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TypeScript window.showWorkspaceFolderPick方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vscode.window.showWorkspaceFolderPick方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript window.showWorkspaceFolderPick方法的具体用法?TypeScript window.showWorkspaceFolderPick怎么用?TypeScript window.showWorkspaceFolderPick使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vscode.window的用法示例。


示例1: selectWorkspaceFolder

    private async selectWorkspaceFolder(): Promise<WorkspaceFolder | undefined> {
        if (workspace.workspaceFolders.length === 1) {
            return workspace.workspaceFolders[0];

        const sourcePath = await this.getSourcePath();
        const uri = Uri.file(sourcePath);
        return workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri) || window.showWorkspaceFolderPick();

示例2: test

	test('showWorkspaceFolderPick', async function () {
		const p = window.showWorkspaceFolderPick(undefined);

		await commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.acceptSelectedQuickOpenItem');
		try {
			await p;
		catch (_error) {

示例3: async

	vscode.commands.registerCommand('config.commands.configureEmptyLastLineFiles', async () => {

		// 1) Getting the value
		const value = await vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: 'Provide glob pattern of files to have empty last line.' });

		if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) {

			// 2) Getting the target
			const target = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(
					{ label: 'Application', description: 'User Settings', target: vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global },
					{ label: 'Workspace', description: 'Workspace Settings', target: vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Workspace },
					{ label: 'Workspace Folder', description: 'Workspace Folder Settings', target: vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder }
				{ placeHolder: 'Select the target to which this setting should be applied' });

			if (value && target) {

				if (target.target === vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder) {

					// 3) Getting the workspace folder
					let workspaceFolder = await vscode.window.showWorkspaceFolderPick({ placeHolder: 'Pick Workspace Folder to which this setting should be applied' })
					if (workspaceFolder) {

						// 4) Get the configuration for the workspace folder
						const configuration = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('', workspaceFolder.uri);

						// 5) Get the current value
						const currentValue = configuration.get('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine');

						const newValue = { ...currentValue, ...{ [value]: true } };

						// 6) Update the configuration value
						await configuration.update('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine', newValue, target.target);
				} else {

					// 3) Get the configuration
					const configuration = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration();

					// 4) Get the current value
					const currentValue = configuration.get('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine');

					const newValue = { ...currentValue, ...{ [value]: true } };

					// 3) Update the value in the target
					await vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine', newValue, target.target);
		} else {

			// 2) Get the configuration
			const configuration = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration();

			// 3) Get the current value
			const currentValue = configuration.get('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine');

			const newValue = { ...currentValue, ...{ [value]: true } };

			// 4) Update the value in the User Settings
			await vscode.workspace.getConfiguration().update('conf.resource.insertEmptyLastLine', newValue, vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global);

示例4: activate

                for (let d of availableDebuggers) {
                    if (d.getDisplayName() === result) {
                        let prefs = this.getPreferences(workspace);
                        if (prefs.getAutoSaveOnDeploy()) {
                        return await d.runDeployer(await prefs.getTeamNumber(), workspace);

                await vscode.window.showInformationMessage('Debug exited');
                return false;
            return false;
        registerCodeDebug(deployer: ICodeDeployer): void {
        getApiVersion(): number {
            return 1;
        getPreferences(workspace: vscode.WorkspaceFolder): IPreferences {
            for (let p of preferences) {
                if (p.workspace.uri === workspace.uri) {
                    return p;
            return preferences[0];
        addLanguageChoice(language: string): void {
        async requestLanguageChoice(): Promise<string> {
            if (languageChoices.length <= 0) {
                return '';
            let result = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(languageChoices, { placeHolder: 'Pick a language' } );
            if (result === undefined) {
                return '';
            return result;
        async getFirstOrSelectedWorkspace(): Promise<vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined> {
            let wp = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders;
            if (wp === undefined) {
            let workspace = wp[0];
            if (wp.length > 1) {
                let res = await vscode.window.showWorkspaceFolderPick();
                if (res !== undefined) {
                    workspace = res;
            return workspace;

    // Use the console to output diagnostic information (console.log) and errors (console.error)
    // This line of code will only be executed once when your extension is activated
    console.log('Congratulations, your extension "vscode-wpilib-core" is now active!');

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('wpilibcore.startRioLog', async () =>{
        let workspace = await api.getFirstOrSelectedWorkspace();
        if (workspace === undefined) {
        await api.startRioLog(await api.getPreferences(workspace).getTeamNumber());

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('wpilibcore.setTeamNumber', async () =>{
        let workspace = await api.getFirstOrSelectedWorkspace();
        if (workspace === undefined) {
        await api.getPreferences(workspace).setTeamNumber(await requestTeamNumber());

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('wpilibcore.startTool', async () =>{
        await api.startTool();

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('wpilibcore.deployCode', async () =>{
        let workspace = await api.getFirstOrSelectedWorkspace();
        if (workspace === undefined) {
        await api.deployCode(workspace);

    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('wpilibcore.debugCode', async () =>{
        let workspace = await api.getFirstOrSelectedWorkspace();
        if (workspace === undefined) {
        await api.debugCode(workspace);

    return api;
