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TypeScript projections.project_xy函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中core/util/projections.project_xy函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript project_xy函数的具体用法?TypeScript project_xy怎么用?TypeScript project_xy使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: set_data

  set_data(source: ColumnarDataSource): void {
    const data = this.model.materialize_dataspecs(source)
    extend(this as any, data)

    if (this.plot_model.use_map) {
      const self = this as any
      if (self._x != null)
        [self._x, self._y] = proj.project_xy(self._x, self._y)
      if (self._xs != null)
        [self._xs, self._ys] = proj.project_xsys(self._xs, self._ys)

示例2: set_data

  set_data(source, indices, indices_to_update) {
    let data = this.model.materialize_dataspecs(source);

    if (indices && !(this instanceof LineView)) {
      const data_subset = {};
      for (const k in data) {
        const v = data[k];
        if (k.charAt(0) === '_') {
          data_subset[k] = (indices.map((i) => v[i]));
        } else {
          data_subset[k] = v;
      data = data_subset;

    extend(this, data);

    if (this.renderer.plot_view.model.use_map) {
      if (this._x != null) {
        [this._x, this._y] = proj.project_xy(this._x, this._y);
      if (this._xs != null) {
        [this._xs, this._ys] = proj.project_xsys(this._xs, this._ys);

    // if we have any coordinates that are categorical, convert them to
    // synthetic coords here
    if (this.renderer.plot_view.frame.x_ranges != null) {   // XXXX JUST TEMP FOR TESTS TO PASS
      const xr = this.renderer.plot_view.frame.x_ranges[this.model.x_range_name];
      const yr = this.renderer.plot_view.frame.y_ranges[this.model.y_range_name];
      for (let [xname, yname] of this.model._coords) {
        xname = `_${xname}`;
        yname = `_${yname}`;
        if (xr.v_synthetic != null) {
          this[xname] = xr.v_synthetic(this[xname]);
        if (yr.v_synthetic != null) {
          this[yname] = yr.v_synthetic(this[yname]);

    if (this.glglyph != null) {

    this._set_data(source, indices_to_update); //TODO doesn't take subset indices into account

    return this.index = this._index_data();
