本文整理汇总了TypeScript中tinymce/core/api/Editor.Editor.getDoc方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Editor.getDoc方法的具体用法?TypeScript Editor.getDoc怎么用?TypeScript Editor.getDoc使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类tinymce/core/api/Editor.Editor
示例1: function
editor.on('paste', function (e) {
// Getting content from the Clipboard can take some time
const clipboardTimer = new Date().getTime();
const clipboardContent = getClipboardContent(editor, e);
const clipboardDelay = new Date().getTime() - clipboardTimer;
const isKeyBoardPaste = (new Date().getTime() - keyboardPasteTimeStamp - clipboardDelay) < 1000;
const plainTextMode = pasteFormat.get() === 'text' || keyboardPastePlainTextState;
let internal = hasContentType(clipboardContent, InternalHtml.internalHtmlMime());
// Reset ephemeral flags
keyboardPastePlainTextState = false;
if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || isBrokenAndroidClipboardEvent(e)) {
if (!hasHtmlOrText(clipboardContent) && pasteImageData(editor, e, getLastRng())) {
// Not a keyboard paste prevent default paste and try to grab the clipboard contents using different APIs
if (!isKeyBoardPaste) {
// Try IE only method if paste isn't a keyboard paste
if (Env.ie && (!isKeyBoardPaste || e.ieFake) && !hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/html')) {
editor.dom.bind(pasteBin.getEl(), 'paste', function (e) {
editor.getDoc().execCommand('Paste', false, null);
clipboardContent['text/html'] = pasteBin.getHtml();
// If clipboard API has HTML then use that directly
if (hasContentType(clipboardContent, 'text/html')) {
// if clipboard lacks internal mime type, inspect html for internal markings
if (!internal) {
internal = InternalHtml.isMarked(clipboardContent['text/html']);
insertClipboardContent(clipboardContent, isKeyBoardPaste, plainTextMode, internal);
} else {
// Since we never use the pastebin on Red Sweater branch, we want to prevent the default in both cases
// to avoid a double-paste behavior.
Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () {
insertClipboardContent(clipboardContent, isKeyBoardPaste, plainTextMode, internal);
}, 0);
示例2: function
const appendStyle = function (editor: Editor, text: string) {
const head = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc().head);
const tag = Element.fromTag('style');
Attr.set(tag, 'type', 'text/css');
Insert.append(tag, Element.fromText(text));
Insert.append(head, tag);
示例3: catch
const setEditorCommandState = (editor: Editor, cmd: string, state: boolean) => {
try {
editor.getDoc().execCommand(cmd, false, state);
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore
示例4: function
const disableGeckoResize = function () {
try {
// Disable object resizing on Gecko
editor.getDoc().execCommand('enableObjectResizing', false, false);
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore
示例5: function
const execCommand = function (command, ui, value, args) {
let func, customCommand, state = false;
if (editor.removed) {
if (!/^(mceAddUndoLevel|mceEndUndoLevel|mceBeginUndoLevel|mceRepaint)$/.test(command) && (!args || !args.skip_focus)) {
} else {
args = editor.fire('BeforeExecCommand', { command, ui, value });
if (args.isDefaultPrevented()) {
return false;
customCommand = command.toLowerCase();
if ((func = commands.exec[customCommand])) {
func(customCommand, ui, value);
editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command, ui, value });
return true;
// Plugin commands
each(editor.plugins, function (p) {
if (p.execCommand && p.execCommand(command, ui, value)) {
editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command, ui, value });
state = true;
return false;
if (state) {
return state;
// Theme commands
if (editor.theme && editor.theme.execCommand && editor.theme.execCommand(command, ui, value)) {
editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command, ui, value });
return true;
// Browser commands
try {
state = editor.getDoc().execCommand(command, ui, value);
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore old IE errors
if (state) {
editor.fire('ExecCommand', { command, ui, value });
return true;
return false;
示例6: function
editor.on('renderFormatsMenu', function (e) {
const globallyUniqueSelectors = {};
const selectorFilter = compileFilter(Settings.getSelectorFilter(editor)), ctrl = e.control;
const groups = compileUserDefinedGroups(Settings.getCssGroups(editor));
const processSelector = function (selector: string, group: StyleGroup) {
if (isUniqueSelector(editor, selector, group, globallyUniqueSelectors)) {
markUniqueSelector(editor, selector, group, globallyUniqueSelectors);
const format = convertSelectorToFormat(editor, editor.plugins.importcss, selector, group);
if (format) {
const formatName = format.name || DOMUtils.DOM.uniqueId();
editor.formatter.register(formatName, format);
return Tools.extend({}, ctrl.settings.itemDefaults, {
text: format.title,
format: formatName
return null;
if (!Settings.shouldAppend(editor)) {
Tools.each(getSelectors(editor, e.doc || editor.getDoc(), compileFilter(Settings.getFileFilter(editor))), function (selector: string) {
if (selector.indexOf('.mce-') === -1) {
if (!selectorFilter || selectorFilter(selector)) {
const selectorGroups = getGroupsBySelector(groups, selector);
if (selectorGroups.length > 0) {
Tools.each(selectorGroups, function (group) {
const menuItem = processSelector(selector, group);
if (menuItem) {
} else {
const menuItem = processSelector(selector, null);
if (menuItem) {
Tools.each(groups, function (group) {
if (group.item.menu.length > 0) {
示例7: execute
table.bind(function (table) {
const doc = Element.fromDom(editor.getDoc());
const generators = TableFill.paste(doc);
const targets = TableTargets.pasteRows(selections, table, cell, clonedRows, generators);
execute(table, targets).each(function (rng) {
示例8: function
const getEventTarget = function (editor: Editor, eventName: string): Node {
if (eventName === 'selectionchange') {
return editor.getDoc();
// Need to bind mousedown/mouseup etc to document not body in iframe mode
// Since the user might click on the HTML element not the BODY
if (!editor.inline && /^mouse|touch|click|contextmenu|drop|dragover|dragend/.test(eventName)) {
return editor.getDoc().documentElement;
// Bind to event root instead of body if it's defined
if (editor.settings.event_root) {
if (!editor.eventRoot) {
editor.eventRoot = DOM.select(editor.settings.event_root)[0];
return editor.eventRoot;
return editor.getBody();