本文整理汇总了TypeScript中async-file.exists函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript exists函数的具体用法?TypeScript exists怎么用?TypeScript exists使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: changeJuliaEnvironment
async function changeJuliaEnvironment() {
const optionsEnv: vscode.QuickPickOptions = {
placeHolder: 'Select environment'
let depotPaths = await packagepath.getPkgDepotPath();
let envFolders = [{ label: '(pick a folder)', description: '' }];
for (let depotPath of depotPaths) {
let envFolderForThisDepot = path.join(depotPath, 'environments');
let folderExists = await fs.exists(envFolderForThisDepot);
if (folderExists) {
let envirsForThisDepot = await fs.readdir(envFolderForThisDepot);
for (let envFolder of envirsForThisDepot) {
envFolders.push({ label: envFolder, description: path.join(envFolderForThisDepot, envFolder) });
let resultPackage = await vscode.window.showQuickPick(envFolders, optionsEnv);
if (resultPackage !== undefined) {
if (resultPackage.description == '') {
let resultFolder = await vscode.window.showOpenDialog({ canSelectFiles: false, canSelectFolders: true });
// Is this actually an environment?
if (resultFolder !== undefined) {
let envPathUri = resultFolder[0].toString();
let envPath = vscode.Uri.parse(envPathUri).fsPath;
let isThisAEnv = await fs.exists(path.join(envPath, 'Project.toml'));
if (isThisAEnv) {
else {
vscode.window.showErrorMessage('The selected path is not a julia environment.');
else {
示例2: poll
await poll(async () => await fs.exists(testAssetWorkspace.launchJsonPath), 10000, 100);
示例3: provideJuliaTasksForFolder
async function provideJuliaTasksForFolder(folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder): Promise<vscode.Task[]> {
let emptyTasks: vscode.Task[] = [];
if (folder.uri.scheme !== 'file') {
return emptyTasks;
let rootPath = folder.uri.fsPath;
try {
const result: vscode.Task[] = [];
let jlexepath = await juliaexepath.getJuliaExePath();
if (await fs.exists(path.join(rootPath, 'test', 'runtests.jl'))) {
let testTask = new vscode.Task({ type: 'julia', command: 'test' }, folder, `Run tests`, 'julia', new vscode.ProcessExecution(jlexepath, ['--color=yes', path.join(rootPath, 'test', 'runtests.jl')]), "");
testTask.group = vscode.TaskGroup.Test;
testTask.presentationOptions = { echo: false, focus: false, panel: vscode.TaskPanelKind.Dedicated, clear: true };
if (await fs.exists(path.join(rootPath, 'deps', 'build.jl'))) {
let splitted_path = rootPath.split(path.sep);
let package_name = splitted_path[splitted_path.length - 1];
let buildTask = new vscode.Task({ type: 'julia', command: 'build' }, folder, `Run build`, 'julia', new vscode.ProcessExecution(jlexepath, ['--color=yes', path.join(rootPath, 'deps', 'build.jl')]), "");
buildTask.group = vscode.TaskGroup.Build;
buildTask.presentationOptions = { echo: false, focus: false, panel: vscode.TaskPanelKind.Dedicated, clear: true };
if (await fs.exists(path.join(rootPath, 'benchmark', 'benchmarks.jl'))) {
let splitted_path = rootPath.split(path.sep);
let package_name = splitted_path[splitted_path.length - 1];
let benchmarkTask = new vscode.Task({ type: 'julia', command: 'benchmark' }, folder, `Run benchmark`, 'julia', new vscode.ProcessExecution(jlexepath, ['--color=yes', '-e', 'using PkgBenchmark; benchmarkpkg(Base.ARGS[1], promptsave=false, promptoverwrite=false)', package_name]), "");
benchmarkTask.presentationOptions = { echo: false, focus: false, panel: vscode.TaskPanelKind.Dedicated, clear: true };
if (await fs.exists(path.join(rootPath, 'docs', 'make.jl'))) {
let buildTask = new vscode.Task(
{ type: 'julia', command: 'docbuild' },
`Build documentation`,
new vscode.ProcessExecution(
'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); include(Base.ARGS[1])',
path.join(rootPath, 'docs', 'make.jl')
{cwd: path.join(rootPath, 'docs')}
buildTask.group = vscode.TaskGroup.Build;
buildTask.presentationOptions = { echo: false, focus: false, panel: vscode.TaskPanelKind.Dedicated, clear: true };
return Promise.resolve(result);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.resolve(emptyTasks);