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TypeScript collection-utils.setFilter函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中collection-utils.setFilter函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript setFilter函数的具体用法?TypeScript setFilter怎么用?TypeScript setFilter使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: separateNamedTypes

export function separateNamedTypes(types: Iterable<Type>): SeparatedNamedTypes {
    const objects = (setFilter(types, t => t.kind === "object" || t.kind === "class") as Set<
    >) as ReadonlySet<ObjectType>;
    const enums = (setFilter(types, t => t instanceof EnumType) as Set<EnumType>) as ReadonlySet<EnumType>;
    const unions = (setFilter(types, t => t instanceof UnionType) as Set<UnionType>) as ReadonlySet<UnionType>;

    return { objects, enums, unions };

示例2: flattenUnions

export function flattenUnions(
    graph: TypeGraph,
    stringTypeMapping: StringTypeMapping,
    conflateNumbers: boolean,
    makeObjectTypes: boolean,
    debugPrintReconstitution: boolean
): [TypeGraph, boolean] {
    let needsRepeat = false;

    function replace(types: ReadonlySet<Type>, builder: GraphRewriteBuilder<Type>, forwardingRef: TypeRef): TypeRef {
        const unionBuilder = new UnifyUnionBuilder(builder, makeObjectTypes, true, trefs => {
            assert(trefs.length > 0, "Must have at least one type to build union");
            trefs = trefs.map(tref => builder.reconstituteType(derefTypeRef(tref, graph)));
            if (trefs.length === 1) {
                return trefs[0];
            needsRepeat = true;
            return builder.getUnionType(emptyTypeAttributes, new Set(trefs));
        return unifyTypes(types, emptyTypeAttributes, builder, unionBuilder, conflateNumbers, forwardingRef);

    const allUnions = setFilter(graph.allTypesUnordered(), t => t instanceof UnionType) as Set<UnionType>;
    const nonCanonicalUnions = setFilter(allUnions, u => !u.isCanonical);
    let foundIntersection = false;
    const groups = makeGroupsToFlatten(nonCanonicalUnions, members => {
        messageAssert(members.size > 0, "IRNoEmptyUnions", {});
        if (!iterableSome(members, m => m instanceof IntersectionType)) return true;

        // FIXME: This is stupid.  `flattenUnions` returns true when no more union
        // flattening is necessary, but `resolveIntersections` can introduce new
        // unions that might require flattening, so now `flattenUnions` needs to take
        // that into account.  Either change `resolveIntersections` such that it
        // doesn't introduce non-canonical unions (by using `unifyTypes`), or have
        // some other way to tell whether more work is needed that doesn't require
        // the two passes to know about each other.
        foundIntersection = true;
        return false;
    graph = graph.rewrite("flatten unions", stringTypeMapping, false, groups, debugPrintReconstitution, replace);

    // console.log(`flattened ${nonCanonicalUnions.size} of ${unions.size} unions`);
    return [graph, !needsRepeat && !foundIntersection];

示例3: removeNullFromUnion

export function removeNullFromUnion(
    t: UnionType,
    sortBy: boolean | ((t: Type) => any) = false
): [PrimitiveType | null, ReadonlySet<Type>] {
    function sort(s: ReadonlySet<Type>): ReadonlySet<Type> {
        if (sortBy === false) return s;
        if (sortBy === true) return setSortBy(s, m => m.kind);
        return setSortBy(s, sortBy);

    const nullType = t.findMember("null");
    if (nullType === undefined) {
        return [null, sort(t.members)];
    return [nullType as PrimitiveType, sort(setFilter(t.members, m => m.kind !== "null"))];

示例4: makeTransformations

export function makeTransformations(ctx: RunContext, graph: TypeGraph, targetLanguage: TargetLanguage): TypeGraph {
    const transformedTypes = setFilter(graph.allTypesUnordered(), t => {
        if (targetLanguage.needsTransformerForType(t)) return true;
        if (!(t instanceof UnionType)) return false;
        const stringMembers = t.stringTypeMembers;
        if (stringMembers.size <= 1) return false;
        return iterableSome(stringMembers, m => targetLanguage.needsTransformerForType(m));

    function replace(
        setOfOneUnion: ReadonlySet<Type>,
        builder: GraphRewriteBuilder<Type>,
        forwardingRef: TypeRef
    ): TypeRef {
        const t = defined(iterableFirst(setOfOneUnion));
        if (t instanceof UnionType) {
            return replaceUnion(t, builder, forwardingRef, transformedTypes, ctx.debugPrintTransformations);
        if (t instanceof ArrayType) {
            return replaceArray(t, builder, forwardingRef, ctx.debugPrintTransformations);
        if (t instanceof EnumType) {
            return replaceEnum(t, builder, forwardingRef, ctx.debugPrintTransformations);
        if (isPrimitiveStringTypeKind(t.kind)) {
            return replaceTransformedStringType(
                t as PrimitiveType,
        return panic(`Cannot make transformation for type ${t.kind}`);

    const groups = Array.from(transformedTypes).map(t => [t]);
    return graph.rewrite(

示例5: visitComponent

        function visitComponent(component: ReadonlySet<Type>): void {
            if (visitedComponents.has(component)) return;

            // console.log(`visiting component ${componentName(component)}`);

            const declarationNeeded = setFilter(component, needsDeclaration);

            // 1. Only one node in the cycle needs a declaration, in which
            // case it's the breaker, and no forward declaration is necessary.
            if (declarationNeeded.size === 1) {
                declarations.push({ kind: "define", type: defined(iterableFirst(declarationNeeded)) });

            // 2. No node in the cycle needs a declaration, but it's also
            // the only node, so we don't actually need a declaration at all.
            if (declarationNeeded.size === 0 && component.size === 1) {

            // 3. No node in the cycle needs a declaration, but there's more.
            // than one node total.  We have to pick a node to make a
            // declaration, so we can pick any one. This is not a forward
            // declaration, either.
            if (declarationNeeded.size === 0) {
                declarations.push({ kind: "define", type: defined(iterableFirst(component)) });

            // 4. More than one node needs a declaration, and we don't need
            // forward declarations.  Just declare all of them and be done
            // with it.
            if (canBeForwardDeclared === undefined) {
                for (const t of declarationNeeded) {
                    declarations.push({ kind: "define", type: t });

            // 5. More than one node needs a declaration, and we have
            // to make forward declarations.  We do the simple thing and first
            // forward-declare all forward-declarable types in the SCC.  If
            // there are none, we're stuck.  If there are, we take them out of
            // the component and try the whole thing again recursively.  Then
            // we declare the types we previously forward-declared.
            const forwardDeclarable = setFilter(component, canBeForwardDeclared);
            if (forwardDeclarable.size === 0) {
                return messageError("IRNoForwardDeclarableTypeInCycle", {});
            for (const t of forwardDeclarable) {
                declarations.push({ kind: "forward", type: t });
            setUnionInto(forwardedTypes, forwardDeclarable);
            const rest = setSubtract(component, forwardDeclarable);
            const restGraph = new Graph(rest, true, t => setIntersect(childrenOfType(t), rest));
            processGraph(restGraph, false);
            for (const t of forwardDeclarable) {
                declarations.push({ kind: "define", type: t });

示例6: replaceObjectType

export function replaceObjectType(
    graph: TypeGraph,
    stringTypeMapping: StringTypeMapping,
    _conflateNumbers: boolean,
    leaveFullObjects: boolean,
    debugPrintReconstitution: boolean
): TypeGraph {
    function replace(
        setOfOneType: ReadonlySet<ObjectType>,
        builder: GraphRewriteBuilder<ObjectType>,
        forwardingRef: TypeRef
    ): TypeRef {
        const o = defined(iterableFirst(setOfOneType));
        const attributes = o.getAttributes();
        const properties = o.getProperties();
        const additionalProperties = o.getAdditionalProperties();

        function reconstituteProperties(): ReadonlyMap<string, ClassProperty> {
            return mapMap(properties, cp =>
                builder.makeClassProperty(builder.reconstituteTypeRef(cp.typeRef), cp.isOptional)

        function makeClass(): TypeRef {
            return builder.getUniqueClassType(attributes, true, reconstituteProperties(), forwardingRef);

        function reconstituteAdditionalProperties(): TypeRef {
            return builder.reconstituteType(defined(additionalProperties));

        if (additionalProperties === undefined) {
            return makeClass();

        if (properties.size === 0) {
            return builder.getMapType(attributes, reconstituteAdditionalProperties(), forwardingRef);

        if (additionalProperties.kind === "any") {
            // FIXME: Warn that we're losing additional property semantics.
            return makeClass();

        // FIXME: Warn that we're losing class semantics.
        const propertyTypes = setMap(properties.values(), cp => cp.type).add(additionalProperties);
        let union = builder.lookupTypeRefs(Array.from(propertyTypes).map(t => t.typeRef));
        if (union === undefined) {
            const reconstitutedTypes = setMap(propertyTypes, t => builder.reconstituteType(t));
            union = builder.getUniqueUnionType(emptyTypeAttributes, new Set(reconstitutedTypes));

            // This is the direct unification alternative.  Weirdly enough, it is a tiny
            // bit slower.  It gives the same results.
            union = unifyTypes(
                combineTypeAttributes(propertyTypes.toArray().map(t => t.getAttributes())),
                unionBuilderForUnification(builder, false, false, false, conflateNumbers),

        return builder.getMapType(attributes, union, forwardingRef);

    const allObjectTypes = setFilter(graph.allTypesUnordered(), t => t.kind === "object") as Set<ObjectType>;
    const objectTypesToReplace = leaveFullObjects
        ? setFilter(allObjectTypes, o => o.getProperties().size === 0 || o.getAdditionalProperties() === undefined)
        : allObjectTypes;
    const groups = Array.from(objectTypesToReplace).map(t => [t]);
    return graph.rewrite("replace object type", stringTypeMapping, false, groups, debugPrintReconstitution, replace);

示例7: stringTypeMembers

 get stringTypeMembers(): ReadonlySet<Type> {
     return setFilter(this.members, t => isPrimitiveStringTypeKind(t.kind) || t.kind === "enum");
