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TypeScript chessground.Chessground函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中chessground.Chessground函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript Chessground函数的具体用法?TypeScript Chessground怎么用?TypeScript Chessground使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: render

export function render(ctrl: RoundController) {
  return h('div.cg-board-wrap', {
    hook: {
      insert(vnode) {
        ctrl.setChessground(Chessground((vnode.elm as HTMLElement), makeConfig(ctrl)));
  }, [

示例2: h

 ctrl.data.nowPlaying.map(function(pov) {
   return h('a.mini_board.is2d.' + pov.variant.key + (pov.isMyTurn ? '.my_turn' : ''), {
     key: pov.gameId,
     attrs: { href: '/' + pov.fullId }
   }, [
     h('div', [
       h('div.cg-board-wrap', {
         hook: {
           insert(vnode) {
             const lm = pov.lastMove;
             const config = {
               coordinates: false,
               drawable: { enabled: false, visible: false },
               resizable: false,
               viewOnly: true,
               orientation: pov.variant.key === 'racingKings' ? 'white' : pov.color,
               fen: pov.fen,
               lastMove: lm && [lm[0] + lm[1], lm[2] + lm[3]]
             Chessground(vnode.elm as HTMLElement, config);
       }, [ h('div.cg-board') ])
     h('span.meta', [
       pov.opponent.ai ? ctrl.trans('aiNameLevelAiLevel', 'Stockfish', pov.opponent.ai) : pov.opponent.username,
         pov.isMyTurn ?
         (pov.secondsLeft ? timer(pov) : ctrl.trans('yourTurn')) :
         h('span', {
           hook: {
             insert(vnode) {
               (vnode.elm as HTMLElement).innerHTML = ' ';

示例3: function

window.lichess.AnalyseNVUI = function(redraw: Redraw) {

  const notify = new Notify(redraw),
    moveStyle = styleSetting(),
    analysisInProgress = prop(false);

  window.lichess.pubsub.on('analysis.server.progress', (data: AnalyseData) => {
    if (data.analysis && !data.analysis.partial) notify.set('Server-side analysis complete')

  return {
    render(ctrl: AnalyseController): VNode {
      const d = ctrl.data, style = moveStyle.get();
      if (!ctrl.chessground) ctrl.chessground = Chessground(document.createElement("div"), {
        animation: { enabled: false },
        drawable: { enabled: false },
        coordinates: false
      return h('main.analyse', [
        h('div.nvui', [
          h('h1', 'Textual representation'),
          h('h2', 'Game info'),
          ...(['white', 'black'].map((color: Color) => h('p', [
            color + ' player: ',
            renderPlayer(ctrl, playerByColor(d, color))
          h('p', `${d.game.rated ? 'Rated' : 'Casual'} ${d.game.perf}`),
          d.clock ? h('p', `Clock: ${d.clock.initial / 60} + ${d.clock.increment}`) : null,
          h('h2', 'Moves'),
          h('p.moves', {
            attrs: {
              role : 'log',
              'aria-live': 'off'
          }, renderMainline(ctrl.mainline, ctrl.path, style)),
          h('h2', 'Pieces'),
          h('div.pieces', renderPieces(ctrl.chessground.state.pieces, style)),
          h('h2', 'Current position'),
          h('p.position', {
            attrs: {
              'aria-live' : 'assertive',
              'aria-atomic' : true
          }, renderCurrentNode(ctrl.node, style)),
          h('h2', 'Move form'),
          h('form', {
            hook: {
              insert(vnode) {
                const $form = $(vnode.elm as HTMLFormElement),
                  $input = $form.find('.move').val('').focus();
                $form.submit(onSubmit(ctrl, notify.set, moveStyle.get, $input));
          }, [
            h('label', [
              'Command input',
              h('input.move.mousetrap', {
                attrs: {
                  name: 'move',
                  'type': 'text',
                  autocomplete: 'off',
                  autofocus: true
          // h('h2', 'Actions'),
          // h('div.actions', tableInner(ctrl)),
          h('h2', 'Computer analysis'),
          ...(renderAcpl(ctrl, style) || [requestAnalysisButton(ctrl, analysisInProgress, notify.set)]),
          h('h2', 'Board'),
          h('pre.board', renderBoard(ctrl.chessground.state.pieces, ctrl.data.player.color)),
          h('div.content', {
            hook: {
              insert: vnode => {
                $(vnode.elm as HTMLElement).append($('.blind-content').removeClass('none'));
          h('h2', 'Settings'),
          h('label', [
            'Move notation',
            renderSetting(moveStyle, ctrl.redraw)
          h('h2', 'Keyboard shortcuts'),
          h('p', [
            'Use arrow keys to navigate in the game.'
          h('h2', 'Commands'),
          h('p', [
            'Type these commands in the command input.', h('br'),
            commands.piece.help, h('br'),
            commands.scan.help, h('br')

示例4: Chessground

 insert: vnode => {
   ctrl.chessground = Chessground((vnode.elm as HTMLElement), makeConfig(ctrl));
   if (ctrl.node.shapes) ctrl.chessground.setShapes(ctrl.node.shapes as DrawShape[]);
   ctrl.cgVersion.dom = ctrl.cgVersion.js;

示例5: makeConfig

 hook: util.onInsert(el => ctrl.setChessground(Chessground(el, makeConfig(ctrl))))

示例6: makeConfig

 insert: vnode => ctrl.ground(Chessground((vnode.elm as HTMLElement), makeConfig(ctrl))),

示例7: function

window.lichess.RoundNVUI = function(redraw: Redraw) {

  const notify = new Notify(redraw),
    moveStyle = styleSetting();

  window.lichess.pubsub.on('socket.in.message', line => {
    if (line.u === 'lichess') notify.set(line.t);
  window.lichess.pubsub.on('round.suggestion', notify.set);

  return {
    render(ctrl: RoundController): VNode {
      const d = ctrl.data, step = plyStep(d, ctrl.ply), style = moveStyle.get(),
        variantNope = !supportedVariant(d.game.variant.key) && 'Sorry, this variant is not supported in blind mode.';
      if (!ctrl.chessground) {
        ctrl.setChessground(Chessground(document.createElement("div"), {
          animation: { enabled: false },
          drawable: { enabled: false },
          coordinates: false
        if (variantNope) setTimeout(() => notify.set(variantNope), 3000);
      return h('div.nvui', [
        h('h1', 'Textual representation'),
        h('h2', 'Game info'),
        ...(['white', 'black'].map((color: Color) => h('p', [
          color + ' player: ',
          renderPlayer(ctrl, ctrl.playerByColor(color))
        h('p', `${d.game.rated ? 'Rated' : 'Casual'} ${d.game.perf}`),
        d.clock ? h('p', `Clock: ${d.clock.initial / 60} + ${d.clock.increment}`) : null,
        h('h2', 'Moves'),
        h('p.moves', {
          attrs: {
            role : 'log',
            'aria-live': 'off'
        }, renderMoves(d.steps.slice(1), style)),
        h('h2', 'Pieces'),
        h('div.pieces', renderPieces(ctrl.chessground.state.pieces, style)),
        h('h2', 'Game status'),
        h('div.status', {
          attrs: {
            role : 'status',
            'aria-live' : 'assertive',
            'aria-atomic' : true
        }, [ctrl.data.game.status.name === 'started' ? 'Playing' : renderResult(ctrl)]),
        h('h2', 'Last move'),
        h('p.lastMove', {
          attrs: {
            'aria-live' : 'assertive',
            'aria-atomic' : true
        }, renderSan(step.san, step.uci, style)),
        ...(ctrl.isPlaying() ? [
          h('h2', 'Move form'),
          h('form', {
            hook: onInsert(el => {
              const $form = $(el as HTMLFormElement),
                $input = $form.find('.move').val('').focus();
              $form.submit(onSubmit(ctrl, notify.set, moveStyle.get, $input));
          }, [
            h('label', [
              d.player.color === d.game.player ? 'Your move' : 'Waiting',
              h('input.move.mousetrap', {
                attrs: {
                  name: 'move',
                  'type': 'text',
                  autocomplete: 'off',
                  autofocus: true,
                  disabled: !!variantNope,
                  title: variantNope
        ]: []),
        h('h2', 'Your clock'),
        h('div.botc', anyClock(ctrl, 'bottom')),
        h('h2', 'Opponent clock'),
        h('div.topc', anyClock(ctrl, 'top')),
        h('h2', 'Actions'),
        ...(ctrl.data.player.spectator ? renderTableWatch(ctrl) : (
          game.playable(ctrl.data) ? renderTablePlay(ctrl) : renderTableEnd(ctrl)
        h('h2', 'Board'),
        h('pre.board', renderBoard(ctrl.chessground.state.pieces, ctrl.data.player.color)),
        h('h2', 'Settings'),
        h('label', [
          'Move notation',
          renderSetting(moveStyle, ctrl.redraw)
        h('h2', 'Commands'),
        h('p', [
          'Type these commands in the move input.', h('br'),
          '/c: Read clocks.', h('br'),
