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TypeScript d3-array.range函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中d3-array.range函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript range函数的具体用法?TypeScript range怎么用?TypeScript range使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: generateColorScheme

  generateColorScheme(scheme, type, domain) {
    if (typeof(scheme) === 'string') {
      scheme = colorSets.find(cs => {
        return cs.name === scheme;
    let colorScale;
    if (type === 'quantile') {
      colorScale = scaleQuantile()

    } else if (type === 'ordinal') {
      colorScale = scaleOrdinal()

    } else if (type === 'linear') {
      // linear schemes must have at least 2 colors
      const colorDomain = [...scheme.domain];
      if (colorDomain.length === 1) {
        this.colorDomain = colorDomain;

      const points = range(0, 1, 1.0 / colorDomain.length);
      colorScale = scaleLinear()

    return colorScale;

示例2: Date

mergedArray = d3Array.permute(readonlyMergedArray, [1, 0, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6]);

// Getting an ordered array with object properties

const testObject = {
    val: 10,
    name: 'Test',
    when: new Date(),
    more: [10, 30, 40]

const x: Array<number | string | Date | number[]> = d3Array.permute(testObject, ['name', 'val', 'when', 'more']);

// range() ---------------------------------------------------------------------

numbersArray = d3Array.range(10);
numbersArray = d3Array.range(1, 10);
numbersArray = d3Array.range(1, 10, 0.5);

// shuffle() -------------------------------------------------------------------

mergedArray = d3Array.shuffle(mergedArray);
mergedArray = d3Array.shuffle(mergedArray, 1);
mergedArray = d3Array.shuffle(mergedArray, 1, 3);
// $ExpectError
mergedArray = d3Array.shuffle(readonlyMergedArray); // fails, shuffle mutates input array in-place

// Test each TypedArray explicitly. Can't use ArrayLike in this case because shuffle is mutable and ArrayLike would include ReadonlyArray
const resultInt8: Int8Array = d3Array.shuffle(new Int8Array(numbersArray));
const resultUint8: Uint8Array = d3Array.shuffle(new Uint8Array(numbersArray));
const resultUint8Clamped: Uint8ClampedArray = d3Array.shuffle(new Uint8ClampedArray(numbersArray));

示例3: range

size = contGen.size();

// smooth(...) -----------------------------------------------------------------

// set with chainability
contGen = contGen.smooth(true);

boolFlag = contGen.smooth();

// thresholds(...) -------------------------------------------------------------

// set with count
contGen = contGen.thresholds(10);

// set with array
const thresholds1 = range(1, 21)
    .map(p => Math.pow(2, p));
contGen = contGen.thresholds(thresholds1);

// set with threshold array generator

contGen = contGen.thresholds(thresholdArrayGen); // mock

// set with threshold count generator

contGen = contGen.thresholds(thresholdSturges);

// get
thresholdGenerator = contGen.thresholds();

// Use contour generator =======================================================

示例4: select

import { select, event as d3event } from 'd3-selection'
import { range } from 'd3-array'
import { measureAll } from '../bench'
import { zoom, ZoomTransform } from 'd3-zoom'
import { ViewWindowTransform } from '../../ViewWindowTransform'
// import { transformVector, pSubP, pSubV, Vector, newVector, newPoint, identityTransform } from '../../affine'
import { identityTransform } from '../../affine'
import { betweenBasesAR1 } from '../../viewZoomTransform'
import { updateNode } from '../../MyTransform'

var svg = select("svg"),
    width = +svg.attr("width"),
    height = +svg.attr("height");

var points = range(2000).map(phyllotaxis(10));

var g = svg.append("g");

// var refNode: SVGGElement = svg.append("g").node() as SVGGElement
const svgNode = svg.node() as SVGSVGElement

    .attr("cx", function(d) { return d[0]; })
    .attr("cy", function(d) { return d[1]; })
    .attr("r", 2.5);

    .attr("width", width)
