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TypeScript TextDocument.applyEdits方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vscode-languageserver-types.TextDocument.applyEdits方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript TextDocument.applyEdits方法的具体用法?TypeScript TextDocument.applyEdits怎么用?TypeScript TextDocument.applyEdits使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在vscode-languageserver-types.TextDocument的用法示例。


示例1: assertCompletion

export function assertCompletion(completions: CompletionList, expected: ItemDescription, document: TextDocument) {
	let matches = completions.items.filter(completion => {
		return completion.label === expected.label;
	if (expected.notAvailable) {
		assert.equal(matches.length, 0, `${expected.label} should not existing is results`);

	assert.equal(matches.length, 1, `${expected.label} should only existing once: Actual: ${completions.items.map(c => c.label).join(', ')}`);
	let match = matches[0];
	if (expected.documentation) {
		assert.equal(match.documentation, expected.documentation);
	if (expected.kind) {
		assert.equal(match.kind, expected.kind);
	if (expected.resultText && match.textEdit) {
		assert.equal(TextDocument.applyEdits(document, [match.textEdit]), expected.resultText);
	if (expected.command) {
		assert.deepEqual(match.command, expected.command);

示例2: format

export function format(languageModes: LanguageModes, document: TextDocument, formatRange: Range, formattingOptions: FormattingOptions, settings: Settings | undefined, enabledModes: { [mode: string]: boolean }) {
	let result: TextEdit[] = [];

	let endPos = formatRange.end;
	let endOffset = document.offsetAt(endPos);
	let content = document.getText();
	if (endPos.character === 0 && endPos.line > 0 && endOffset !== content.length) {
		// if selection ends after a new line, exclude that new line
		let prevLineStart = document.offsetAt(Position.create(endPos.line - 1, 0));
		while (isEOL(content, endOffset - 1) && endOffset > prevLineStart) {
		formatRange = Range.create(formatRange.start, document.positionAt(endOffset));

	// run the html formatter on the full range and pass the result content to the embedded formatters.
	// from the final content create a single edit
	// advantages of this approach are
	//  - correct indents in the html document
	//  - correct initial indent for embedded formatters
	//  - no worrying of overlapping edits

	// make sure we start in html
	let allRanges = languageModes.getModesInRange(document, formatRange);
	let i = 0;
	let startPos = formatRange.start;
	let isHTML = (range: LanguageModeRange) => range.mode && range.mode.getId() === 'html';

	while (i < allRanges.length && !isHTML(allRanges[i])) {
		let range = allRanges[i];
		if (!range.attributeValue && range.mode && range.mode.format) {
			let edits = range.mode.format(document, Range.create(startPos, range.end), formattingOptions, settings);
			pushAll(result, edits);
		startPos = range.end;
	if (i === allRanges.length) {
		return result;
	// modify the range
	formatRange = Range.create(startPos, formatRange.end);

	// perform a html format and apply changes to a new document
	let htmlMode = languageModes.getMode('html')!;
	let htmlEdits = htmlMode.format!(document, formatRange, formattingOptions, settings);
	let htmlFormattedContent = TextDocument.applyEdits(document, htmlEdits);
	let newDocument = TextDocument.create(document.uri + '.tmp', document.languageId, document.version, htmlFormattedContent);
	try {
		// run embedded formatters on html formatted content: - formatters see correct initial indent
		let afterFormatRangeLength = document.getText().length - document.offsetAt(formatRange.end); // length of unchanged content after replace range
		let newFormatRange = Range.create(formatRange.start, newDocument.positionAt(htmlFormattedContent.length - afterFormatRangeLength));
		let embeddedRanges = languageModes.getModesInRange(newDocument, newFormatRange);

		let embeddedEdits: TextEdit[] = [];

		for (let r of embeddedRanges) {
			let mode = r.mode;
			if (mode && mode.format && enabledModes[mode.getId()] && !r.attributeValue) {
				let edits = mode.format(newDocument, r, formattingOptions, settings);
				for (let edit of edits) {

		if (embeddedEdits.length === 0) {
			pushAll(result, htmlEdits);
			return result;

		// apply all embedded format edits and create a single edit for all changes
		let resultContent = TextDocument.applyEdits(newDocument, embeddedEdits);
		let resultReplaceText = resultContent.substring(document.offsetAt(formatRange.start), resultContent.length - afterFormatRangeLength);

		result.push(TextEdit.replace(formatRange, resultReplaceText));
		return result;
	} finally {

