本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vs/editor/common/modes/languageConfigurationRegistry.LanguageConfigurationRegistry类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript LanguageConfigurationRegistry类的具体用法?TypeScript LanguageConfigurationRegistry怎么用?TypeScript LanguageConfigurationRegistry使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _executeBlockComment
* Given an unsuccessful analysis, delegate to the block comment command
private _executeBlockComment(model: editorCommon.ITokenizedModel, builder: editorCommon.IEditOperationBuilder, s: Selection): void {
let languageId = model.getLanguageIdAtPosition(s.startLineNumber, s.startColumn);
let config = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getComments(languageId);
if (!config || !config.blockCommentStartToken || !config.blockCommentEndToken) {
// Mode does not support block comments
var startToken = config.blockCommentStartToken;
var endToken = config.blockCommentEndToken;
var ops = this._attemptRemoveBlockComment(model, s, startToken, endToken);
if (!ops) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
var lineContent = model.getLineContent(s.startLineNumber);
var firstNonWhitespaceIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(lineContent);
if (firstNonWhitespaceIndex === -1) {
// Line is empty or contains only whitespace
firstNonWhitespaceIndex = lineContent.length;
ops = BlockCommentCommand._createAddBlockCommentOperations(
new Range(s.startLineNumber, firstNonWhitespaceIndex + 1, s.startLineNumber, lineContent.length + 1), startToken, endToken
} else {
ops = BlockCommentCommand._createAddBlockCommentOperations(
new Range(s.startLineNumber, model.getLineFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(s.startLineNumber), s.endLineNumber, model.getLineMaxColumn(s.endLineNumber)), startToken, endToken
if (ops.length === 1) {
// Leave cursor after token and Space
this._deltaColumn = startToken.length + 1;
this._selectionId = builder.trackSelection(s);
for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) {
builder.addEditOperation(ops[i].range, ops[i].text);
示例2: _gatherPreflightCommentStrings
* Do an initial pass over the lines and gather info about the line comment string.
* Returns null if any of the lines doesn't support a line comment string.
public static _gatherPreflightCommentStrings(model:editorCommon.ITokenizedModel, startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number): ILinePreflightData[] {
var lines: ILinePreflightData[] = [],
seenModes: {[modeId:string]:string;} = Object.create(null),
mode: IMode,
modeId: string;
for (i = 0, lineCount = endLineNumber - startLineNumber + 1; i < lineCount; i++) {
lineNumber = startLineNumber + i;
mode = model.getModeAtPosition(lineNumber, 1);
modeId = mode.getId();
// Find the commentStr for this line, if none is found then bail out: we cannot do line comments
if (seenModes[modeId]) {
commentStr = seenModes[modeId];
} else {
config = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getComments(mode);
commentStr = (config ? config.lineCommentToken : null);
if (!commentStr) {
// Mode does not support line comments
return null;
seenModes[modeId] = commentStr;
ignore: false,
commentStr: commentStr,
commentStrOffset: 0,
commentStrLength: commentStr.length
return lines;
示例3: constructor
constructor() {
LanguageConfigurationRegistry.register(this.getId(), {
brackets: [
['(', ')'],
['{', '}'],
['[', ']']
onEnterRules: [
// e.g. /** | */
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
afterText: /^\s*\*\/$/,
action: { indentAction: IndentAction.IndentOutdent, appendText: ' * ' }
// e.g. /** ...|
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
action: { indentAction: IndentAction.None, appendText: ' * ' }
// e.g. * ...|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*(\ ([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*)?$/,
action: { indentAction: IndentAction.None, appendText: '* ' }
// e.g. */|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction: IndentAction.None, removeText: 1 }
// e.g. *-----*/|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*[^/]*\*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction: IndentAction.None, removeText: 1 }
示例4: constructor
constructor(commentsConfig: CommentRule) {
this._register(LanguageConfigurationRegistry.register(this.getLanguageIdentifier(), {
comments: commentsConfig
this._register(modes.TokenizationRegistry.register(this.getLanguageIdentifier().language, {
getInitialState: (): modes.IState => NULL_STATE,
tokenize: undefined,
tokenize2: (line: string, state: modes.IState): TokenizationResult2 => {
let languageId = (/^ /.test(line) ? INNER_LANGUAGE_ID : OUTER_LANGUAGE_ID);
let tokens = new Uint32Array(1 << 1);
tokens[(0 << 1)] = 0;
tokens[(0 << 1) + 1] = (
(modes.ColorId.DefaultForeground << modes.MetadataConsts.FOREGROUND_OFFSET)
| (languageId.id << modes.MetadataConsts.LANGUAGEID_OFFSET)
return new TokenizationResult2(tokens, state);
示例5: test
test('issue #61296: VS code freezes when editing CSS file with emoji', async function () {
let toDispose = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.register(modeService.getLanguageIdentifier('fooLang')!, {
wordPattern: /(#?-?\d*\.\d\w*%?)|(::?[\w-]*(?=[^,{;]*[,{]))|(([@#.!])?[\w-?]+%?|[@#!.])/g
snippetService = new SimpleSnippetService([new Snippet(
const provider = new SnippetCompletionProvider(modeService, snippetService);
let model = TextModel.createFromString('.đˇ-a-b', undefined, modeService.getLanguageIdentifier('fooLang'));
let result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(model, new Position(1, 8))!;
assert.equal(result.suggestions.length, 1);
示例6: _goodIndentForLine
private static _goodIndentForLine(config: CursorConfiguration, model: ITokenizedModel, lineNumber: number): string {
let lastLineNumber = lineNumber - 1;
for (lastLineNumber = lineNumber - 1; lastLineNumber >= 1; lastLineNumber--) {
let lineText = model.getLineContent(lastLineNumber);
let nonWhitespaceIdx = strings.lastNonWhitespaceIndex(lineText);
if (nonWhitespaceIdx >= 0) {
if (lastLineNumber < 1) {
// No previous line with content found
return '\t';
let r = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getEnterActionAtPosition(model, lastLineNumber, model.getLineMaxColumn(lastLineNumber));
let indentation: string;
if (r.enterAction.indentAction === IndentAction.Outdent) {
let desiredIndentCount = ShiftCommand.unshiftIndentCount(r.indentation, r.indentation.length, config.tabSize);
indentation = '';
for (let i = 0; i < desiredIndentCount; i++) {
indentation += '\t';
indentation = config.normalizeIndentation(indentation);
} else {
indentation = r.indentation;
let result = indentation + r.enterAction.appendText;
if (result.length === 0) {
// good position is at column 1, but we gotta do something...
return '\t';
return result;
示例7: _gatherPreflightCommentStrings
* Do an initial pass over the lines and gather info about the line comment string.
* Returns null if any of the lines doesn't support a line comment string.
public static _gatherPreflightCommentStrings(model: editorCommon.ITokenizedModel, startLineNumber: number, endLineNumber: number): ILinePreflightData[] {
const languageId = model.getLanguageIdAtPosition(startLineNumber, 1);
const config = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getComments(languageId);
const commentStr = (config ? config.lineCommentToken : null);
if (!commentStr) {
// Mode does not support line comments
return null;
let lines: ILinePreflightData[] = [];
for (let i = 0, lineCount = endLineNumber - startLineNumber + 1; i < lineCount; i++) {
lines[i] = {
ignore: false,
commentStr: commentStr,
commentStrOffset: 0,
commentStrLength: commentStr.length
return lines;
示例8: getEditOperations
public getEditOperations(model: ITokenizedModel, builder: IEditOperationBuilder): void {
const startLine = this._selection.startLineNumber;
let endLine = this._selection.endLineNumber;
if (this._selection.endColumn === 1 && startLine !== endLine) {
endLine = endLine - 1;
const tabSize = this._opts.tabSize;
const oneIndent = this._opts.oneIndent;
const shouldIndentEmptyLines = (startLine === endLine);
// if indenting or outdenting on a whitespace only line
if (this._selection.isEmpty()) {
if (/^\s*$/.test(model.getLineContent(startLine))) {
this._useLastEditRangeForCursorEndPosition = true;
if (this._opts.useTabStops) {
// indents[i] represents i * oneIndent
let indents: string[] = ['', oneIndent];
// keep track of previous line's "miss-alignment"
let previousLineExtraSpaces = 0, extraSpaces = 0;
for (let lineNumber = startLine; lineNumber <= endLine; lineNumber++ , previousLineExtraSpaces = extraSpaces) {
extraSpaces = 0;
let lineText = model.getLineContent(lineNumber);
let indentationEndIndex = strings.firstNonWhitespaceIndex(lineText);
if (this._opts.isUnshift && (lineText.length === 0 || indentationEndIndex === 0)) {
// empty line or line with no leading whitespace => nothing to do
if (!shouldIndentEmptyLines && !this._opts.isUnshift && lineText.length === 0) {
// do not indent empty lines => nothing to do
if (indentationEndIndex === -1) {
// the entire line is whitespace
indentationEndIndex = lineText.length;
if (lineNumber > 1) {
let contentStartVisibleColumn = CursorColumns.visibleColumnFromColumn(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
if (contentStartVisibleColumn % tabSize !== 0) {
// The current line is "miss-aligned", so let's see if this is expected...
// This can only happen when it has trailing commas in the indent
if (model.isCheapToTokenize(lineNumber - 1)) {
let enterAction = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getRawEnterActionAtPosition(model, lineNumber - 1, model.getLineMaxColumn(lineNumber - 1));
if (enterAction) {
extraSpaces = previousLineExtraSpaces;
if (enterAction.appendText) {
for (let j = 0, lenJ = enterAction.appendText.length; j < lenJ && extraSpaces < tabSize; j++) {
if (enterAction.appendText.charCodeAt(j) === CharCode.Space) {
} else {
if (enterAction.removeText) {
extraSpaces = Math.max(0, extraSpaces - enterAction.removeText);
// Act as if `prefixSpaces` is not part of the indentation
for (let j = 0; j < extraSpaces; j++) {
if (indentationEndIndex === 0 || lineText.charCodeAt(indentationEndIndex - 1) !== CharCode.Space) {
if (this._opts.isUnshift && indentationEndIndex === 0) {
// line with no leading whitespace => nothing to do
let desiredIndentCount: number;
if (this._opts.isUnshift) {
desiredIndentCount = ShiftCommand.unshiftIndentCount(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
} else {
desiredIndentCount = ShiftCommand.shiftIndentCount(lineText, indentationEndIndex + 1, tabSize);
// Fill `indents`, as needed
for (let j = indents.length; j <= desiredIndentCount; j++) {
indents[j] = indents[j - 1] + oneIndent;
this._addEditOperation(builder, new Range(lineNumber, 1, lineNumber, indentationEndIndex + 1), indents[desiredIndentCount]);
if (lineNumber === startLine) {
// Force the startColumn to stay put because we're inserting after it
示例9: _enter
private static _enter(config: CursorConfiguration, model: ITokenizedModel, keepPosition: boolean, range: Range): EditOperationResult {
let r = LanguageConfigurationRegistry.getEnterAction(model, range);
let enterAction = r.enterAction;
let indentation = r.indentation;
let beforeText = '';
if (!r.ignoreCurrentLine) {
// textBeforeEnter doesn't match unIndentPattern.
let goodIndent = this._goodIndentForLine(config, model, range.startLineNumber);
if (goodIndent !== null && goodIndent === r.indentation) {
if (enterAction.outdentCurrentLine) {
goodIndent = TypeOperations.unshiftIndent(config, goodIndent);
let lineText = model.getLineContent(range.startLineNumber);
if (config.normalizeIndentation(goodIndent) !== config.normalizeIndentation(indentation)) {
beforeText = config.normalizeIndentation(goodIndent) + lineText.substring(indentation.length, range.startColumn - 1);
indentation = goodIndent;
range = new Range(range.startLineNumber, 1, range.endLineNumber, range.endColumn);
if (enterAction.removeText) {
indentation = indentation.substring(0, indentation.length - enterAction.removeText);
let executeCommand: ICommand;
if (enterAction.indentAction === IndentAction.None) {
// Nothing special
executeCommand = TypeOperations.typeCommand(range, beforeText + '\n' + config.normalizeIndentation(indentation + enterAction.appendText), keepPosition);
} else if (enterAction.indentAction === IndentAction.Indent) {
// Indent once
executeCommand = TypeOperations.typeCommand(range, beforeText + '\n' + config.normalizeIndentation(indentation + enterAction.appendText), keepPosition);
} else if (enterAction.indentAction === IndentAction.IndentOutdent) {
// Ultra special
let normalIndent = config.normalizeIndentation(indentation);
let increasedIndent = config.normalizeIndentation(indentation + enterAction.appendText);
let typeText = beforeText + '\n' + increasedIndent + '\n' + normalIndent;
if (keepPosition) {
executeCommand = new ReplaceCommandWithoutChangingPosition(range, typeText);
} else {
executeCommand = new ReplaceCommandWithOffsetCursorState(range, typeText, -1, increasedIndent.length - normalIndent.length);
} else if (enterAction.indentAction === IndentAction.Outdent) {
let actualIndentation = TypeOperations.unshiftIndent(config, indentation);
executeCommand = TypeOperations.typeCommand(range, beforeText + '\n' + config.normalizeIndentation(actualIndentation + enterAction.appendText), keepPosition);
return new EditOperationResult(executeCommand, {
shouldPushStackElementBefore: true,
shouldPushStackElementAfter: false,
isAutoWhitespaceCommand: true
示例10: constructor
constructor(commentsConfig: CommentRule) {
LanguageConfigurationRegistry.register(this.getId(), {
comments: commentsConfig