning使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: RegExp

tl.debug(`Using ${replaceRegex} as the replacement regex`);

var buildRegexObj = new RegExp(buildRegex);
if (buildRegexObj.test(buildNumber)) {
	var versionNum = buildRegexObj.exec(buildNumber)[0];
	console.info(`Using version ${versionNum} in folder ${sourcePath}`);
    // get a list of all files under this root
    var allFiles = tl.find(sourcePath);

    // Now matching the pattern against all files
    var filesToReplace = tl.match(allFiles, filePattern, { matchBase: true });
	if (filesToReplace === undefined || filesToReplace.length === 0) {
		tl.warning("No files found");
	} else {
		for(var i = 0; i < filesToReplace.length; i++){
			var file = filesToReplace[i];
			console.info(`  -> Changing version in ${file}`);
			// replace all occurrences by adding g to the pattern
			sh.sed("-i", new RegExp(replaceRegex, "g"), versionNum, file);
		console.info(`Replaced version in ${filesToReplace.length} files`);
} else {
	tl.warning(`Could not extract a version from [${buildNumber}] using pattern [${buildRegex}]`);

tl.debug("Leaving Version Assemblies step");

示例2: RegExp

tl.debug(`Using ${replaceRegex} as the replacement regex`);

if (buildRegexIndex === undefined || buildRegexIndex.length === 0){
	buildRegexIndex = "0";
tl.debug(`Using ${buildRegexIndex} as the build regex index regex`);

var buildRegexObj = new RegExp(buildRegex);
if (buildRegexObj.test(buildNumber)) {
	var versionNum = buildRegexObj.exec(buildNumber)[buildRegexIndex];
	console.info(`Using prefix [${replacePrefix}] and version [${versionNum}] in folder [${sourcePath}]`);
    var filesToReplace = tl.glob(`${sourcePath}\\${filePattern}`);
	if (filesToReplace === undefined || filesToReplace.length === 0) {
		tl.warning("No files found");
	} else {
		for (var i = 0; i < filesToReplace.length; i++) {
            var file = filesToReplace[i];
            console.info(`Changing version in ${file}`);
            var contents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8').toString();
            var checkMatches = new RegExp(replaceRegex).exec(contents);
            if (!checkMatches || checkMatches.length === 0) {
                if (failIfNoMatchFound) {
                    tl.error(`No matches for regex [${replaceRegex}] found in file ${file}`);
                } else {
                    tl.warning(`No matches for regex [${replaceRegex}] found in file ${file}`);
            } else {


    var sourceDir = tl.getVariable("Agent.ReleaseDirectory");
    // create a new dir for the source
    if (!ut.cloneRepo(repoUrl, pat)) {
    // cd to the repo directory
    tl.debug(`Working dir: ${process.cwd()}`);
} else {
    // set the remote creds using the token
    if (ut.isEmpty(token)) {
        tl.warning("Could not find System.AccessToken. Attempting to continue - if credentials fail, then please enable the token in the build Options page.");
    } else {
        ut.setRemote(repoUrl, token, remoteName);

// fetch the remote branches
if (ut.execGit(["fetch", remoteName]).code !== 0) {

if (mergeType === "test") {
    var branchesToMerge = branchesToMergeStr.split(',');
    console.info(`Found ${branchesToMerge.length} branches to test`);
    // pull all the branches that we're testing down so that they are locally
