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TypeScript vso-task-lib.getPathInput函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vso-task-lib.getPathInput函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript getPathInput函数的具体用法?TypeScript getPathInput怎么用?TypeScript getPathInput使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: RegExp

import * as tl from 'vso-task-lib';
import * as sh from 'shelljs';
import * as fs from 'fs';

tl.debug("Starting Replace Tokens step");

// get the task vars
var filePath = tl.getPathInput("filePath", true, true);
var tokenRegex = tl.getInput("tokenRegex", true);

var files = tl.find(filePath);
if (files.length === 1) {
	var file = files[0];
	// read the file
	fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
		if (err) {
			tl.error(`Could not read file ${filePath}. Error is ${err.message}`);
		var reg = new RegExp(tokenRegex, "g");
		console.info(`Starting regex replacement in ${file}`);
		// loop through each match
		var match: RegExpExecArray;
		while((match = reg.exec(data)) !== null) {
			// find the variable value in the environment
			var varName = match[1];
			var varValue = tl.getVariable(varName);
			if (typeof varValue === 'undefined') {
				tl.warning(`... token ${varName} does not have an environment value`);


import * as tl from 'vso-task-lib';
import * as sh from 'shelljs';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as os from 'os';

tl.debug("Starting Replace Tokens task");

// get the task vars
var sourcePath = tl.getPathInput("sourcePath", true, true);
// clear leading and trailing quotes for paths with spaces
sourcePath = sourcePath.replace(/"/g, "");

var filePattern = tl.getInput("filePattern", true);
var tokenRegex = tl.getInput("tokenRegex", true);
var secretTokenInput = tl.getInput("secretTokens", false);

// store the tokens and values if there is any secret token input 
var secretTokens: {[id: string]: string} = {};
if (typeof secretTokenInput !== "undefined") {
    var inputArray : string[] = secretTokenInput.split(";");
    for (var token of inputArray) {
        if (token.indexOf(":") > -1) {  
            var valArray : string[] = token.split(":");
            if (valArray.length == 2) {
                var key = valArray[0].trim().toLowerCase();
                secretTokens[key] = valArray[1].trim();
                console.log(`Secret token input found [${key}]`); 
    tl.debug(`secretTokens: found [${Object.keys(secretTokens).length}] tokens`);    

示例3: while

    while (parentPath !== current) {
        current = parentPath;
        parentPath = path.dirname(current);

    return count;

// contents is a multiline input containing glob patterns
var contents: string[] = tl.getDelimitedInput('Contents', '\n');
var artifactName: string = tl.getInput('ArtifactName');
var artifactType: string = tl.getInput('ArtifactType');
// targetPath is used for file shares
var targetPath: string = tl.getInput('TargetPath');
var findRoot: string = tl.getPathInput('CopyRoot');

if (!artifactName) {
    // nothing to do
    tl.warning('Artifact name is not specified.');
else if (!artifactType) {
    // nothing to do
    tl.warning('Artifact type is not specified.');
else {
    artifactType = artifactType.toLowerCase();
    // back compat. remove after 82
    if (artifactType === "localpath") {
        artifactType = "filepath";
