本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@turf/helpers.multiPolygon函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript multiPolygon函数的具体用法?TypeScript multiPolygon怎么用?TypeScript multiPolygon使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: getGeom
* Takes two {@link Polygon|polygon} or {@link MultiPolygon|multi-polygon} geometries and
* finds their polygonal intersection. If they don't intersect, returns null.
* @name intersect
* @param {Feature<Polygon | MultiPolygon>} poly1 the first polygon or multipolygon
* @param {Feature<Polygon | MultiPolygon>} poly2 the second polygon or multipolygon
* @param {Object} [options={}] Optional Parameters
* @param {Object} [options.properties={}] Translate GeoJSON Properties to Feature
* @returns {Feature|null} returns a feature representing the area they share (either a {@link Polygon} or
* {@link MultiPolygon}). If they do not share any area, returns `null`.
* @example
* var poly1 = turf.polygon([[
* [-122.801742, 45.48565],
* [-122.801742, 45.60491],
* [-122.584762, 45.60491],
* [-122.584762, 45.48565],
* [-122.801742, 45.48565]
* ]]);
* var poly2 = turf.polygon([[
* [-122.520217, 45.535693],
* [-122.64038, 45.553967],
* [-122.720031, 45.526554],
* [-122.669906, 45.507309],
* [-122.723464, 45.446643],
* [-122.532577, 45.408574],
* [-122.487258, 45.477466],
* [-122.520217, 45.535693]
* ]]);
* var intersection = turf.intersect(poly1, poly2);
* //addToMap
* var addToMap = [poly1, poly2, intersection];
export default function intersect<P = Properties>(
poly1: Feature<Polygon | MultiPolygon> | Polygon | MultiPolygon,
poly2: Feature<Polygon | MultiPolygon> | Polygon | MultiPolygon,
options: {
properties?: P,
} = {},
): Feature<Polygon | MultiPolygon, P> | null {
const geom1 = getGeom(poly1);
const geom2 = getGeom(poly2);
if (geom1.type === "Polygon" && geom2.type === "Polygon") {
const intersection: any = martinez.intersection(geom1.coordinates, geom2.coordinates);
if (intersection === null || intersection.length === 0) { return null; }
if (intersection.length === 1) {
const start = intersection[0][0][0];
const end = intersection[0][0][intersection[0][0].length - 1];
if (start[0] === end[0] && start[1] === end[1]) { return polygon(intersection[0], options.properties); }
return null;
return multiPolygon(intersection, options.properties);
} else if (geom1.type === "MultiPolygon") {
let resultCoords: any[] = [];
// iterate through the polygon and run intersect with each part, adding to the resultCoords.
for (const coords of geom1.coordinates) {
const subGeom = getGeom(polygon(coords));
const subIntersection = intersect(subGeom, geom2);
if (subIntersection) {
const subIntGeom = getGeom(subIntersection);
if (subIntGeom.type === "Polygon") { resultCoords.push(subIntGeom.coordinates);
} else if (subIntGeom.type === "MultiPolygon") { resultCoords = resultCoords.concat(subIntGeom.coordinates);
} else { throw new Error("intersection is invalid"); }
// Make a polygon with the result
if (resultCoords.length === 0) { return null; }
if (resultCoords.length === 1) { return polygon(resultCoords[0], options.properties);
} else { return multiPolygon(resultCoords, options.properties); }
} else if (geom2.type === "MultiPolygon") {
// geom1 is a polygon and geom2 a multiPolygon,
// put the multiPolygon first and fallback to the previous case.
return intersect(geom2, geom1);
} else {
// handle invalid geometry types
throw new Error("poly1 and poly2 must be either polygons or multiPolygons");
示例2: switch
* Converts (Multi)LineString(s) to Polygon(s).
* @name lineToPolygon
* @param {FeatureCollection|Feature<LineString|MultiLineString>} lines Features to convert
* @param {Object} [options={}] Optional parameters
* @param {Object} [options.properties={}] translates GeoJSON properties to Feature
* @param {boolean} [options.autoComplete=true] auto complete linestrings (matches first & last coordinates)
* @param {boolean} [options.orderCoords=true] sorts linestrings to place outer ring at the first position of the coordinates
* @returns {Feature<Polygon|MultiPolygon>} converted to Polygons
* @example
* var line = turf.lineString([[125, -30], [145, -30], [145, -20], [125, -20], [125, -30]]);
* var polygon = turf.lineToPolygon(line);
* //addToMap
* var addToMap = [polygon];
function lineToPolygon<G extends LineString|MultiLineString>(
lines: Feature<G> | FeatureCollection<G> | G,
options: {
properties?: Properties,
autoComplete?: boolean,
orderCoords?: boolean,
} = {}
) {
// Optional parameters
var properties = options.properties;
var autoComplete = options.autoComplete;
var orderCoords = options.orderCoords;
// default params
autoComplete = (autoComplete !== undefined) ? autoComplete : true;
orderCoords = (orderCoords !== undefined) ? orderCoords : true;
switch (lines.type) {
case 'FeatureCollection':
var coords = [];
lines.features.forEach(function (line) {
coords.push(getCoords(lineStringToPolygon(line, {}, autoComplete, orderCoords)));
return multiPolygon(coords, properties);
return lineStringToPolygon(lines, properties, autoComplete, orderCoords);
示例3: getGeom
* Takes a {@link Feature} and a bbox and clips the feature to the bbox using [lineclip](https://github.com/mapbox/lineclip).
* May result in degenerate edges when clipping Polygons.
* @name bboxClip
* @param {Feature<LineString|MultiLineString|Polygon|MultiPolygon>} feature feature to clip to the bbox
* @param {BBox} bbox extent in [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] order
* @returns {Feature<LineString|MultiLineString|Polygon|MultiPolygon>} clipped Feature
* @example
* var bbox = [0, 0, 10, 10];
* var poly = turf.polygon([[[2, 2], [8, 4], [12, 8], [3, 7], [2, 2]]]);
* var clipped = turf.bboxClip(poly, bbox);
* //addToMap
* var addToMap = [bbox, poly, clipped]
function bboxClip<G extends Polygon | MultiPolygon | LineString | MultiLineString, P = Properties>(
feature: Feature<G, P> | G,
bbox: BBox
) {
const geom = getGeom(feature);
const type = geom.type;
const properties = feature.type === 'Feature' ? feature.properties : {};
let coords: any[] = geom.coordinates;
switch (type) {
case 'LineString':
case 'MultiLineString':
const lines = [];
if (type === 'LineString') coords = [coords];
coords.forEach(function (line) {
lineclip.polyline(line, bbox, lines);
if (lines.length === 1) return lineString(lines[0], properties);
return multiLineString(lines, properties);
case 'Polygon':
return polygon(clipPolygon(coords, bbox), properties);
case 'MultiPolygon':
return multiPolygon(coords.map((polygon) => {
return clipPolygon(polygon, bbox);
}), properties);
throw new Error('geometry ' + type + ' not supported');
示例4: polygon
import {polygon, lineString, multiLineString, multiPolygon} from '@turf/helpers'
import * as rewind from './'
const coords = [[121, -29], [138, -29], [138, -18], [121, -18], [121, -29]]
const poly = polygon([coords])
const line = lineString(coords)
const multiPoly = multiPolygon([[coords], [coords]])
const multiLine = multiLineString([coords, coords])
rewind(poly, true)
rewind(poly, true, true)
示例5: point
// Standard Geometry
const pt = point([100, 0]);
const line = lineString([[100, 0], [50, 0]]);
const poly = polygon([[[100, 0], [50, 0], [0, 50], [100, 0]]]);
buffer(pt, 5);
buffer(line, 5);
buffer(poly, 5);
buffer(pt, 5, {units: 'miles'});
buffer(pt, 10, {units: 'meters', steps: 64});
// Multi Geometry
const multiPt = multiPoint([[100, 0], [0, 100]]);
const multiLine = multiLineString([[[100, 0], [50, 0]], [[100, 0], [50, 0]]]);
const multiPoly = multiPolygon([[[[100, 0], [50, 0], [0, 50], [100, 0]]], [[[100, 0], [50, 0], [0, 50], [100, 0]]]]);
buffer(multiPt, 5);
buffer(multiLine, 5);
buffer(multiPoly, 5);
// Collections
const fc = featureCollection<Point|LineString>([pt, line]);
const gc = geometryCollection([pt.geometry, line.geometry]);
buffer(fc, 5);
buffer(gc, 5);
// Mixed Collections
const fcMixed = featureCollection<any>([pt, line, multiPt, multiLine]);
const gcMixed = geometryCollection([pt.geometry, line.geometry, multiPt.geometry, multiLine.geometry]);
示例6: point
import {
point, lineString, polygon,
multiPoint, multiLineString, multiPolygon,
featureCollection, geometryCollection} from '@turf/helpers'
import * as meta from '../index'
const pt = point([0, 0])
const line = lineString([[0, 0], [1, 1]])
const poly = polygon([[[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]])
const multiPoly = multiPolygon([[[[0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]]])
const geomCollection = geometryCollection([pt.geometry, line.geometry])
const features = featureCollection([pt, line])
// coordEach
meta.coordEach(pt, coords => coords)
meta.coordEach(pt, (coords, index) => coords)
meta.coordEach(pt.geometry, coords => { const equal: number[] = coords })
meta.coordEach(line, coords => { const equal: number[] = coords })
meta.coordEach(poly, coords => { const equal: number[] = coords })
meta.coordEach(multiPoly, coords => { const equal: number[] = coords })
meta.coordEach(geomCollection, coords => coords)
// coordReduce
meta.coordReduce(pt, (previous, coords) => coords)
meta.coordReduce(pt, (previous, coords, index) => coords)
meta.coordReduce(pt, (previous, coords, index) => coords, 0)
meta.coordReduce(pt, (previous, coords) => { const equal: Array<number> = coords })
meta.coordReduce(geomCollection, (previous, coords) => coords)
interface CustomProps {
foo: string
示例7: lineString
import {lineString, multiLineString, polygon, multiPolygon} from '@turf/helpers'
import * as lineOverlap from './'
const line = lineString([[0, 0], [10, 10]]);
const multiLine = multiLineString([[[0, 0], [10, 10]], [[30, 30], [50, 50]]]);
const poly = polygon([[[0, 0], [10, 10], [15, 15], [0, 0]]]);
const multiPoly = multiPolygon([
[[[0, 0], [10, 10], [15, 15], [0, 0]]],
[[[5, 5], [30, 30], [45, 45], [5, 5]]]
lineOverlap(line, poly)
lineOverlap(line, line)
lineOverlap(multiPoly, line)
lineOverlap(multiPoly, multiLine)