本文整理汇总了TypeScript中broccoli-lodash.default函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript default函数的具体用法?TypeScript default怎么用?TypeScript default使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: makeNodeTree
module.exports = function makeNodeTree(destinationPath) {
// list of npm packages that this build will create
var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress', 'rtts_assert'];
var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', 'rtts_assert/**', '**/e2e_test/**'],
exclude: [
// the following code and tests are not compatible with CJS/node environment
var nodeTree = traceurCompiler(modulesTree, '.js', '.map', {
sourceMaps: true,
annotations: true, // parse annotations
types: true, // parse types
script: false, // parse as a module
memberVariables: true, // parse class fields
typeAssertionModule: 'rtts_assert/rtts_assert',
// Don't use type assertions since this is partly transpiled by typescript
typeAssertions: false,
modules: 'commonjs'
// Transform all tests to make them runnable in node
nodeTree = replace(nodeTree, {
files: ['**/test/**/*_spec.js'],
patterns: [
// Override the default DOM adapter with Parse5 for all tests
match: /"use strict";/,
"'use strict'; var parse5Adapter = require('angular2/src/dom/parse5_adapter'); " +
// Append main() to all tests since all of our tests are wrapped in exported main fn
match: /$/g,
replacement: "\r\n main();"
// Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages
outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) {
var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir});
nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, license]);
// Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build
var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']});
docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md');
// Generate shared package.json info
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json'));
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: {
"yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'],
"gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'],
"gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'],
"gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'],
"gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'],
"through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2']
// Add a .template extension since renderLodashTemplate strips one extension
var packageJsons = stew.rename(new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}), '.json',
packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate(
packageJsons, {files: ["**/**"], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});
var typescriptTree = new TypescriptCompiler(modulesTree, {
target: 'ES5',
sourceMap: true,
mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */
module: 'commonjs',
allowNonTsExtensions: false,
typescript: require('typescript'),
noEmitOnError: true,
outDir: 'angular2'
nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, typescriptTree, docs, packageJsons]);
// TODO(iminar): tree differ seems to have issues with trees created by mergeTrees, investigate!
// ENOENT error is thrown while doing fs.readdirSync on inputRoot
// in the meantime, we just do noop mv to create a new tree
nodeTree = stew.mv(nodeTree, '');
return destCopy(nodeTree, destinationPath);
示例2: getTemplatedPubspecsTree
function getTemplatedPubspecsTree() {
// The JSON structure for templating pubspec.yaml files.
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require('../../../package.json');
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: {
"yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'],
"gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'],
"gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'],
"gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'],
"gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'],
"through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2']
// Generate pubspec.yaml from templates.
// Lodash insists on dropping one level of extension, so first artificially rename the yaml
// files to .yaml.template.
var pubspecs = stew.rename(modulesFunnel(['**/pubspec.yaml']), '.yaml', '.yaml.template');
// Then render the templates.
return renderLodashTemplate(
{files: ['**/pubspec.yaml.template'], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});
示例3: destCopy
module.exports = function makeNodeTree(destinationPath) {
// list of npm packages that this build will create
var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress', 'rtts_assert'];
var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', 'rtts_assert/**', '**/e2e_test/**'],
exclude: [
// the following code and tests are not compatible with CJS/node environment
var nodeTree = transpileWithTraceur(modulesTree, {
destExtension: '.js',
destSourceMapExtension: '.map',
traceurOptions: {
sourceMaps: true,
annotations: true, // parse annotations
types: true, // parse types
script: false, // parse as a module
memberVariables: true, // parse class fields
typeAssertionModule: 'rtts_assert/rtts_assert',
// Don't use type assertions since this is partly transpiled by typescript
typeAssertions: false,
modules: 'commonjs'
// Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages
outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) {
var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir});
nodeTree = mergeTrees([nodeTree, license]);
// Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build
var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']});
docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md');
// Generate shared package.json info
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json'));
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: {
"yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'],
"gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'],
"gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'],
"gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'],
"gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'],
"through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2']
// Add a .template extension since renderLodashTemplate strips one extension
var packageJsons = stew.rename(new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}), '.json',
packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate(
packageJsons, {files: ["**/**"], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});
// HACK: workaround for Traceur behavior.
// It expects all transpiled modules to contain this marker.
// TODO: remove this when we no longer use traceur
var traceurCompatibleTsModulesTree = replace(modulesTree, {
files: ['**/*.ts'],
patterns: [
// Empty replacement needed so that replaceWithPath gets triggered...
match: /$/g,
replacement: ""
replaceWithPath: function(path, content) {
if (!path.endsWith('.d.ts')) {
content += '\r\nexport var __esModule = true;\n';
return content;
var typescriptTree = compileWithTypescript(traceurCompatibleTsModulesTree, {
allowNonTsExtensions: false,
emitDecoratorMetadata: true,
declaration: true,
mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */
module: 'commonjs',
noEmitOnError: true,
rootDir: '.',
rootFilePaths: ['angular2/traceur-runtime.d.ts', 'angular2/globals.d.ts'],
sourceMap: true,
sourceRoot: '.',
target: 'ES5'
示例4: makeCjsTree
function makeCjsTree() {
// list of npm packages that this build will create
var outputPackages = ['angular2', 'benchpress', 'rtts_assert'];
var modulesTree = new Funnel('modules', {
include: ['angular2/**', 'benchpress/**', 'rtts_assert/**', '**/e2e_test/**'],
exclude: ['angular2/src/core/zone/vm_turn_zone.es6']
var cjsTree = new TraceurCompiler(modulesTree, '.js', '.map', {
sourceMaps: true,
annotations: true, // parse annotations
types: true, // parse types
script: false, // parse as a module
memberVariables: true, // parse class fields
typeAssertionModule: 'rtts_assert/rtts_assert',
// Don't use type assertions since this is partly transpiled by typescript
typeAssertions: false,
modules: 'commonjs'
// Now we add the LICENSE file into all the folders that will become npm packages
outputPackages.forEach(function(destDir) {
var license = new Funnel('.', {files: ['LICENSE'], destDir: destDir});
cjsTree = mergeTrees([cjsTree, license]);
// Get all docs and related assets and prepare them for js build
var docs = new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/*.md', '**/*.png'], exclude: ['**/*.dart.md']});
docs = stew.rename(docs, 'README.js.md', 'README.md');
// Generate shared package.json info
var BASE_PACKAGE_JSON = require(path.join(projectRootDir, 'package.json'));
version: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.version,
homepage: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.homepage,
license: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.license,
contributors: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.contributors,
dependencies: BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.dependencies,
devDependencies: {
"yargs": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['yargs'],
"gulp-sourcemaps": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-sourcemaps'],
"gulp-traceur": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-traceur'],
"gulp": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp'],
"gulp-rename": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['gulp-rename'],
"through2": BASE_PACKAGE_JSON.devDependencies['through2']
// Add a .template extension since renderLodashTemplate strips one extension
var packageJsons = stew.rename(new Funnel(modulesTree, {include: ['**/package.json']}), '.json',
packageJsons = renderLodashTemplate(
packageJsons, {files: ["**/**"], context: {'packageJson': COMMON_PACKAGE_JSON}});
var typescriptTree = new TypescriptCompiler(modulesTree, {
target: 'ES5',
sourceMap: true,
mapRoot: '', /* force sourcemaps to use relative path */
module: /*system.js*/ 'commonjs',
allowNonTsExtensions: false,
typescript: require('typescript'),
// declarationFiles: true,
noEmitOnError: true,
outDir: 'angular2'
// For now, we just overwrite the Traceur-compiled files with their Typescript equivalent
cjsTree = mergeTrees([cjsTree, typescriptTree], { overwrite: true });
cjsTree = mergeTrees([cjsTree, docs, packageJsons]);
return stew.mv(cjsTree, 'js/cjs');