本文整理汇总了TypeScript中vs/base/common/arrays.coalesce函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript coalesce函数的具体用法?TypeScript coalesce怎么用?TypeScript coalesce使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test
test('coalesce', () => {
let a = arrays.coalesce([null, 1, null, 2, 3]);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
arrays.coalesce([null, 1, null, void 0, undefined, 2, 3]);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
let b: number[] = [];
b[10] = 1;
b[20] = 2;
b[30] = 3;
b = arrays.coalesce(b);
assert.equal(b.length, 3);
assert.equal(b[0], 1);
assert.equal(b[1], 2);
assert.equal(b[2], 3);
let sparse: number[] = [];
sparse[0] = 1;
sparse[1] = 1;
sparse[17] = 1;
sparse[1000] = 1;
sparse[1001] = 1;
assert.equal(sparse.length, 1002);
sparse = arrays.coalesce(sparse);
assert.equal(sparse.length, 5);
示例2: test
test('coalesce', function () {
let a = coalesce([null, 1, null, 2, 3]);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
coalesce([null, 1, null, void 0, undefined, 2, 3]);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
let b = [];
b[10] = 1;
b[20] = 2;
b[30] = 3;
b = coalesce(b);
assert.equal(b.length, 3);
assert.equal(b[0], 1);
assert.equal(b[1], 2);
assert.equal(b[2], 3);
let sparse = [];
sparse[0] = 1;
sparse[1] = 1;
sparse[17] = 1;
sparse[1000] = 1;
sparse[1001] = 1;
assert.equal(sparse.length, 1002);
sparse = coalesce(sparse);
assert.equal(sparse.length, 5);
示例3: done
}, (error: Error[]): void => {
if (error) {
error = arrays.coalesce(error); // find any error by removing null values first
return done(error && error.length > 0 ? error[0] : null);
示例4: suggestFilename
export function suggestFilename(langId: string, prefix: string): string {
const extensions = registeredAssociations
.filter(assoc => !assoc.userConfigured && assoc.extension && assoc.id === langId)
.map(assoc => assoc.extension);
const extensionsWithDotFirst = arrays.coalesce(extensions)
.filter(assoc => strings.startsWith(assoc, '.'));
if (extensionsWithDotFirst.length > 0) {
return prefix + extensionsWithDotFirst[0];
return extensions[0] || prefix;
示例5: test
test('coalesce - inplace', function () {
let a = [null, 1, null, 2, 3];
arrays.coalesce(a, true);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
a = [null, 1, null, void 0, undefined, 2, 3];
arrays.coalesce(a, true);
assert.equal(a.length, 3);
assert.equal(a[0], 1);
assert.equal(a[1], 2);
assert.equal(a[2], 3);
let b = [];
b[10] = 1;
b[20] = 2;
b[30] = 3;
arrays.coalesce(b, true);
assert.equal(b.length, 3);
assert.equal(b[0], 1);
assert.equal(b[1], 2);
assert.equal(b[2], 3);
let sparse = [];
sparse[0] = 1;
sparse[1] = 1;
sparse[17] = 1;
sparse[1000] = 1;
sparse[1001] = 1;
assert.equal(sparse.length, 1002);
arrays.coalesce(sparse, true);
assert.equal(sparse.length, 5);
示例6: parsePathArguments
function parsePathArguments(cwd: string, args: string[], gotoLineMode?: boolean): string[] {
const result = args.map(arg => {
if (typeof arg !== 'string') {
return null; // TODO@Ben workaround for https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/7498
let pathCandidate = arg;
let parsedPath: IParsedPath;
if (gotoLineMode) {
parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(arg);
pathCandidate = parsedPath.path;
if (pathCandidate) {
pathCandidate = preparePath(cwd, pathCandidate);
let realPath: string;
try {
realPath = fs.realpathSync(pathCandidate);
} catch (error) {
// in case of an error, assume the user wants to create this file
// if the path is relative, we join it to the cwd
realPath = path.normalize(path.isAbsolute(pathCandidate) ? pathCandidate : path.join(cwd, pathCandidate));
const basename = path.basename(realPath);
if (basename /* can be empty if code is opened on root */ && !paths.isValidBasename(basename)) {
return null; // do not allow invalid file names
if (gotoLineMode) {
parsedPath.path = realPath;
return toLineAndColumnPath(parsedPath);
return realPath;
const caseInsensitive = platform.isWindows || platform.isMacintosh;
const distinct = arrays.distinct(result, e => e && caseInsensitive ? e.toLowerCase() : e);
return arrays.coalesce(distinct);
示例7: doValidatePaths
function doValidatePaths(args: string[], gotoLineMode?: boolean): string[] {
const cwd = process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd();
const result = args.map(arg => {
let pathCandidate = String(arg);
let parsedPath: IPathWithLineAndColumn;
if (gotoLineMode) {
parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(pathCandidate);
pathCandidate = parsedPath.path;
if (pathCandidate) {
pathCandidate = preparePath(cwd, pathCandidate);
let realPath: string;
try {
realPath = fs.realpathSync(pathCandidate);
} catch (error) {
// in case of an error, assume the user wants to create this file
// if the path is relative, we join it to the cwd
realPath = path.normalize(path.isAbsolute(pathCandidate) ? pathCandidate : path.join(cwd, pathCandidate));
const basename = path.basename(realPath);
if (basename /* can be empty if code is opened on root */ && !paths.isValidBasename(basename)) {
return null; // do not allow invalid file names
if (gotoLineMode) {
parsedPath.path = realPath;
return toPath(parsedPath);
return realPath;
const caseInsensitive = platform.isWindows || platform.isMacintosh;
const distinct = arrays.distinct(result, e => e && caseInsensitive ? e.toLowerCase() : e);
return arrays.coalesce(distinct);
示例8: toErrorMessage
export function toErrorMessage(error: any = null, verbose: boolean = false): string {
if (!error) {
return nls.localize('error.defaultMessage', "An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.");
if (Array.isArray(error)) {
const errors: any[] = arrays.coalesce(error);
const msg = toErrorMessage(errors[0], verbose);
if (errors.length > 1) {
return nls.localize('error.moreErrors', "{0} ({1} errors in total)", msg, errors.length);
return msg;
if (types.isString(error)) {
return error;
if (error.detail) {
const detail = error.detail;
if (detail.error) {
return exceptionToErrorMessage(detail.error, verbose);
if (detail.exception) {
return exceptionToErrorMessage(detail.exception, verbose);
if (error.stack) {
return exceptionToErrorMessage(error, verbose);
if (error.message) {
return error.message;
return nls.localize('error.defaultMessage', "An unknown error occurred. Please consult the log for more details.");
示例9: getMultiSelectedResources
export function getMultiSelectedResources(resource: URI | object | undefined, listService: IListService, editorService: IEditorService): Array<URI> {
const list = listService.lastFocusedList;
if (list && list.getHTMLElement() === document.activeElement) {
// Explorer
if (list instanceof WorkbenchAsyncDataTree) {
const selection = list.getSelection().map((fs: ExplorerItem) => fs.resource);
const focusedElements = list.getFocus();
const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
const mainUriStr = URI.isUri(resource) ? resource.toString() : focus instanceof ExplorerItem ? focus.resource.toString() : undefined;
// If the resource is passed it has to be a part of the returned context.
// We only respect the selection if it contains the focused element.
if (selection.some(s => URI.isUri(s) && s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
// Open editors view
if (list instanceof List) {
const selection = coalesce(list.getSelectedElements().filter(s => s instanceof OpenEditor).map((oe: OpenEditor) => oe.getResource()));
const focusedElements = list.getFocusedElements();
const focus = focusedElements.length ? focusedElements[0] : undefined;
let mainUriStr: string | undefined = undefined;
if (URI.isUri(resource)) {
mainUriStr = resource.toString();
} else if (focus instanceof OpenEditor) {
const focusedResource = focus.getResource();
mainUriStr = focusedResource ? focusedResource.toString() : undefined;
// We only respect the selection if it contains the main element.
if (selection.some(s => s.toString() === mainUriStr)) {
return selection;
const result = getResourceForCommand(resource, listService, editorService);
return !!result ? [result] : [];
示例10: doValidatePaths
function doValidatePaths(args: string[], gotoLineMode?: boolean): string[] {
const cwd = process.env['VSCODE_CWD'] || process.cwd();
const result = args.map(arg => {
let pathCandidate = String(arg);
let parsedPath: IPathWithLineAndColumn | undefined = undefined;
if (gotoLineMode) {
parsedPath = parseLineAndColumnAware(pathCandidate);
pathCandidate = parsedPath.path;
if (pathCandidate) {
pathCandidate = preparePath(cwd, pathCandidate);
const sanitizedFilePath = sanitizeFilePath(pathCandidate, cwd);
const basename = path.basename(sanitizedFilePath);
if (basename /* can be empty if code is opened on root */ && !extpath.isValidBasename(basename)) {
return null; // do not allow invalid file names
if (gotoLineMode && parsedPath) {
parsedPath.path = sanitizedFilePath;
return toPath(parsedPath);
return sanitizedFilePath;
const caseInsensitive = platform.isWindows || platform.isMacintosh;
const distinct = arrays.distinct(result, e => e && caseInsensitive ? e.toLowerCase() : (e || ''));
return arrays.coalesce(distinct);