本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vs/base/common/uri.URI.toString方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript URI.toString方法的具体用法?TypeScript URI.toString怎么用?TypeScript URI.toString使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类vs/base/common/uri.URI
示例1: getMultiSelectedResources
export function getMultiSelectedResources(resource: URI | object, listService: IListService, editorService: IEditorService): URI[] {
const list = listService.lastFocusedList;
if (list && list.isDOMFocused()) {
// Explorer
if (list instanceof Tree) {
const selection = list.getSelection().map((fs: ExplorerItem) => fs.resource);
const focus = list.getFocus();
const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : focus instanceof ExplorerItem ? focus.resource.toString() : undefined;
// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
if (selection.some(s => URI.isUri(s) && s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
// Open editors view
if (list instanceof List) {
const selection = list.getSelectedElements().filter(s => s instanceof OpenEditor).map((oe: OpenEditor) => oe.getResource());
const focusedElements = list.getFocusedElements();
const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : (focus instanceof OpenEditor) ? focus.getResource().toString() : undefined;
// We only respect the selection if it contains the main element.
if (selection.some(s => s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
const result = getResourceForCommand(resource, listService, editorService);
return !!result ? [result] : [];
示例2: assertResolve
function assertResolve(u1: URI, path: string, expected: URI) {
const actual = resolvePath(u1, path);
assertEqualURI(actual, expected, `from ${u1.toString()} and ${path}`);
if (!isAbsolute(path)) {
let expectedPath = isWindows ? toSlashes(path) : path;
expectedPath = startsWith(expectedPath, './') ? expectedPath.substr(2) : expectedPath;
assert.equal(relativePath(u1, actual), expectedPath, `relativePath (${u1.toString()}) on actual (${actual.toString()}) should be to path (${expectedPath})`);
示例3: isEqual
export function isEqual(first: URI | undefined, second: URI | undefined, ignoreCase = hasToIgnoreCase(first)): boolean {
const identityEquals = (first === second);
if (identityEquals) {
return true;
if (!first || !second) {
return false;
if (ignoreCase) {
return equalsIgnoreCase(first.toString(), second.toString());
return first.toString() === second.toString();
return data.document.save().then(() => {
assert.equal(saved.toString(), 'foo:bar');
return data.document.save().then(() => {
assert.ok(false, 'expected failure');
}, err => {
示例5: getMultiSelectedResources
export function getMultiSelectedResources(resource: URI | object | undefined, listService: IListService, editorService: IEditorService): Array<URI> {
const list = listService.lastFocusedList;
if (list && list.getHTMLElement() === document.activeElement) {
// Explorer
if (list instanceof WorkbenchAsyncDataTree) {
const selection = list.getSelection().map((fs: ExplorerItem) => fs.resource);
const focusedElements = list.getFocus();
const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : focus instanceof ExplorerItem ? focus.resource.toString() : undefined;
// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
if (selection.some(s => URI.isUri(s) && s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
// Open editors view
if (list instanceof List) {
const selection = coalesce(list.getSelectedElements().filter(s => s instanceof OpenEditor).map((oe: OpenEditor) => oe.getResource()));
const focusedElements = list.getFocusedElements();
const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
let mainUriStr: string | undefined = undefined;
if (URI.isUri(resource)) {
mainUriStr = resource.toString();
} else if (focus instanceof OpenEditor) {
const focusedResource = focus.getResource();
mainUriStr = focusedResource ? focusedResource.toString() : undefined;
// We only respect the selection if it contains the main element.
if (selection.some(s => s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
const result = getResourceForCommand(resource, listService, editorService);
return !!result ? [result] : [];
示例6: function
CommandsRegistry.registerCommand('_workbench.previewHtml', function (
accessor: ServicesAccessor,
resource: URI | string,
position?: EditorViewColumn,
label?: string
) {
const uri = resource instanceof URI ? resource : URI.parse(resource);
label = label || uri.fsPath;
let input: HtmlInput;
const editorGroupService = accessor.get(IEditorGroupsService);
let targetGroup: IEditorGroup = editorGroupService.getGroup(viewColumnToEditorGroup(editorGroupService, position));
if (!targetGroup) {
targetGroup = editorGroupService.activeGroup;
// Find already opened HTML input if any
if (targetGroup) {
const editors = targetGroup.editors;
for (let i = 0; i < editors.length; i++) {
const editor = editors[i];
const editorResource = editor.getResource();
if (editor instanceof HtmlInput && editorResource && editorResource.toString() === resource.toString()) {
input = editor;
const extensionsWorkbenchService = accessor.get(IExtensionsWorkbenchService);
const inputOptions: HtmlInputOptions = {
allowScripts: true,
allowSvgs: true,
svgWhiteList: extensionsWorkbenchService.allowedBadgeProviders
// Otherwise, create new input and open it
if (!input) {
input = accessor.get(IInstantiationService).createInstance(HtmlInput, label, '', uri, inputOptions);
} else {
input.setName(label); // make sure to use passed in label
return accessor.get(IEditorService)
.openEditor(input, { pinned: true }, viewColumnToEditorGroup(editorGroupService, position))
.then(editor => true);
示例7: getStoredWorkspaceFolder
export function getStoredWorkspaceFolder(folderURI: URI, folderName: string | undefined, targetConfigFolderURI: URI, useSlashForPath = !isWindows): IStoredWorkspaceFolder {
if (folderURI.scheme !== targetConfigFolderURI.scheme) {
return { name: folderName, uri: folderURI.toString(true) };
let folderPath: string | undefined;
if (isEqualOrParent(folderURI, targetConfigFolderURI)) {
// use relative path
folderPath = relativePath(targetConfigFolderURI, folderURI) || '.'; // always uses forward slashes
if (isWindows && folderURI.scheme === Schemas.file && !useSlashForPath) {
// Windows gets special treatment:
// - use backslahes unless slash is used by other existing folders
folderPath = folderPath.replace(/\//g, '\\');
} else {
// use absolute path
if (folderURI.scheme === Schemas.file) {
folderPath = folderURI.fsPath;
if (isWindows) {
// Windows gets special treatment:
// - normalize all paths to get nice casing of drive letters
// - use backslahes unless slash is used by other existing folders
folderPath = normalizeDriveLetter(folderPath);
if (useSlashForPath) {
folderPath = toSlashes(folderPath);
} else {
if (!isEqualAuthority(folderURI.authority, targetConfigFolderURI.authority)) {
return { name: folderName, uri: folderURI.toString(true) };
folderPath = folderURI.path;
return { name: folderName, path: folderPath };
return savePromise.then((target) => {
if (!target || target.toString() === resource.toString()) {
return false; // save canceled or same resource used
const replacement: IResourceInput = {
resource: target,
encoding: encodingOfSource,
options: {
pinned: true,
viewState: viewStateOfSource || undefined
return Promise.all(editorGroupService.groups.map(g =>
editor: { resource },
}], g))).then(() => true);
示例9: test
test('Uri#parse can break path-component #45515', function () {
let uri: URI;
uri = URI.from({ scheme: 's', authority: 'a', path: '/o%2f' });
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 's://a/o%2f');
uri = URI.from({ scheme: 's', authority: 'a', path: '/o%2fü' });
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 's://a/o%2f%C3%BC');
uri = URI.from({ scheme: 's', authority: 'a', path: '/o%2f%' });
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 's://a/o%2f%25');
uri = URI.file('/test with %25/c#code');
assert.equal(uri.path, '/test with %25/c#code');
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 'file:///test%20with%20%25/c%23code');
uri = URI.from({
scheme: 'http',
authority: 'a',
path: '/o/products%2FzVNZkudXJyq8bPGTXUxx%2FBetterave-Sesame.jpg'
assert.equal(uri.path, '/o/products%2FzVNZkudXJyq8bPGTXUxx%2FBetterave-Sesame.jpg');
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 'http://a/o/products%2FzVNZkudXJyq8bPGTXUxx%2FBetterave-Sesame.jpg');
assert.equal(URI.parse(uri.toString()).path, '/o/products%2FzVNZkudXJyq8bPGTXUxx%2FBetterave-Sesame.jpg');
assert.equal(uri.toString(), URI.parse(uri.toString()).toString()); // identity
uri = URI.parse('s://a/p%2ft%c3%bc');
assert.equal(uri.path, '/p%2ftü');
uri = URI.parse('s://a/%c3%bcp%2f-REST');
assert.equal(uri.path, '/üp%2f-REST');
uri = URI.parse('s://a/%c3%bcp%2fd%c3%b6wn');
assert.equal(uri.path, '/üp%2fdöwn');
uri = URI.parse('http://www.test.com/path/service?authId=CN%3DQ10');
assert.equal(uri.query, 'authId=CN%3DQ10');
assert.equal(uri.toString(), 'http://www.test.com/path/service?authId=CN%3DQ10');
示例10: getEncodedDebugData
public static getEncodedDebugData(modelUri: uri): { name: string, path: string, sessionId: string, sourceReference: number } {
let path: string;
let sourceReference: number;
let sessionId: string;
switch (modelUri.scheme) {
case Schemas.file:
path = paths.normalize(modelUri.fsPath, true);
path = modelUri.path;
if (modelUri.query) {
const keyvalues = modelUri.query.split('&');
for (let keyvalue of keyvalues) {
const pair = keyvalue.split('=');
if (pair.length === 2) {
switch (pair[0]) {
case 'session':
sessionId = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
case 'ref':
sourceReference = parseInt(pair[1]);
path = modelUri.toString();
return {
name: resources.basenameOrAuthority(modelUri),