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TypeScript view_resolver.ViewResolver类代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中angular2/src/core/linker/view_resolver.ViewResolver的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript ViewResolver类的具体用法?TypeScript ViewResolver怎么用?TypeScript ViewResolver使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: describe

  describe('ViewResolver', () => {
    var resolver: ViewResolver;

    beforeEach(() => { resolver = new ViewResolver(); });

    it('should read out the View metadata from the Component metadata', () => {
      var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithTemplate);
      expect(viewMetadata).toEqual(new ViewMetadata({
        template: 'some template',
        directives: [SomeDir],
        pipes: [SomePipe],
        styles: ['some styles']

    it('should throw when Component has no View decorator and no template is set', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(ComponentWithoutView))
              'Component \'ComponentWithoutView\' must have either \'template\' or \'templateUrl\' set');

    it('should throw when simple class has no View decorator and no template is set', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(SimpleClass))
          .toThrowErrorWith('Could not compile \'SimpleClass\' because it is not a component.');

示例2: describe

  describe("ViewResolver", () => {
    var resolver: ViewResolver;

    beforeEach(() => { resolver = new ViewResolver(); });

    it('should read out the View metadata', () => {
      var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithView);
          .toEqual(new View({
            template: "some template",
            directives: [SomeDir],
            pipes: [SomePipe],
            styles: ["some styles"]

    it('should read out the View metadata from the Component metadata', () => {
      var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithTemplate);
          .toEqual(new ViewMetadata({
            template: "some template",
            directives: [SomeDir],
            pipes: [SomePipe],
            styles: ["some styles"]

    it('should read out the View metadata from a simple class', () => {
      var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ClassWithView);
      expect(viewMetadata).toEqual(new View({template: "some template"}));

    it('should throw when Component.template is specified together with the View metadata', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(ComponentWithViewTemplate))
              "Component 'ComponentWithViewTemplate' cannot have both 'template' and '@View' set at the same time");

    it('should throw when Component.template is specified together with the View metadata', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(ComponentWithViewTemplateUrl))
              "Component 'ComponentWithViewTemplateUrl' cannot have both 'templateUrl' and '@View' set at the same time");

    it('should throw when Component has no View decorator and no template is set', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(ComponentWithoutView))
              "Component 'ComponentWithoutView' must have either 'template', 'templateUrl', or '@View' set");

    it('should throw when simple class has no View decorator and no template is set', () => {
      expect(() => resolver.resolve(SimpleClass))
          .toThrowErrorWith("No View decorator found on component 'SimpleClass'");

示例3: it

 it('should read out the View metadata from the Component metadata', () => {
   var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithTemplate);
   expect(viewMetadata).toEqual(new ViewMetadata({
     template: 'some template',
     directives: [SomeDir],
     pipes: [SomePipe],
     styles: ['some styles']

示例4: it

 it('should read out the View metadata', () => {
   var viewMetadata = resolver.resolve(ComponentWithView);
       .toEqual(new View({
         template: "some template",
         directives: [SomeDir],
         pipes: [SomePipe],
         styles: ["some styles"]

示例5: expect

 expect(() => resolver.resolve(SimpleClass))
