本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vs/editor/common/modes/supports/onEnter.getRawEnterActionAtPosition函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript getRawEnterActionAtPosition函数的具体用法?TypeScript getRawEnterActionAtPosition怎么用?TypeScript getRawEnterActionAtPosition使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getEditOperations
public getEditOperations(model: ITokenizedModel, builder: IEditOperationBuilder): void {
let startLine = this._selection.startLineNumber,
endLine = this._selection.endLineNumber,
_SPACE = ' '.charCodeAt(0);
if (this._selection.endColumn === 1 && startLine !== endLine) {
endLine = endLine - 1;
let lineNumber:number,
tabSize = this._opts.tabSize,
oneIndent = this._opts.oneIndent,
shouldIndentEmptyLines = (startLine === endLine);
// indents[i] represents i * oneIndent
let indents: string[] = ['', oneIndent];
// if indenting or outdenting on a whitespace only line
if (this._selection.isEmpty()) {
if (/^\s*$/.test(model.getLineContent(startLine))) {
this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition = true;
// keep track of previous line's "miss-alignment"
let previousLineExtraSpaces = 0, extraSpaces = 0;
for (lineNumber = startLine; lineNumber <= endLine; lineNumber++, previousLineExtraSpaces = extraSpaces) {
extraSpaces = 0;
let lineText = model.getLineContent(lineNumber);
let indentationEndIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(lineText);
if (this._opts.isUnshift && (lineText.length === 0 || indentationEndIndex === 0)) {
// empty line or line with no leading whitespace => nothing to do
if (!shouldIndentEmptyLines && !this._opts.isUnshift && lineText.length === 0) {
// do not indent empty lines => nothing to do
if (indentationEndIndex === -1) {
// the entire line is whitespace
indentationEndIndex = lineText.length;
if (lineNumber > 1) {
let contentStartVisibleColumn = CursorMoveHelper.visibleColumnFromColumn2(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
if (contentStartVisibleColumn % tabSize !== 0) {
// The current line is "miss-aligned", so let's see if this is expected...
// This can only happen when it has trailing commas in the indent
let enterAction = getRawEnterActionAtPosition(model, lineNumber - 1, model.getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber - 1));
if (enterAction) {
extraSpaces = previousLineExtraSpaces;
if (enterAction.appendText) {
for (let j = 0, lenJ = enterAction.appendText.length; j < lenJ && extraSpaces < tabSize; j++) {
if (enterAction.appendText.charCodeAt(j) === _SPACE) {
} else {
if (enterAction.removeText) {
extraSpaces = Math.max(0, extraSpaces - enterAction.removeText);
// Act as if `prefixSpaces` is not part of the indentation
for (let j = 0; j < extraSpaces; j++) {
if (indentationEndIndex === 0 || lineText.charCodeAt(indentationEndIndex - 1) !== _SPACE) {
if (this._opts.isUnshift && indentationEndIndex === 0) {
// line with no leading whitespace => nothing to do
let desiredIndentCount: number;
if (this._opts.isUnshift) {
desiredIndentCount = ShiftCommand.unshiftIndentCount(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
} else {
desiredIndentCount = ShiftCommand.shiftIndentCount(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
// Fill `indents`, as needed
for (let j = indents.length; j <= desiredIndentCount; j++) {
indents[j] = indents[j-1] + oneIndent;
builder.addEditOperation(new Range(lineNumber, 1, lineNumber, indentationEndIndex + 1), indents[desiredIndentCount]);
this._selectionId = builder.trackSelection(this._selection);
示例2: onEnter
function onEnter(line:string, offset:number): Modes.IEnterAction {
let model = new TextModelWithTokens([], TextModel.toRawText(line, EditorCommon.DefaultEndOfLine.LF), false, _mode);
let result = getRawEnterActionAtPosition(model, 1, offset + 1);
return result;
示例3: onEnter
function onEnter(line:string, offset:number): Modes.IEnterAction {
let model = new TextModelWithTokens([], TextModel.toRawText(line, Model.DEFAULT_CREATION_OPTIONS), false, _mode);
let result = getRawEnterActionAtPosition(model, 1, offset + 1);
return result;