本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@jupyterlab/coreutils.PathExt类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript PathExt类的具体用法?TypeScript PathExt怎么用?TypeScript PathExt使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: constructor
* Construct a new "rename" dialog.
constructor(oldPath: string) {
super({ node: Private.createRenameNode(oldPath) });
let ext = PathExt.extname(oldPath);
let value = (this.inputNode.value = PathExt.basename(oldPath));
this.inputNode.setSelectionRange(0, value.length - ext.length);
示例2: renameFile
}).then(result => {
if (!result.value) {
return null;
let basePath = PathExt.dirname(oldPath);
let newPath = PathExt.join(basePath, result.value);
return renameFile(manager, oldPath, newPath);
示例3: diffNotebookCheckpoint
function diffNotebookCheckpoint(args: {readonly path: string, readonly rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry}): Widget {
const {path, rendermime} = args;
let nb_dir = PathExt.dirname(path);
let name = PathExt.basename(path, '.ipynb');
let base = PathExt.join(nb_dir, name + '.ipynb');
let widget = new NbdimeWidget({base, rendermime, baseLabel: 'Checkpoint'});
widget.title.label = `Diff checkpoint: ${name}`;
widget.title.caption = `Local: latest checkpoint\nRemote: '${path}'`;
widget.title.iconClass = 'fa fa-clock-o jp-fa-tabIcon';
return widget;
示例4: showErrorMessage
}).then(result => {
if (!isValidFileName(result.value)) {
showErrorMessage('Rename Error', Error(
`"${result.value}" is not a valid name for a file. ` +
`Names must have nonzero length, ` +
`and cannot include "/", "\\", or ":"`
return null;
let basePath = PathExt.dirname(oldPath);
let newPath = PathExt.join(basePath, result.value);
return renameFile(manager, oldPath, newPath);
execute: () => {
let widget = tracker.currentWidget.content;
if (!widget) {
let code = '';
let editor = widget.editor;
let text = editor.model.value.text;
let path = widget.context.path;
let extension = PathExt.extname(path);
if (MarkdownCodeBlocks.isMarkdown(extension)) {
// For Markdown files, run only code blocks.
const blocks = MarkdownCodeBlocks.findMarkdownCodeBlocks(text);
for (let block of blocks) {
code += block.code;
} else {
code = text;
const activate = false;
if (code) {
return commands.execute('console:inject', { activate, code, path });
} else {
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
示例6: hasGitNotebook
* Whether the notebook is in a git repository.
function hasGitNotebook(): boolean {
if (!baseEnabled()) {
return false;
let path = tracker.currentWidget!.context.path;
let dir = PathExt.dirname(path);
let known_git = lut_known_git[dir];
if (known_git === undefined) {
const inGitPromise = isNbInGit({path: dir});
inGitPromise.then(inGit => {
lut_known_git[dir] = inGit;
// Only update if false, since it is left enabled while waiting
if (!inGit) {
inGitPromise.catch((reason) => {
hasAPI = reason.status !== undefined && reason.status !== 404;
setTimeout(() => {
networkRetry *= 2;
}, networkRetry);
// Leave button enabled while unsure
return true;
return known_git;
示例7: getMimeTypeByFilePath
* Returns a mime type for the given file path.
* #### Notes
* If a mime type cannot be found returns the default mime type `text/plain`, never `null`.
getMimeTypeByFilePath(path: string): string {
if (PathExt.extname(path) === '.ipy') {
return 'text/x-python';
let mode = Mode.findByFileName(path) || Mode.findBest('');
return mode.mime;
示例8: getMimeTypeByFilePath
* Returns a mime type for the given file path.
* #### Notes
* If a mime type cannot be found returns the defaul mime type `text/plain`, never `null`.
getMimeTypeByFilePath(path: string): string {
if (PathExt.extname(path) === '.ipy') {
return 'text/x-python';
const mode = CodeMirror.findModeByFileName(path);
return mode ? mode.mime : IEditorMimeTypeService.defaultMimeType;
示例9: diffNotebookGit
function diffNotebookGit(args: {readonly path: string, readonly rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry}): Widget {
const {path, rendermime} = args;
let name = PathExt.basename(path, '.ipynb');
let widget = new NbdimeWidget({base: path, rendermime});
widget.title.label = `Diff git: ${name}`;
widget.title.caption = `Local: git HEAD\nRemote: '${path}'`;
widget.title.iconClass = 'fa fa-git jp-fa-tabIcon';
return widget;
示例10: _evtDrop
* Handle the `'p-drop'` event for the widget.
private _evtDrop(event: IDragEvent): void {
if (event.proposedAction === 'none') {
event.dropAction = 'none';
if (!event.mimeData.hasData(CONTENTS_MIME)) {
event.dropAction = event.proposedAction;
let target = event.target as HTMLElement;
while (target && target.parentElement) {
if (target.classList.contains(DROP_TARGET_CLASS)) {
target = target.parentElement;
// Get the path based on the target node.
let index = ArrayExt.findFirstIndex(this._crumbs, node => node === target);
if (index === -1) {
const model = this._model;
const path = PathExt.resolve(model.path, BREAD_CRUMB_PATHS[index]);
const manager = model.manager;
// Move all of the items.
let promises: Promise<any>[] = [];
let oldPaths = event.mimeData.getData(CONTENTS_MIME) as string[];
for (let oldPath of oldPaths) {
let localOldPath = manager.services.contents.localPath(oldPath);
let name = PathExt.basename(localOldPath);
let newPath = PathExt.join(path, name);
promises.push(renameFile(manager, oldPath, newPath));
Promise.all(promises).catch(err => {
showErrorMessage('Move Error', err);