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TypeScript array.findLastIndex函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中core/util/array.findLastIndex函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript findLastIndex函数的具体用法?TypeScript findLastIndex怎么用?TypeScript findLastIndex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: compute

  compute(x) {
    // Apply the transform to a single value
    let descending;
    this.sort(descending = false);

    if (this.clip === true) {
      if ((x < this._x_sorted[0]) || (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])) {
        return null;
    } else {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0]) {
        return this._y_sorted[0];
      if (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1]) {
        return this._y_sorted[this._y_sorted.length-1];

    if (x === this._x_sorted[0]) {
      return this._y_sorted[0];

    const ind = findLastIndex(this._x_sorted, num => num < x);

    const x1 = this._x_sorted[ind];
    const x2 = this._x_sorted[ind+1];
    const y1 = this._y_sorted[ind];
    const y2 = this._y_sorted[ind+1];

    const ret = y1 + (((x-x1) / (x2-x1)) * (y2-y1));
    return ret;

示例2: compute

  compute(x: number): number {

    if (this.clip) {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0] || x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])
        return NaN
    } else {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0])
        return this._y_sorted[0]
      if (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])
        return this._y_sorted[this._y_sorted.length-1]

    let ind: number
    switch (this.mode) {
      case "after": {
        ind = findLastIndex(this._x_sorted, num => x >= num)
      case "before": {
        ind = findIndex(this._x_sorted, num => x <= num)
      case "center": {
        const diffs = this._x_sorted.map((tx) => Math.abs(tx - x))
        const mdiff = min(diffs)
        ind = findIndex(diffs, num => mdiff === num)
        throw new Error(`unknown mode: ${this.mode}`)

    return ind != -1 ? this._y_sorted[ind] : NaN

示例3: compute

  compute(x: number): number {

    if (this.clip) {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0] || x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])
        return NaN
    } else {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0])
        return this._y_sorted[0]
      if (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])
        return this._y_sorted[this._y_sorted.length-1]

    if (x == this._x_sorted[0])
      return this._y_sorted[0]

    const ind = findLastIndex(this._x_sorted, num => num < x)

    const x1 = this._x_sorted[ind]
    const x2 = this._x_sorted[ind+1]
    const y1 = this._y_sorted[ind]
    const y2 = this._y_sorted[ind+1]

    return y1 + (((x-x1) / (x2-x1)) * (y2-y1))

示例4: compute

  compute(x) {
    // Apply the transform to a single value
    let descending, ret;
    this.sort(descending = false);

    if (this.clip === true) {
      if ((x < this._x_sorted[0]) || (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1])) {
    } else {
      if (x < this._x_sorted[0]) {
        return this._y_sorted[0];
      if (x > this._x_sorted[this._x_sorted.length-1]) {
        return this._y_sorted[this._y_sorted.length-1];

    let ind = -1;
    if (this.mode === "after") {
      ind = findLastIndex(this._x_sorted, num => x >= num);

    if (this.mode === "before") {
      ind = findIndex(this._x_sorted, num => x <= num);

    if (this.mode === "center") {
      const diffs = (this._x_sorted.map((tx) => Math.abs(tx - x)));
      const mdiff = min(diffs);
      ind = findIndex(diffs, num => mdiff === num);

    if (ind !== -1) {
      ret = this._y_sorted[ind];
    } else {
      ret = null;


示例5: _build_discontinuous_object

  _build_discontinuous_object(nanned_qs) {
    // _s is @xs, @ys, @sxs, @sys
    // an object of n 1-d arrays in either data or screen units
    // Each 1-d array gets broken to an array of arrays split
    // on any NaNs
    // So:
    // { 0: [x11, x12],
    //   1: [x21, x22, x23],
    //   2: [x31, NaN, x32]
    // }
    // becomes
    // { 0: [[x11, x12]],
    //   1: [[x21, x22, x23]],
    //   2: [[x31],[x32]]
    // }
    const ds = {};
    for (let i = 0, end = nanned_qs.length; i < end; i++) {
      ds[i] = [];
      let qs = copy(nanned_qs[i]);
      while (qs.length > 0) {

        let qs_part;
        const nan_index = findLastIndex(qs, (q) => isStrictNaN(q));

        if (nan_index >= 0) {
          qs_part = qs.splice(nan_index);
        } else {
          qs_part = qs;
          qs = [];

        const denanned = qs_part.filter((q) => !isStrictNaN(q))
    return ds;

示例6: _build_discontinuous_object

  private _build_discontinuous_object(nanned_qs: number[][]): number[][][] {
    // _s is this.xs, this.ys, this.sxs, this.sys
    // an object of n 1-d arrays in either data or screen units
    // Each 1-d array gets broken to an array of arrays split
    // on any NaNs
    // So:
    // { 0: [x11, x12],
    //   1: [x21, x22, x23],
    //   2: [x31, NaN, x32]
    // }
    // becomes
    // { 0: [[x11, x12]],
    //   1: [[x21, x22, x23]],
    //   2: [[x31],[x32]]
    // }
    const ds: number[][][] = []
    for (let i = 0, end = nanned_qs.length; i < end; i++) {
      ds[i] = []
      let qs = copy(nanned_qs[i])
      while (qs.length > 0) {
        const nan_index = findLastIndex(qs, (q) => isStrictNaN(q))

        let qs_part
        if (nan_index >= 0)
          qs_part = qs.splice(nan_index)
        else {
          qs_part = qs
          qs = []

        const denanned = qs_part.filter((q) => !isStrictNaN(q))
    return ds
