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TypeScript collection-utils.mapFromObject函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中collection-utils.mapFromObject函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript mapFromObject函数的具体用法?TypeScript mapFromObject怎么用?TypeScript mapFromObject使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: descriptionAttributeProducer

export function descriptionAttributeProducer(
    schema: JSONSchema,
    ref: Ref,
    types: Set<JSONSchemaType>
): JSONSchemaAttributes | undefined {
    if (!(typeof schema === "object")) return undefined;

    let description = emptyTypeAttributes;
    let propertyDescription = emptyTypeAttributes;

    const pathLength = ref.path.length;
    if (
        types.has("object") ||
        setSubtract(types, ["null"]).size > 1 ||
        schema.enum !== undefined ||
        pathLength < 2 ||
        !isPropertiesKey(ref.path[pathLength - 2])
    ) {
        const maybeDescription = schema.description;
        if (typeof maybeDescription === "string") {
            description = descriptionTypeAttributeKind.makeAttributes(new Set([maybeDescription]));

    if (types.has("object") && typeof schema.properties === "object") {
        const propertyDescriptions = mapFilterMap(mapFromObject<any>(schema.properties), propSchema => {
            if (typeof propSchema === "object") {
                const desc = propSchema.description;
                if (typeof desc === "string") {
                    return new Set([desc]);
            return undefined;
        if (propertyDescriptions.size > 0) {
            propertyDescription = propertyDescriptionsTypeAttributeKind.makeAttributes(propertyDescriptions);

    return { forType: description, forObject: propertyDescription };

示例2: makeOptionDefinitions

function makeOptionDefinitions(targetLanguages: TargetLanguage[]): OptionDefinition[] {
    const beforeLang: OptionDefinition[] = [
            name: "out",
            alias: "o",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: `FILE`,
            description: "The output file. Determines --lang and --top-level."
            name: "top-level",
            alias: "t",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: "NAME",
            description: "The name for the top level type."
    const lang: OptionDefinition[] =
        targetLanguages.length < 2
            ? []
            : [
                      name: "lang",
                      alias: "l",
                      type: String,
                      typeLabel: makeLangTypeLabel(targetLanguages),
                      description: "The target language."
    const afterLang: OptionDefinition[] = [
            name: "src-lang",
            alias: "s",
            type: String,
            defaultValue: undefined,
            typeLabel: "json|schema|graphql|postman|typescript",
            description: "The source language (default is json)."
            name: "src",
            type: String,
            multiple: true,
            defaultOption: true,
            typeLabel: "FILE|URL|DIRECTORY",
            description: "The file, url, or data directory to type."
            name: "src-urls",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: "FILE",
            description: "Tracery grammar describing URLs to crawl."
    const inference: OptionDefinition[] = Array.from(
        mapMap(mapFromObject(inferenceFlags), (flag, name) => {
            return {
                name: dashedFromCamelCase(negatedInferenceFlagName(name)),
                type: Boolean,
                description: flag.negationDescription + "."
    const afterInference: OptionDefinition[] = [
            name: "graphql-schema",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: "FILE",
            description: "GraphQL introspection file."
            name: "graphql-introspect",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: "URL",
            description: "Introspect GraphQL schema from a server."
            name: "http-method",
            type: String,
            typeLabel: "METHOD",
            description: "HTTP method to use for the GraphQL introspection query."
            name: "http-header",
            type: String,
            multiple: true,
            typeLabel: "HEADER",
            description: "HTTP header for the GraphQL introspection query."
            name: "additional-schema",
            alias: "S",
            type: String,
            multiple: true,
            typeLabel: "FILE",
            description: "Register the $id's of additional JSON Schema files."
            name: "no-render",
            type: Boolean,
            description: "Don't render output."

示例3: makeAccessorEntry

function makeAccessorEntry(ae: string | { [language: string]: string }): AccessorEntry {
    if (typeof ae === "string") return ae;
    return mapFromObject(ae);

示例4: makeAccessorNames

export function makeAccessorNames(x: any): AccessorNames {
    // FIXME: Do proper error reporting
    const stringMap = checkStringMap(x, isAccessorEntry);
    return mapMap(mapFromObject(stringMap), makeAccessorEntry);

示例5: mapFromObject

 * primitive type kinds they map to.  Not all transformed string types map to
 * primitive types.  Date-time types, for example, stand on their own, but
 * stringified integers map to integers.
const transformedStringTypeTargetTypeKinds = {
    date: { jsonSchema: "date", primitive: undefined },
    time: { jsonSchema: "time", primitive: undefined },
    "date-time": { jsonSchema: "date-time", primitive: undefined },
    uuid: { jsonSchema: "uuid", primitive: undefined },
    uri: { jsonSchema: "uri", primitive: undefined, attributesProducer: uriInferenceAttributesProducer },
    "integer-string": { jsonSchema: "integer", primitive: "integer" } as TransformedStringTypeTargets,
    "bool-string": { jsonSchema: "boolean", primitive: "bool" } as TransformedStringTypeTargets

export const transformedStringTypeTargetTypeKindsMap = mapFromObject(transformedStringTypeTargetTypeKinds as {
    [kind: string]: TransformedStringTypeTargets;

export type TransformedStringTypeKind = keyof typeof transformedStringTypeTargetTypeKinds;
export type PrimitiveStringTypeKind = "string" | TransformedStringTypeKind;
export type PrimitiveNonStringTypeKind = "none" | "any" | "null" | "bool" | "integer" | "double";
export type PrimitiveTypeKind = PrimitiveNonStringTypeKind | PrimitiveStringTypeKind;
export type NamedTypeKind = "class" | "enum" | "union";
export type TypeKind = PrimitiveTypeKind | NamedTypeKind | "array" | "object" | "map" | "intersection";
export type ObjectTypeKind = "object" | "map" | "class";

export const transformedStringTypeKinds = new Set(
) as ReadonlySet<TransformedStringTypeKind>;

export function isPrimitiveStringTypeKind(kind: string): kind is PrimitiveStringTypeKind {
