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TypeScript database.AngularFireObject类代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中angularfire2/database.AngularFireObject的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript AngularFireObject类的具体用法?TypeScript AngularFireObject怎么用?TypeScript AngularFireObject使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getDiff

 getDiff(id: string): Observable<Array<Diff>> {
   const obj: AngularFireObject<Array<Diff>> = this.db.object('diffs/' + id);
   return obj.valueChanges();

示例2: onChange

 onChange(e: any, key: string) {
   this.page = this.db.object('/pages/' + key);
   if (e.checked) {
     this.page.update({published: true});
   } else {
     this.page.update({published: false});

示例3: ngOnInit

 ngOnInit() {
   this.theme.valueChanges().subscribe((item:any) => {
     if (item && item.siteName) {
       this.siteName = item.siteName;

示例4: saveTheme

  saveTheme(newSiteName: string) {
      siteName: newSiteName

    let snackBarRef = this.snackBar.open('Theme updated', 'OK!', {
      duration: 3000


    this.route.params.subscribe((params: Params) => {
        if (params && params.key) {
          this.editMode = true;
          this.productKey = params.key;

          if (this.router.url.includes('approval')) {
            this.currentProduct = this.db.object('/approvals/products/' + params.key);
            this.db.object('/approvals/products/' + params.key).valueChanges().take(1).subscribe((p:any) => {
              if (p.category) {
                this.ogCategory = p.category;
            this.db.object('/approvals/products/' + this.productKey).valueChanges().subscribe((approvalProduct:any) => {
              this.entityObject = approvalProduct;
          } else {
            this.currentProduct = this.db.object('/products/' + params.key);
            this.db.object('/products/' + params.key).valueChanges().take(1).subscribe((p:any) => {
              if (p.category) {
                this.ogCategory = p.category;

            // check to see if any approvals are awaiting on this product
            this.db.list('/approvals/products', ref => ref.orderByChild('entityKey').equalTo(params.key)).valueChanges()
              .subscribe((approval:any) => {
                if (approval.length > 0 && approval[0]) {
                  this.awaitingApproval = approval[0].key;

          this.currentProduct.valueChanges().subscribe((p:any) => {
            this.newTitle = p.title;
            this.newDescription = p.description;
            this.newPrice = p.price;
            this.newPublished = p.published;
            this.newCategory = p.category;
            this.newWeight = p.weight;

            if (p.thumbnail) {
              this.imageUrl = p.thumbnail;
              this.newThumbnail = p.thumbnail;
        } else {
          this.newTitle = null;
          this.newThumbnail = null;
          this.newDescription = null;
          this.newPrice = null;
          this.newCategory = null;
          this.newWeight = 0;
          this.newPublished = false;

示例6: addProduct

  addProduct(newTitle: string, newPrice: string, newCategory: any, newWeight: number, newDescription: string, newPublished: boolean) {
    if (!newPublished) {
      newPublished = false;

    if (newTitle && newPrice && newDescription && this.currentAdmin.uid) {

      let productObject = {
        url: this.globalService.slugify(newTitle),
        dateUpdated: Date.now().toString(),
        rdateUpdated: (Date.now() * -1).toString(),
        title: newTitle,
        thumbnail: this.newThumbnail ? this.newThumbnail : null,
        description: newDescription,
        price: newPrice,
        published: newPublished,
        updatedBy: this.currentAdmin.uid,
        weight: newWeight,
        category: newCategory ? newCategory : null,
        entityKey: this.editMode && this.productKey ? this.productKey : null

      // if (this.imageUrl && !this.newThumbnail) {
      //   this.deleteImageRef();
      // }

      if (this.editMode && this.productKey) {
        this.currentProduct = this.db.object('/products/' + this.productKey);
        this.updateCategory(this.ogCategory, this.newCategory, this.productKey);
      } else {
        this.products.push(productObject).then((item) => {
          if (this.newCategory) {
            this.db.object('/products/' + item.key + '/entityKey').set(item.key);
            this.db.object('/categories/' + this.newCategory + '/products/' + item.key).set(Date.now().toString());

      let snackBarRef = this.snackBar.open('Product saved', 'OK!', {
        duration: 3000

    this.validateFields(newTitle, newDescription, newPrice);


    this.route.params.subscribe((params: Params) => {
      if (params && params.key) {
        this.editMode = true;
        this.postKey = params.key;

        if (this.router.url.includes('approval')) {
          this.currentPost = this.db.object('/approvals/posts/' + params.key);
          this.db.object('/approvals/posts/' + this.postKey).valueChanges().subscribe((approvalPost:any) => {
            this.entityObject = approvalPost;
        } else {
          this.currentPost = this.db.object('/posts/' + params.key);

          // check to see if any approvals are awaiting on this post
          this.db.list('/approvals/posts', ref => ref.orderByChild('entityKey').equalTo(params.key)).snapshotChanges()
            .subscribe((approval:any) => {
              if (approval.length > 0 && approval[0]) {
                this.awaitingApproval = approval[0].key;

        this.currentPost.valueChanges().subscribe((p:any) => {
          this.newURL = p.url;
          this.newDate = p.date;
          this.newTitle = p.title;
          this.newBody = p.body;
          this.newPublished = p.published;

          if (p.thumbnail) {
            this.imageUrl = p.thumbnail;
            this.newThumbnail = p.thumbnail;
      } else {
        this.newURL = null;
        this.newDate = null;
        this.newTitle = null;
        this.newThumbnail = null;
        this.newBody = null;
        this.newPublished = false;

示例8: addPost

  addPost(newURL: string, newDate: string, newTitle: string, newBody: string, newPublished: boolean) {
    if (!newPublished) {
      newPublished = false;

    if (newURL && newDate && newTitle && newBody && this.currentAdmin.uid) {
      let date = new Date(newDate);
      let dateTime = date.getTime();

      let postObject = {
        url: newURL,
        dateUpdated: Date.now().toString(),
        rdateUpdated: (Date.now() * -1).toString(),
        date: dateTime,
        title: newTitle,
        thumbnail: this.newThumbnail ? this.newThumbnail : null,
        body: newBody,
        published: newPublished,
        updatedBy: this.currentAdmin.uid,
        entityKey: this.editMode && this.postKey ? this.postKey : null

      // if (this.imageUrl && !this.newThumbnail) {
      //   this.deleteImageRef();
      // }

      if (this.editMode && this.postKey) {
        this.currentPost = this.db.object('/posts/' + this.postKey);
      } else {
          this.posts.push(postObject).then((item) => {
            this.db.object('/posts/' + item.key + '/entityKey').set(item.key);

      let snackBarRef = this.snackBar.open('Post saved', 'OK!', {
        duration: 3000

    this.validateFields(newURL, newTitle, newBody, newDate);

示例9: getPostById

     * Get post by id
     * @param key 
    getPostById(key: string): Observable<any> {
        this.postRef = this.db.object(`posts/${key}`);
        this.post = this.postRef.valueChanges();

        return this.post;
