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TypeScript Task.resolve函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了TypeScript中@dojo/core/async/Task.resolve函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript resolve函数的具体用法?TypeScript resolve怎么用?TypeScript resolve使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: spy

	const request = spy((path: string) => {
		if (requester) {
			return requester(path);
		const data = requestData && requestData[path];
		return Task.resolve(data);

示例2: spy

	const request = spy((path: string, data: any) => {
		if (requestHandler) {
			return requestHandler(path, data);
		const result = requestData && requestData[path];
		return Task.resolve(result);

示例3: loadScript

	 * Load a script or scripts via script injection.
	 * @param script a path to a script
	loadScript(script: string | string[]) {
		if (script == null) {
			return Task.resolve();

		if (typeof script === 'string') {
			script = [script];

		return script.reduce((previous, script) => {
			if (script[0] !== '/') {
				script = `${this.config.basePath}${script}`;
			return previous.then(() => injectScript(script));
		}, Task.resolve());

示例4: constructor

	constructor(options: HttpChannelOptions) {
		this._sequence = 1;
		this._maxPostSize = options.maxPostSize || 100000;
		this._messageBuffer = [];
		this._lastRequest = Task.resolve();

示例5: loadScript

export function loadScript(script: string | string[]) {
	if (!Array.isArray(script)) {
		script = [script];

	script.forEach(script => {
		script = resolve(script);
		// Delete the module cache entry for the script to ensure it will be loaded and executed again.
		delete require.cache[script];

	return Task.resolve();

示例6: dispatch

	dispatch(context: Context, path: string): Task<DispatchResult> {
		// Reset, any further calls can't have come from start(). This is necessary since the navstart listeners
		// may call dispatch() themselves.
		let dispatchFromStart = this._dispatchFromStart;
		this._dispatchFromStart = false;

		let canceled = false;
		const cancel = () => {
			canceled = true;

		const deferrals: Promise<void>[] = [];

			defer () {
				const { cancel, promise, resume } = createDeferral();
				return { cancel, resume };
			target: this,
			type: 'navstart'

		// Synchronous cancelation.
		if (canceled) {
			return Task.resolve({ success: false });

		const { searchParams, segments, trailingSlash } = parsePath(path);
		return new Task<DispatchResult>((resolve, reject) => {
			// *Always* start dispatching in a future turn, even if there were no deferrals.
				() => {
					// The cancel() function used in the NavigationStartEvent is reused as the Task canceler.
					// Strictly speaking any navstart listener can cancel the dispatch asynchronously, as long as it
					// manages to do so before this turn.
					if (canceled) {
						return { success: false };

					let redirect: undefined | string;
					const dispatched = this._routes.some((route) => {
						const result = route.select(context, segments, trailingSlash, searchParams);

						if (typeof result === 'string') {
							redirect = result;
							return true;
						if (result.length === 0) {
							return false;

						// Update the selected routes after selecting new routes, but before invoking the handlers.
						// This means the original value is available to guard() and params() functions, and the
						// new value when the newly selected routes are executed.
						// Reset selected routes if not dispatched from start().
						this._currentSelection = dispatchFromStart ? result : [];

						for (const { handler, params } of result) {
							catchRejection(this, context, path, handler({ context, params }));

						return true;

					// Reset the selected routes if the dispatch was unsuccessful, or if a redirect was requested.
					if (!dispatched || redirect !== undefined) {
						this._currentSelection = [];

					if (!dispatched && this._fallback) {
						catchRejection(this, context, path, this._fallback({ context, params: {} }));
						return { success: false };

					const result: DispatchResult = { success: dispatched };
					if (redirect !== undefined) {
						result.redirect = redirect;
					return result;
				// When deferrals are canceled their corresponding promise is rejected. Ensure the task resolves
				// with `false` instead of being rejected too.
				() => {
					return { success: false };
			).then(resolve, (error) => {
				reportError(this, context, path, error);
		}, cancel);

示例7: registerSuite

registerSuite('lib/channels/Http', function() {
	const request = spy((path: string) => {
		if (requester) {
			return requester(path);
		const data = requestData && requestData[path];
		return Task.resolve(data);

	let requestData: { [name: string]: string };
	let removeMocks: () => void;
	let requester: ((path: string) => Task<void>) | undefined;

	return {
		before() {
			return mockRequire(require, 'src/lib/channels/Http', {
				'@dojo/core/request/providers/xhr': { default: request }
			}).then(handle => {
				removeMocks = handle.remove;
				Http = handle.module.default;

		after() {

		beforeEach() {
			requester = undefined;

		tests: {
			'#sendMessage'() {
				const http = new Http({ sessionId: 'foo', url: 'bar' });
				const requests: (() => void)[] = [];

				requester = () => {
					return new Task<void>(resolve => {

				http.sendMessage('remoteStatus', 'foo');
				http.sendMessage('remoteStatus', 'bar');
				const send3 = http.sendMessage('remoteStatus', 'baz');

				// Run first request check in a task resolve since first
				// sendData call waits for a Task resolution
				return Task.resolve()
					.then(() => {
						assert.lengthOf(requests, 1);
						return send3;
					.then(() => {
						assert.equal(request.callCount, 1);
						const messageStrings = JSON.parse(
						assert.lengthOf(messageStrings, 3);
						const messages = messageStrings.map(JSON.parse);
						assert.propertyVal(messages[0], 'data', 'foo');
						assert.propertyVal(messages[1], 'data', 'bar');
						assert.propertyVal(messages[2], 'data', 'baz');

示例8: do

const doFunctions = new WeakMap<AnyAction, DoFunction<any>>();

 * A weak map of `configure` methods
const configureFunctions = new WeakMap<AnyAction, (configuration: Object) => Promise<void> | void>();

 * A factory which creates instances of Action
const createAction: ActionFactory = compose<ActionMixin<any, DoOptions<any, TargettedEventObject<any>>>, ActionOptions<any, ActionState>>({
		do(this: AnyAction, options?: DoOptions<any, TargettedEventObject<any>>): Task<any> {
			const doFn = doFunctions.get(this);
			if (doFn && this.state.enabled) {
				const result = doFn.call(this, options);
				return isTask(result) ? result : Task.resolve(result);
			return Task.resolve();
		enable(this: AnyAction): void {
			if (!this.state.enabled) {
				this.setState({ enabled: true });
		disable(this: AnyAction): void {
			if (this.state.enabled) {
				this.setState({ enabled: false });
		configure(this: AnyAction, configuration: Object): Promise<void> | void {
			const configureFn = configureFunctions.get(this);

示例9: run

		run() {
			return Task.resolve();

示例10: resolve

							resolve({ json: () => Task.resolve(responses) });
