本文整理汇总了TypeScript中commander.Command类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Command类的具体用法?TypeScript Command怎么用?TypeScript Command使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
export default function main(
argv: string[],
stdout: NodeJS.WritableStream,
stderr: NodeJS.WritableStream,
exit: (code?: number) => never
) {
const program = new commander.Command();
if (program.args.length < 1) {
const log = new Logger(program.color, stdout, stderr);
program.args.forEach(file => {
log.warn(`File: ${file}\n`);
const code = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
try {
const generated = generate(code);
if (generated) {
const relativePath = path.relative(`${__dirname}/../closure-library`, file);
const filepath = path
.join(`${__dirname}/../closure-library.d.ts`, relativePath)
.replace(/\.js$/, '.d.ts');
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, generated);
} catch (e) {
console.error(file, e);
示例2: Command
const createProgramAndRegister = (script: Scripts) => {
const program = new Command();
registeredPrograms[script] = program;
return program;
示例3: async
execute: async (programArgs:string[]) => {
const program = new Command();
// Callback for command success
let onResolve:any;
// Callback for command rejection
let onReject:any = () => Promise.reject(Error("Uninitilized rejection throw"));
// Command execution promise
const currentCommand = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
onResolve = resolve;
onReject = reject;
.usage('<command> [options]')
.option('--home <path>', 'Path to Duniter HOME (defaults to "$HOME/.config/duniter").')
.option('-d, --mdb <name>', 'Database name (defaults to "duniter_default").')
.option('--autoconf', 'With `config` and `init` commands, will guess the best network and key options witout asking for confirmation')
.option('--addep <endpoint>', 'With `config` command, add given endpoint to the list of endpoints of this node')
.option('--remep <endpoint>', 'With `config` command, remove given endpoint to the list of endpoints of this node')
.option('--cpu <percent>', 'Percent of CPU usage for proof-of-work computation', parsePercent)
.option('-c, --currency <name>', 'Name of the currency managed by this node.')
.option('--nostdout', 'Disable stdout printing for `export-bc` command')
.option('--noshuffle', 'Disable peers shuffling for `sync` command')
.option('--timeout <milliseconds>', 'Timeout to use when contacting peers', parseInt)
.option('--httplogs', 'Enable HTTP logs')
.option('--nohttplogs', 'Disable HTTP logs')
.option('--isolate', 'Avoid the node to send peering or status informations to the network')
.option('--forksize <size>', 'Maximum size of fork window', parseInt)
.option('--memory', 'Memory mode')
for (const opt of options) {
.option(opt.optFormat, opt.optDesc, opt.optParser);
for (const cmd of commands) {
.action(async function() {
const args = Array.from(arguments);
try {
const resOfExecution = await cmd.executionCallback.apply(null, [program].concat(args));
} catch (e) {
.on('*', function (cmd:any) {
console.log("Unknown command '%s'. Try --help for a listing of commands & options.", cmd);
if (programArgs.length <= 2) {
onReject('No command given.');
return currentCommand;
示例4: JsonConfigurationFileWriter
///<reference path="../typings/commander/commander.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="../typings/promptly/promptly.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="../typings/yamljs/yamljs.d.ts"/>
import * as Commander from "commander";
import * as Promptly from "promptly";
import * as YAML from "yamljs";
import { JsonConfigurationFileWriter } from "./json-configuration-file-writer";
import { JsonSchemaReader } from "./json-schema-reader";
import { ConfigGenerator } from "./config-generator";
import * as FileSystem from "fs";
let configWriter = new JsonConfigurationFileWriter();
let configurit = new Commander.Command();
//.option("-v, --verbose", "Find out what's happening")
.option("-s, --schema-location [location]", "Where is that schema")
.option("-o, --output-file [location]", "Where it's gonna be")
.option("-y, --yaml [location]", "I wants YAML")
.option("-p, --pretty [location]", "It should be purtteh")
let generator = new ConfigGenerator();
let getDetails = (currentConfig?: any) => {
generator.getUserInput(currentConfig, true, true).then((config: any) => {
let fileText = "";
示例5: SemanticVersion
import * as Commander from "commander";
import * as FileSystem from "fs";
import { SemanticVersion } from "./semantic-version";
const semverter = new Commander.Command();
const semverterVersion = FileSystem.readFileSync("./package.json").toJSON().version;
.option("-p, --patch", "Iterate the patch version number")
let packageJson = FileSystem.readFileSync("./package.json").toJSON();
const version = new SemanticVersion(packageJson.version);
if (semverter["patch"]) {
packageJson.version = version.toString();
FileSystem.writeFileSync("./package.json2", JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 3));
示例6: main
async function main() {
// Command-line interface.
let program = new commander.Command();
let filename: string | undefined = undefined;
.usage('[options] <calendar.ics>')
.option('-a, --agenda', 'print human-readable agenda')
.option('-g, --grid', 'print availability grid')
.option('-d, --date <date>', 'show data for a given day')
.option('-w, --week <date>', 'show data for a given week')
.action((fn) => {
filename = fn;
if (!filename) {
let opts = program.opts();
// Parse the calendar.
let data = await read_string(filename);
let jcal = ICAL.parse(data);
// Time range.
let day: ICAL.Time;
let start: ICAL.Time;
let end: ICAL.Time;
if (opts.date) {
// Show a single day.
day = ICAL.Time.fromString(opts.date);
start = end = day;
} else {
// Show a whole week (the default).
if (opts.week) {
day = ICAL.Time.fromString(opts.week);
} else {
day = ICAL.Time.now();
start = day.startOfWeek();
end = day.endOfWeek();
end.adjust(1, 0, 0, 0); // "One past the end" for iteration.
// Get events in the range.
let instances = Array.from(get_occurrences(jcal, start, end));
// Display the data.
let dates_iter = iter_time(start, end, new ICAL.Duration({ days: 1 }));
if (opts.agenda) {
// Agenda display.
for (let date of dates_iter) {
for (let line of show_agenda(instances, date)) {
} else {
// Grid display.
for (let date of dates_iter) {
for (let line of draw_avail(instances, date)) {
示例7: Command
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { Command } from 'commander';
import bootstrap from './cmds/bootstrap';
import configure from './cmds/configure';
import backup from './cmds/backup';
import restore from './cmds/restore';
import upload from './cmds/upload';
import chalk from 'chalk';
const program = new Command();
// bootstrap:
// Check whether config.json exists
// If config.json exists, import it
// Ask which categories in .runtimeconfig.json should be imported
// - Ask which new categories (names) should be created
// - Ask for the slug for each category
// - Add name/slug objects to .runtimeconfig.json
// Save .runtimeconfig.json
console.log(`Gettin' spooky 👻 with ${chalk.hex('#fedc5d').bold('poltergeist')}`);
program.version('0.0.0', '-v, --version');
.command('bootstrap [destination]')
.description('bootstrap project')
示例8: main
async function main() {
let argv = process.argv;
let path = require("path");
let configDir = path.join(process.cwd(), "dist-client/config");
let gmeConfig = require(configDir);
let config = gmeConfig.config;
let MongoURI = require("mongo-uri");
let Command = require("commander").Command;
let webgme = require("webgme");
let logger = webgme.Logger.create("gme:bin:runplugin", config.bin.log);
let program = new Command();
let STORAGE_CONSTANTS = webgme.requirejs("common/storage/constants");
let PluginCliManager = webgme.PluginCliManager;
.arguments("<pluginName> <projectName>")
.option("-b, --branchName [string]", "Name of the branch to load and save to.", "master")
.option("-c, --commitHash [string]", "Commit hash to run from, if set branch will only be used for update.")
.option("-a, --activeNode [string]", "ID/Path to active node.", "")
.option("-s, --activeSelection [string]", "IDs/Paths of selected nodes (comma separated with no spaces).",
(val: string) => {
return val ? val.split(",") : [];
.option("-n, --namespace [string]",
"Namespace the plugin should run under.", "")
.option("-m, --mongo-database-uri [url]",
"URI of the MongoDB [default from the configuration file]", config.mongo.uri)
.option("-u, --user [string]", "the user of the command [if not given we use the default user]",
.option("-o, --owner [string]", "the owner of the project [by default, the user is the owner]")
.option("-j, --pluginConfigPath [string]",
"Path to json file with plugin options that should be overwritten.", "")
.on("--help", () => {
let env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "default";
console.log(" Examples:");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js PluginGenerator TestProject");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js PluginGenerator TestProject -b branch1 -j pluginConfig.json");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js MinimalWorkingExample TestProject -a /1/b");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js MinimalWorkingExample TestProject -s /1,/1/c,/d");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js MinimalWorkingExample TestProject -c #123..");
console.log(" $ node run_plugin.js MinimalWorkingExample TestProject -b b1 -c " +
console.log(" Plugin paths using " + configDir + path.sep + "config." + env + ".js :");
for (let path of config.plugin.basePaths) {
console.log(` "${path}"`);
if (program.args.length < 2) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("A project and pluginName must be specified."));
// this line throws a TypeError for invalid databaseConnectionString
config.mongo.uri = program.mongoDatabaseUri;
let pluginName = program.args[0];
let projectName = program.args[1];
logger.info(`Executing ${pluginName} plugin on ${projectName} in branch ${program.branchName}`);
let pluginConfig = {};
if (program.pluginConfigPath) {
try {
pluginConfig = require(path.resolve(program.pluginConfigPath));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);
let gmeAuth: any = undefined;
try {
gmeAuth = await webgme.getGmeAuth(config);
} catch (_err) {
throw new Error("problem with authorization");
let storage = await webgme.getStorage(logger, config, gmeAuth);
await storage.openDatabase();
let params = {
projectId: "",
username: program.user
logger.info("Database is opened.");
if (program.owner) {
params.projectId = program.owner + STORAGE_CONSTANTS.PROJECT_ID_SEP + projectName;
} else {
params.projectId = program.user + STORAGE_CONSTANTS.PROJECT_ID_SEP + projectName;