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TypeScript data_structures.Matrix类代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中core/util/data_structures.Matrix的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Matrix类的具体用法?TypeScript Matrix怎么用?TypeScript Matrix使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: describe

describe("3x3 GridBox", () => {
  const colors = Matrix.from([
    ["red",  "green",  "blue"   ],
    ["gray", "orange", "fuchsia"],
    ["aqua", "maroon", "yellow" ],

  it("fixed spacers 50px x 50px", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items)
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed spacers 50px x 50px, spacing 5px", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {spacing: 5})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed spacers 50px x 50px, hspacing 5px, vspacing 10px", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {spacing: [5, 10]})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed and 1 x-max spacers, c2 auto", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)
    const s1 = spacer("max", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s0, s1],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {cols: {2: {policy: "auto"}}})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed and 2 x-max spacers, c2 auto", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)
    const s1 = spacer("max", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s1, s1],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {cols: {2: {policy: "auto"}}})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed and 2 x-max spacers, c2 flex=2", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)
    const s1 = spacer("max", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s0, s1, s1],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {cols: {2: {policy: "flex", factor: 2}}})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

  it("fixed and 3 x-max spacers, c2 flex=2", async () => {
    const s0 = spacer("fixed", "fixed", 50, 50)
    const s1 = spacer("max", "fixed", 50, 50)

    const items = colors.apply([
      [s1, s1, s1],
      [s0, s0, s0],
      [s0, s0, s0],

    const l = grid(items, {cols: {2: {policy: "flex", factor: 2}}})
    await display(l, [300, 300])

示例2: grid

function grid(items: Matrix<LayoutDOM> | LayoutDOM[][], opts?: Partial<GridBox.Attrs>): GridBox {
  const children = Matrix.from(items).to_sparse()
  return new GridBox({...opts, children})
