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TypeScript uri.toString函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vs/base/common/uri.toString函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript toString函数的具体用法?TypeScript toString怎么用?TypeScript toString使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getMultiSelectedResources

export function getMultiSelectedResources(resource: URI | object, listService: IListService, editorService: IEditorService): URI[] {
	const list = listService.lastFocusedList;
	if (list && list.isDOMFocused()) {
		// Explorer
		if (list instanceof Tree) {
			const selection = list.getSelection().map((fs: ExplorerItem) => fs.resource);
			const focus = list.getFocus();
			const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : focus instanceof ExplorerItem ? focus.resource.toString() : undefined;
			// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
			// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
			if (selection.some(s => URI.isUri(s) && s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
				return selection;

		// Open editors view
		if (list instanceof List) {
			const selection = list.getSelectedElements().filter(s => s instanceof OpenEditor).map((oe: OpenEditor) => oe.getResource());
			const focusedElements = list.getFocusedElements();
			const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
			const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : (focus instanceof OpenEditor) ? focus.getResource().toString() : undefined;
			// We only respect the selection if it contains the main element.
			if (selection.some(s => s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
				return selection;

	const result = getResourceForCommand(resource, listService, editorService);
	return !!result ? [result] : [];

示例2: testWorkspace

export function testWorkspace(resource: URI): Workspace {
	return new Workspace(
		toWorkspaceFolders([{ path: resource.fsPath }])

示例3: isEqual

export function isEqual(first: uri, second: uri, ignoreCase?: boolean): boolean {
	const identityEquals = (first === second);
	if (identityEquals) {
		return true;

	if (!first || !second) {
		return false;

	if (ignoreCase) {
		return equalsIgnoreCase(first.toString(), second.toString());

	return first.toString() === second.toString();

示例4: getMultiSelectedResources

export function getMultiSelectedResources(resource: URI | {}, listService: IListService, editorService: IWorkbenchEditorService): URI[] {
	const list = listService.lastFocusedList;
	if (list && list.isDOMFocused()) {
		// Explorer
		if (list instanceof Tree) {
			const focus: IFileStat = list.getFocus();
			// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
			if (focus && (!URI.isUri(resource) || focus.resource.toString() === resource.toString())) {
				const selection = list.getSelection();
				// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
				if (selection && selection.indexOf(focus) >= 0) {
					return selection.map(fs => fs.resource);

		// Open editors view
		if (list instanceof List) {
			const focus = list.getFocusedElements();
			// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
			if (focus.length && (!URI.isUri(resource) || (focus[0] instanceof OpenEditor && focus[0].getResource().toString() === resource.toString()))) {
				const selection = list.getSelectedElements();
				// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
				if (selection && selection.indexOf(focus[0]) >= 0) {
					return selection.filter(s => s instanceof OpenEditor).map((oe: OpenEditor) => oe.getResource());

	const result = getResourceForCommand(resource, listService, editorService);
	return !!result ? [result] : [];

示例5: testWorkspace

export function testWorkspace(resource: URI): Workspace {
	return new Workspace(

示例6: compute

export function compute(languageService:ts.LanguageService, resource:URI, position:EditorCommon.IPosition):Modes.ILogicalSelectionEntry[] {

	var sourceFile = languageService.getSourceFile(resource.toString()),
		offset = converter.getOffset(sourceFile, position);

	var token = ts.getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, offset),
		lastStart = -1,
		lastEnd = -1,
		result:Modes.ILogicalSelectionEntry[] = [];

	while(token) {

		var start = token.getStart(),
			end = token.getEnd();

		if(start !== lastStart || end !== lastEnd) {
				type: 'node',
				range: converter.getRange(sourceFile, start, end)

		lastStart = start;
		lastEnd = end;
		token = token.parent;

	return result;

示例7: find

export function find(project: projectService.IProject, resource: URI, position: EditorCommon.IPosition, includeDecl: boolean, insideFileOnly: boolean = false): Modes.IReference[] {

	var filename = resource.toString(),
		offset = project.host.getScriptLineMap(filename).getOffset(position),
		entries: ts.ReferenceEntry[];

	entries = insideFileOnly
		? project.languageService.getOccurrencesAtPosition(filename, offset)
		: project.languageService.getReferencesAtPosition(filename, offset);

	if(!entries) {
		return [];

	return entries.filter(info => {
		var targetFile = project.languageService.getSourceFile(info.fileName);
		return (includeDecl || !isDeclaration(targetFile, info.textSpan.start));
	}).map(info => {
		var r:Modes.IReference = {
			resource: URI.parse(info.fileName),
			range: project.host.getScriptLineMap(info.fileName).getRangeFromSpan(info.textSpan)
		return r;

示例8: compute

export function compute(languageService: ts.LanguageService, resource:URI, position:EditorCommon.IPosition):Modes.IComputeExtraInfoResult {

	var filename = resource.toString(),
		sourceFile = languageService.getSourceFile(filename),
		offset = converter.getOffset(sourceFile, position),
		info = languageService.getQuickInfoAtPosition(filename, offset),

	if(info) {

		var htmlContent = [
			previewer.html(info.documentation, 'documentation')

		result = {
			value: '',
			htmlContent: htmlContent,
			className: 'typeInfo ts',
			range: converter.getRange(sourceFile, info.textSpan)

	return result;

示例9: insert

	public insert(uri:URI, element:IMirrorModel): void {
		let key = uri.toString();

		if (this._map.contains(key)) {
			// There already exists a model with this id => this is a programmer error
			throw new Error('ResourceService: Cannot add model ' + ResourceService._anonymousModelId(key) + ' because it already exists!');
		this._map.set(key, element);

示例10: saveViewState

	protected saveViewState(resource: URI | string, editorViewState: HtmlPreviewEditorViewState): void {
		const memento = this.getMemento(this.storageService, Scope.WORKSPACE);
		let editorViewStateMemento: { [key: string]: { [position: number]: HtmlPreviewEditorViewState } } = memento[this.viewStateStorageKey];
		if (!editorViewStateMemento) {
			editorViewStateMemento = Object.create(null);
			memento[this.viewStateStorageKey] = editorViewStateMemento;

		let fileViewState = editorViewStateMemento[resource.toString()];
		if (!fileViewState) {
			fileViewState = Object.create(null);
			editorViewStateMemento[resource.toString()] = fileViewState;

		if (typeof this.position === 'number') {
			fileViewState[this.position] = editorViewState;
