本文整理汇总了TypeScript中gl-matrix.vec3.copy方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript vec3.copy方法的具体用法?TypeScript vec3.copy怎么用?TypeScript vec3.copy使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类gl-matrix.vec3
示例1: moveAlong
moveAlong(elapsedTime: number, speed: number): Vec3 {
// If there is no further waypoint, we've arrived at the end and we
// always return the current position.
if (this.done) {
return vec3.clone(this.currentPosition);
// The vector from the current position to the next waypoint.
var vector = vec3.subtract(vec3.create(), this.waypoints[0], this.currentPosition)
, vectorLength = vec3.length(vector)
, distanceMoved = speed * elapsedTime;
if (vectorLength < distanceMoved) {
// The remaining distance in the current segment is less than what
// we moved, jump to the next waypoint and move along the next path
// segment from there.
vec3.copy(this.currentPosition, this.waypoints.shift());
this.currentHeading = normalizeHeading(Math.atan2(vector[1], vector[0]));
return this.moveAlong(elapsedTime - vectorLength / speed, speed);
// We have not yet reached the next waypoint. Move along the vector
// towards it and update the heading.
vec3.add(this.currentPosition, this.currentPosition, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), vec3.normalize(vec3.create(), vector), distanceMoved));
this.currentHeading = normalizeHeading(Math.atan2(vector[1], vector[0]));
return vec3.clone(this.currentPosition);
示例2: intersectObject
public intersectObject(object: Mesh) {
if (!object.visible) return;
let intersect;
let uv;
let face;
// Check sphere
if (object.boundingSphere === undefined) object.computeBoundingSphere();
// Apply object modelMatrix, incase object has been transformed
// Exit if the ray doesn't intersect the sphere
if (!this.ray.intersectsSphere(sphere)) {
for (const f of object.geometry.faces) {
vec3.copy(fvA.v, f.vertices[0].v);
vec3.copy(fvB.v, f.vertices[1].v);
vec3.copy(fvC.v, f.vertices[2].v);
// Multiply vertices by object matrix
vec3.transformMat4(fvA.v, fvA.v, object.modelMatrix);
vec3.transformMat4(fvB.v, fvB.v, object.modelMatrix);
vec3.transformMat4(fvC.v, fvC.v, object.modelMatrix);
intersect = this.ray.intersectTriangle(fvA, fvB, fvC);
if (intersect) {
// Get uv intersection
vec2.copy(uvA.v, object.geometry.uvs[f.uvs[0]].v);
vec2.copy(uvB.v, object.geometry.uvs[f.uvs[1]].v);
vec2.copy(uvC.v, object.geometry.uvs[f.uvs[2]].v);
face = f;
uv = this.uvIntersection(intersect, fvA, fvB, fvC);
return intersect ? { point: intersect, uv, face } : null;
示例3: convert
public convert(hex: string | number) {
let rgb;
if (typeof hex === 'number') {
rgb = this.hexIntToRgb(hex);
if (typeof hex === 'string') {
rgb = this.hexStringToRgb(hex);
vec3.copy(this.v, this.normalize(rgb));
return this;
示例4: distanceSqToPoint
public distanceSqToPoint(point: Vector3) {
vec3.subtract(v1, point.v, this.origin.v);
const directionDistance = vec3.dot(v1, this.direction.v);
// point behind the ray
if (directionDistance < 0) {
return vec3.squaredDistance(this.origin.v, point.v);
vec3.copy(v1, this.direction.v);
vec3.scale(v1, v1, directionDistance);
vec3.add(v1, v1, this.origin.v);
return vec3.squaredDistance(v1, point.v);
示例5: setFromCamera
public setFromCamera(
coords: Vector2,
scene: Scene,
camera: PerspectiveCamera,
object: Mesh
) {
if (camera && camera.isPespectiveCamera) {
vec3.copy(cameraDirection, [coords.x, coords.y, 0.5]);
mat4.invert(inversedProjectionViewMatrix, inversedProjectionViewMatrix);
vec3.sub(cameraDirection, cameraDirection, camera.position.v);
vec3.normalize(cameraDirection, cameraDirection);
outVec2 = vec2.random(outVec2, 5.0);
outVec2 = vec2.transformMat2(outVec2, vec2A, mat2A);
outVec2 = vec2.transformMat2d(outVec2, vec2A, mat2dA);
outVec2 = vec2.transformMat3(outVec2, vec2A, mat3A);
outVec2 = vec2.transformMat4(outVec2, vec2A, mat4A);
vecArray = vec2.forEach(vecArray, 0, 0, 0, vec2.normalize);
outStr = vec2.str(vec2A);
outBool = vec2.exactEquals(vec2A, vec2B);
outBool = vec2.equals(vec2A, vec2B);
outVec2 = vec2.add(outVec2, [0, 1], [2, 3]); // test one method with number array input
// vec3
outVec3 = vec3.create();
outVec3 = vec3.clone(vec3A);
outVec3 = vec3.fromValues(1, 2, 3);
outVec3 = vec3.copy(outVec3, vec3A);
outVec3 = vec3.set(outVec3, 1, 2, 3);
outVec3 = vec3.add(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.subtract(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.sub(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.multiply(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.mul(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.divide(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.div(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.ceil(outVec3, vec3A);
outVec3 = vec3.floor(outVec3, vec3A);
outVec3 = vec3.min(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.max(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B);
outVec3 = vec3.round(outVec3, vec3A);
outVec3 = vec3.scale(outVec3, vec3A, 2);
outVec3 = vec3.scaleAndAdd(outVec3, vec3A, vec3B, 0.5);
示例7: fromJSON
fromJSON(json): void {
vec3.copy(this.min, json.min);
vec3.copy(this.max, json.max);
示例8: copy
public copy(rgb: number[]) {
vec3.copy(this.v, vec3.fromValues(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]));
return this;