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TypeScript DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中angular2/src/core/dom/dom_adapter.DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation方法的具体用法?TypeScript DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation怎么用?TypeScript DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在angular2/src/core/dom/dom_adapter.DOM的用法示例。


示例1: describe

  describe('ShadowCss', function() {

    function s(css: string, contentAttr: string, hostAttr: string = '') {
      var shadowCss = new ShadowCss();
      var shim = shadowCss.shimCssText(css, contentAttr, hostAttr);
      var nlRegexp = /\n/g;
      return normalizeCSS(StringWrapper.replaceAll(shim, nlRegexp, ''));

    it('should handle empty string', () => { expect(s('', 'a')).toEqual(''); });

    it('should add an attribute to every rule', () => {
      var css = 'one {color: red;}two {color: red;}';
      var expected = 'one[a] {color:red;}two[a] {color:red;}';
      expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);

    it('should handle invalid css', () => {
      var css = 'one {color: red;}garbage';
      var expected = 'one[a] {color:red;}';
      expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);

    it('should add an attribute to every selector', () => {
      var css = 'one, two {color: red;}';
      var expected = 'one[a], two[a] {color:red;}';
      expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);

    it('should handle media rules', () => {
      var css = '@media screen and (max-width:800px) {div {font-size:50px;}}';
      var expected = '@media screen and (max-width:800px) {div[a] {font-size:50px;}}';
      expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);

    it('should handle media rules with simple rules', () => {
      var css = '@media screen and (max-width: 800px) {div {font-size: 50px;}} div {}';
      var expected = '@media screen and (max-width:800px) {div[a] {font-size:50px;}}div[a] {}';
      expect(s(css, 'a')).toEqual(expected);

    // Check that the browser supports unprefixed CSS animation
    if (DOM.supportsUnprefixedCssAnimation()) {
      it('should handle keyframes rules', () => {
        var css = '@keyframes foo {0% {transform: translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
        var passRe =
            /@(-webkit-)*keyframes foo {\s*0% {\s*transform:translate\(-50%\) scaleX\(0\);\s*}\s*}/g;
        expect(RegExpWrapper.test(passRe, s(css, 'a'))).toEqual(true);

    if (browserDetection.isWebkit) {
      it('should handle -webkit-keyframes rules', () => {
        var css = '@-webkit-keyframes foo {0% {-webkit-transform: translate(-50%) scaleX(0);}}';
        var passRe =
            /@-webkit-keyframes foo {\s*0% {\s*(-webkit-)*transform:translate\(-50%\) scaleX\(0\);\s*}}/g;
        expect(RegExpWrapper.test(passRe, s(css, 'a'))).toEqual(true);

    it('should handle complicated selectors', () => {
      expect(s('one::before {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a]::before {}');
      expect(s('one two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] two[a] {}');
      expect(s('one > two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] > two[a] {}');
      expect(s('one + two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] + two[a] {}');
      expect(s('one ~ two {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[a] ~ two[a] {}');
      var res = s('.one.two > three {}', 'a');  // IE swap classes
      expect(res == '.one.two[a] > three[a] {}' || res == '.two.one[a] > three[a] {}')
      expect(s('one[attr="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr=value] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr^="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr^="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr$="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr$="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr*="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr*="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr|="value"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr|="value"][a] {}');
      expect(s('one[attr] {}', 'a')).toEqual('one[attr][a] {}');
      expect(s('[is="one"] {}', 'a')).toEqual('[is="one"][a] {}');

    it('should handle :host', () => {
      expect(s(':host {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host] {}');
      expect(s(':host(.x,.y) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, [a-host].y {}');
      expect(s(':host(.x,.y) > .z {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
          .toEqual('[a-host].x > .z, [a-host].y > .z {}');

    it('should handle :host-context', () => {
      expect(s(':host-context(.x) {}', 'a', 'a-host')).toEqual('[a-host].x, .x [a-host] {}');
      expect(s(':host-context(.x) > .y {}', 'a', 'a-host'))
          .toEqual('[a-host].x > .y, .x [a-host] > .y {}');

    it('should support polyfill-next-selector', () => {
      var css = s("polyfill-next-selector {content: 'x > y'} z {}", 'a');
      expect(css).toEqual('x[a] > y[a] {}');

      css = s('polyfill-next-selector {content: "x > y"} z {}', 'a');
      expect(css).toEqual('x[a] > y[a] {}');

